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Your rights
- Receive information on the SoonerSelect program and Aetna Better Health.
- Be treated with respect and with due consideration for your dignity and privacy.
- Receive information on available treatment options and alternatives, in a way you understand.
- Participate in decisions regarding your health care, including the right to refuse treatment.
- Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation.
- Request and receive a copy of your medical records, and to request that they be amended or corrected.
- Obtain available and accessible health care services covered by Aetna Better Health.
- A candid discussion of appropriate or medically necessary treatment options for your conditions, regardless of cost or benefit coverage.
- Voice complaints or appeals about Aetna Better Health and the care provided.
- Make recommendations regarding Aetna Better Health rights and responsibilities policy.
- File a grievance and appeal.
Your responsibilities
- Check OHCA and Aetna Better Health information, correct inaccuracies and allow government agencies, employers and providers to release records to OHCA or Aetna Better Health.
- Notify OHCA or Aetna Better Health within 10 days if there are changes in income, the number of people living in the home, address or mailbox changes, or health insurance changes.
- Transfer, assign, and authorize to OHCA all claims you may have against health insurance, liability insurance companies or other third parties. This includes payments for medical services made by OHCA for any dependents.
- Respond to requests from the Oklahoma Human Services (OHS) Office of Child Support Services.
- Allow SoonerCare to collect payments from anyone who is required to pay for medical care.
- Share necessary medical information with any insurance company, person or entity who is responsible for paying the bill.
- Inspect any medical records to see if claims for services can be paid.
- Obtain permission for Oklahoma Human Services or OHCA to make payment or overpayment decisions.
- Keep your identification card and know your Social Security number to receive health care services or prescriptions.
- Confirm that any care received is covered.
- Understand how and when to request non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services.
- Cost sharing.
- Ensure all information provided to OHCA or Aetna Better Health is complete and true upon penalty of fraud or perjury.
- Follow plans and instructions for care that you have already agreed to with your practitioners.
- Understand your health problems and participate in developing mutually agreed-upon treatment goals, to the degree possible.
Call us
You can find out more about your rights and responsibilities by contacting Member Services. Just call ${member_services_phone}. We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.