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How do you earn rewards?

How do you earn rewards?
You can earn rewards for completing preventive care. This is the best way to keep you and your family healthy. Everyone needs regular checkups and health screenings. They can give you peace of mind that you’re as healthy as you feel. They can also help your provider find any health problems early, when they’re easier to treat.
There is no extra cost for preventive care. Better yet, we reward you for taking steps toward health.
Earn gift cards
You can earn gift cards for each healthy step you complete. So it really does pay to check on your health.
Maternity Matters® program
$25 card for notice of pregnancy to health plan
$25 card for first prenatal (before birth) visit
$10 card for each additional prenatal visit (up to 10 more)
$50 card for postpartum (after birth) visit: $25 for first visit up to 21 days after birth and $25 for second visit 22 to 84 days after birth
$20 card for maternal dental visit: $10 for first dental visit during pregnancy and $10 for second dental visit during pregnancy
Diabetes care program
$15 card for a kidney disease screening
$50 card each month toward healthy food options
$15 card for a special eye exam related to diabetes
$15 card for A1C testing along with a food journal
Well-child exam
$25 card for a well-child exam for kids ages 3 to 20
Behavioral health follow-up visits
$20 card for each follow-up visit with a mental health practitioner within 7 days of an acute behavioral health hospital stay for members ages 6 and older
No need to sign up for rewards
Just let us know once you’ve completed the steps to get your reward. Call 1-844-365-4385 (TTY: 711).
Help with preventive care
Need help making an appointment? Just call us at ${member_services_phone}.
How to get your gift card
How to get your gift card
Once you’ve completed each healthy step, you’ll want to call us to ask for your gift card. We’ll check the claim your provider submits for the visit to confirm you completed the steps.
Just remember, you won’t be able to use gift cards for products that can cause health risks, like alcohol, nicotine products or firearms.