Stay up to date with all the latest notifications from Aetna Better Health of Ohio, and more.
Provider notification – Tax form 1099 for 2024
Dear Valued MyCare Ohio Provider,
Please be advised you may receive two 1099 forms for 2024 from Aetna Better Health of Ohio. The 1099 from Change Health Care is for the date range between January 1st, 2024 to March 20th, 2024. The other 1099 form you may receive will be directly from ECHO Health, Inc. As always, do not hesitate to contact Aetna Better Health of Ohio with any questions or comments at 1-855-364-0974. Thank you for your valued partnership in caring for our Aetna Better Health Members.
Provider Notification - Transportation Vendor Change Effective 12/1/2024
Effective December 1, 2024, Aetna Better Health of Ohio MyCare plan will no longer members will no longer receive non emergent medical transportation from Medical Transportation Management. All non-emergent transportation for Aetna Better Health of Ohio MyCare plan members should be scheduled through new non-emergent medical transportation vendor Access2Care.
To schedule transportation on behalf of a member please contact Access2Care at 888-889-0094 or contact Aetna member services 866-600-2139 for assistance. As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio MyCare plan Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments.
Dear Valued MyCare Ohio Provider,
Effective 10/25/2024, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will require prior authorization for the CPT Code K0823, typically used in conjunction with Power wheelchair, group 2 standard, captain's chair, patient weight capacity up to and including 300 pounds. This change is intended to ensure the safety, medical necessity, and appropriateness of requested procedures. As always, do not hesitate to contact Aetna Better Health of Ohio with any questions or comments at 1-855-364-0974. Thank you for your valued partnership in caring for our Aetna Better Health Members.
Electronic Visit Verification Stakeholder Engagement
Ohio Department of Medicaid is pleased to announce an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on proposed changes to the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) program. EVV uses technology to document home health and personal care services provided in home and community settings.
This program is mandated through the federal 21st Century Cures Act, Public Law No. 114–255 (114th Congress). Ohio providers began using the EVV program in 2018. Throughout implementation and receiving stakeholder feedback, updates are being proposed to the program, operations and requirements identified in Ohio Administrative Code [Rule 5160-1-40 | Electronic visit verification (EVV)|].
Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to receiving your feedback on the proposed updates.
Register to participate:
To join us, please click on the following registration link
2024 Rate Updates
Aetna is in the process of implementing new updates for 2024. Aetna will implement rate changes within 25 calendar days of being notified or the effective date assigned by the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), whichever date is later. If necessary, Aetna will back date the effective date and reprocess any claims impacted due to a delay.
The current list of provider types expected to receive updated rates in 2024 are:
The list of Waiver Programs expected to receive updated rates in 2024 are:
If you have any questions about your adjudicated rate, please consult state rates website at If you have questions about a specific claim that may be impacted, you may reach out to the Claim Investigation and Claim Research team at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Experience Department
CPSE #114 (CONFIRMED): Aetna discovered it was paying non-participating laboratory claims without authorizations and will be recouping those inappropriately paid claims.
CPSE #115 (SUSPECTED): E&M code place of service descriptions were causing improper denial.
CPSE #116 (CONFIRMED): COB BOT denying SNF claims for no EOB when they are exceptions and should pay primary on Medicaid.
CPSE Prior Notice #112 and 113
1) CPSE #112 Radiology codes billed with facility place of service were scoring to an incorrect benefit that did not have facility place of service checked so fired edit 185 for invalid place of service.
2) CPSE #113 New Covid codes were missed in being added to a custom service group that would allow them to score to the correct benefit. As a result the codes were scoring to an ER benefit firing edit 214 (requires ER rev code) and 185 (invalid place of service)
We are making you aware that the new P.O. box, #982966, will be live and reflected electronically anywhere the P.O. box address is currently listed on April 3rd, 2023. Once the new P.O. Box is live, mail must be sent to the following address:
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
P.O. Box 982966
El Paso, TX 79998-2966
Mail will be forwarded from the old P.O. Box to the new P.O. Box for 12 months after 4/3/2023. To assist us in processing and paying claims efficiently, accurately, and timely, the health plan highly encourages practitioners and providers to submit claims electronically, when possible.
Unenrolled Providers with an Out of Network Contract
Please be advised that, except for waiver providers, Aetna may execute a temporary 120 calendar day network provider agreement pending the outcome of the ODM screening, enrollment, and revalidation process. If a provider is not enrolling with ODM because they are operating under an out-of-network contract, or when the provider applicant does not identify with a provider type that is available on the web application, Aetna must complete the form specified by ODM and submit the form to ODM for screening and enrollment. Click here to view the application.
