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Need help applying? Call the SoonerCare Helpline at 1-800-987-7767.
Get ready to apply

Get ready to apply
You’ll need about 30 minutes to apply. Before you start, you’ll want to have this info ready:
- You and your spouse's taxable income
- Social Security numbers and birth dates of people in your home
- Current or recent health insurance info
- Identity and citizenship info or alien registration info
- Income info including employer name, address and phone number, of all household members who have employment
- Amount of money you received from other types of income
- Expected date of delivery and number of babies of any pregnant household member
- Current health insurance info for all household members with health insurance: company name, policy or group number, type of coverage, effective date, policy holder’s name and ID.
You’ll have the chance to review your info. You can make changes before completing your application.
Questions about the types of info you may need for proof of your eligibility? See the sources of proof guide (PDF).
Choose a health plan
Choose a health plan
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority will enroll these groups in SoonerSelect:
- Pregnant women
- Children
- Parents and caretaker relatives
- Expansion adults
- Newborns (when the mother is eligible for Medicaid on the date of birth)
As a SoonerSelect member, you’ll be able to choose a health plan. If you don’t choose, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority will choose one for you.
Juvenile justice-involved children and those in foster care will enroll in the SoonerSelect Children’s Specialty Program.
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) members can opt in if they’d like to join a SoonerSelect plan. If an AI/AN member decides not to opt in, they will continue to receive the same SoonerCare coverage they already have.