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What is an advance directive?

What is an advance directive?
It’s a legal document and set of directions you give about the medical and mental health care you want or don’t want. This is only if you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself.
It’s called an “advance directive” because you make these decisions before you need care. It can include your wishes about:
Going on life-support machines to extend life
Donating your organs after you pass away
Making an advance directive is your choice. Talking about your wishes for care and treatment with your family and friends now is a good idea because:
You can arrange for others to carry out your wishes by planning in advance
It helps you get the treatment you want if you can’t make or communicate health care choices
Give any advance directives to your primary care physician (PCP) and your care manager at Aetna Better Health® of Oklahoma. If you don’t have an advance directive, your health care providers will work with someone close to you to decide on your care.
You can change your mind and these documents anytime. We can also help you understand them. They don’t change your right to quality health care benefits. Their only purpose is to let others know what you want if you can’t speak for yourself.
You must sign an advance directive before two witnesses ages 18 or older. They can’t be:
Beneficiaries under your will
People who would inherit your property if you died without a will
Check the form for other rules about witnesses. These can vary state by state. An advance directive doesn't need a notary.
Living will (also known as an instruction directive)
Health care power of attorney
Advance instruction for mental health treatment
You can decide which documents you’d like to use.
A living will (PDF) is one type of advance directive. It’s a legal document that tells others whether you’d like a natural death if:
You get sick with a condition that has no cure, won’t get better and will result in your death in a short period of time
You’re unconscious and your doctor thinks it’s highly unlikely you’ll wake up
You have advanced dementia or a similar condition that results in a substantial cognitive loss (decline in memory and thinking skills) and it’s highly unlikely you’ll get better
You can tell your doctor not to use treatments that prolong life, like a:
Breathing machine (respirator or ventilator)
Feeding tube for food and water
Health care providers follow this document when your doctor and one other doctor agree that you meet one condition in the living will.
A health care power of attorney (PDF) is another type of advance directive. It’s a legal document that names one or more people as your health care agents. They make medical and mental health decisions for you when you can’t make or communicate health care choices. This is for as long as you choose.
You can always say what treatments you want and don’t want. Choose an adult you trust to be your health care agent. Talk about your wishes before you put them in writing. This person will have access to your medical info and records, as long as they are your health care agent, up to your death.
Health care providers follow this document when a doctor states in writing that you can’t make or communicate health care choices. If you don’t want a doctor to make this decision because of your moral or religious beliefs, the law provides a process for someone who isn’t a doctor to decide.
An advance instruction for mental health treatment (PDF) is another type of advance directive. It’s a legal document that tells health care providers what mental health treatments you want or don’t want if you can’t make or communicate health care choices.
You can also name a person to serve as guardian if guardianship becomes an issue. Your advance instruction for mental health treatment can:
Be a separate document
Combine with a health care power of attorney or general power of attorney
Health care providers follow this document when your doctor or psychologist says in writing that you can’t make or communicate health decisions.
Already have an advance directive?
We suggest you sign and date it. Keep a copy for yourself. And give a copy to your health care agent, as well as all your providers. Keep a copy handy and take it with you if you go to the hospital or emergency room.
Talk with your provider
Talk with your provider
You can talk with your provider if you need help or have questions. We’ll help you find a provider that will follow your advance directive. If they don’t follow it, you can file a grievance.