CPSE Prior Notice #110 and #111
Starting July 2022, Aetna will give prior notice to providers by posting a description online when Aetna discovers a Claim Processing Systemic Error (CPSE). Our intent is to post notice as soon as possible following discovery.
There are two new CPSEs that will be appearing on the July 15^th^ report that Aetna would like to post notice of before the report.
#110 CONFIRMED CPSE - Edit 154 Benefit set up issue occurring 7/26 to 8/5 and the benefits were not completely corrected at the end of a previous project.
#111 In Oct 2021 Aetna updated their BH fee schedule to correspond with the state BH fee schedule in regards to E&M codes/rates. Prior to E&M codes were paying off the state DD file rates however a project was not ran to address underpaid claims upon completion of the updates.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments. 855-364-0974.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Starting July 2022, Aetna will give prior notice to providers by posting a description online when Aetna discovers a Claim Processing Systemic Error (CPSE). Our intent is to post notice as soon as possible following discovery.
There is a new CPSEs that will be appearing on the November 15th report that Aetna would like to post notice of before the report.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments. 855‐364‐0974.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Starting July 2022, Aetna will give prior notice to providers by posting a description online when Aetna discovers a Claim Processing Systemic Error (CPSE). Our intent is to post notice as soon as possible following discovery.
There is a new CPSEs that will be appearing on the September 15th report that Aetna would like to post notice of before the report.
Aetna discovered that a CMS update was incorrectly configured for codes 99202‐99215 billed with the FS modifier must be in place of services 19 or 22. The system began denying all Medicare claims that were not the aforementioned scenario.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments. 855‐364‐0974.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
OH Assistance Request on the Quality Management and Utilization Management Committees
Aetna’s Quality Management (QM)/Utilization Management (UM) Committee is a quarterly meeting with a primary purpose to advise and make recommendations to the Chief Medical Officer of the plan. The committee meets on matters pertaining to the quality of care and services provided to members including the oversight and maintenance of the Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) , UM, and Integrated Care Management programs along with the population health management strategy.
The committee’s responsibilities include:
• Review and evaluate data sets and other information, such as member demographics, costs, and performance indicator results along with recommended actions
• Review and approve studies, standards and clinical guidelines
• Review trends in quality and utilization management measures and outcomes
• Review and recommend revision, approval or denial of medical necessity criteria
• Review and evaluate the results of QAPI activities (such as HEDIS® results, reports, data sets, study results, member and provider satisfaction survey findings and general information related to programs, systems, and processes)
• Identify opportunities to improve the care and services provided to members, and recommend solutions to the chief medical officer
• Assist in developing action plans, review and approve action plans submitted to the committee from other sources and review action plan progress reports
• Review and approve the QAPI program description, work plan and annual evaluation
• Review trends of quality of care or service and member safety issues, make recommendations to the chief medical officer, and request follow-up by the Aetna Credentialing and Performance Committee (CPC), if appropriate
• Recommend and direct quality management activities, and policy and operations changes
• Review utilization issues requested by the chief medical officer
• Review, evaluate and recommend practitioner, provider and member educational activities and interventions
Aetna is seeking external providers to assist on the committee. Again, the committee meets by phone quarterly (more frequently as needed) for 90 minutes. Aetna will compensate outside providers $200 per attended meeting. If you’d like to participate in the committee, please contact Dr. David Chand at
Billing Guidance for Home Care Service
Dear Home Health Providers,
Effective August 1, 2022, Aetna is updating its claim system to align with the Ohio Administrative Code 5160-12-01 which allows for a combined total of eight hours per day of home health nursing, home health aide, and skilled therapies and a combined total of fourteen hours per week of home health nursing and home health aide service. Providers who submit claims which exceed these thresholds will not be reimbursed without prior authorization.
Additional home care services can be reviewed by the member’s care manager to determine if additional hours are medically necessary. Additional units to the standard Medicaid benefit, available only to a member enrolled in the Waiver program, are requested by member’s Care Manager as part of their care plan.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicated provider representative, or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Provider Experience
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Starting July 2022, Aetna will give prior notice to providers by posting a description online when Aetna discovers a Claim Processing Systemic Error (CPSE). Our intent is to post notice as soon as possible following discovery.
There are two new CPSEs that will be appearing on the July 15^th^ report that Aetna would like to post notice of before the report.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments. 855-364-0974.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Dear Providers,
Aetna has been made aware of high levels errors with claims requiring Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). While we do not anticipate this adversely impacting provider claim payments, we would like to remind providers that EVV is required for home health services for each service and date of service.
The following resources are available in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Medicaid and Sandata (the Ohio’s EVV vendor):
EVV Fact sheet for general information on what EVV is, what is required, and why the program exists.
There are multiple optional educational webinars available on the EVV web site which cover a variety of topics related to EVV.
The additional tools and help guides on the ODM website.
Monthly EVV Newsletters keep providers updated on EVV news.
Providers can take advantage of the virtual Q&A Office Hours sessions or a 1:1 Zoom session with a Sandata trainer by signing up here.
We recommend providers sign up for EVV communications that are sent out by ODM.
As a refresher, home nursing and home health providers are required to submit EVV to document time spent with members for claimed services. When submitting claims with multiple dates of service, each service and DOS must have completed EVV before submitting the claim. EVV must be completed through Sandata and can be done online, by phone, or through their mobile app. If you have any questions, you can also reach out to Provider Services at 855-364-0974.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Phone: 855-364-0974
Dear Valued Provider,
In a periodic review of our Prior Authorization code listing, we are adding the attached list of codes which will require prior authorization. If you have questions, contact your health plan representative.
Effective September 1, 2022, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will require prior authorization for the set of codes listed below for participating providers. This is part of a larger optimization initiative intended to ensure the safety, medical necessity, and appropriateness of request procedures.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments at 1-855-364-0974.
Thank you for your valued partnership in caring for our Aetna Better Health Members.
Provider Services and Chief Medical Officer
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Notification MMP/Duals Precertification Optimization
Dear Valued Provider,
In a periodic review of our Prior Authorization code listing, we are adding the attached list of codes which will require prior authorization. If you have questions, contact your health plan representative.
Effective 07/11/2022, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will require prior authorization for the set of codes listed below for participating providers. This is part of a larger optimization initiative intended to ensure the safety, medical necessity, and appropriateness of request procedures.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments. 855-364-0974.
Thank you for your valued partnership in caring for our Aetna Better Health Members.
Provider Services and Chief Medical Officer
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Dear Provider,
Effective June 1, 2022, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will no longer require prior authorization for the set of codes listed below. This is part of a larger optimization initiative intended to improve operational efficiency and reduce unnecessary provider administration activity.
As always, do not hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments.
Thank you for your valued partnership in caring for our Aetna Better Health Members.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Phone: 855-364-0974
Dear Home Health Providers,
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and Sandata Technologies is hosting 1 Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) webinar April 28 , 2022. The April webinar is titled “ODM Alternate EVV Update.” This webinar focuses on Alternate EVV vendors and agency providers using an Alt EVV solution.
Click on the registration link below to attend the live webinar. If you are unable to attend the live webinar and want to listen to the recording, you can click on the registration link after the event has ended.
Description: ODM Alternate EVV Update
Date/Time: Thursday, April 28th from 12:30pm – 2:00pm EST
Link to Register:
The EVV team’s goal is to provide valuable and useful information to providers during the webinars. Please do not hesitate to reach out to ODM and share which topics you are interested in learning more on for future webinars. Please send topic suggestions to
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Dear Home Health Providers,
Effective May 1, 2022, Aetna will begin denying claims with CPT code G0156 exceeding 14
hours (56 units) per week. Once the weekly maximum for G0156 is reached, additional units
should be submitted as CPT code T1019.
Requested by member’s Care Manager as part of their care plan. Waiver Home Care
Services are not requested by the PCP or specialist through the standard prior authorization
process. These are hours in addition to the standard Medicaid benefit, available only to a
member enrolled in the Waiver program.
Home Health Aide (CPT Code G0156) and Personal Care Services (CPT Code T1019) may be
submitted together for Waiver Program member needing more than 14 hours per week. If
approved, the first 14 hours (56 units) may be approved through the plan as Home Health
Aide hours (G0156) and additional hours approved as Personal Care Services (T1019) will be
covered through the Waiver Program.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicated provider
representative, or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Provider Experience
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Dear Providers,
Effective May 15, 2022, all claims utilizing bill type 21x for Nursing Facility services must report all room and board days on value code 80. Value code 80 days must match the number of days billed on the claim or the claim will be rejected. Ensuring that covered days and claimed days match will ensure timely claim processing.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicated provider representative, or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Dear Provider,
In approximately 60 days, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will enhance the existing claims editing program to improve the overall accuracy of claim processing. We wanted to share this information in advance, so you are prepared for the upcoming changes. In the past, modifiers (including but not limited to modifiers 25, 59, 79, and 24) have been used to override bundling edits inappropriately. Due to the prevalence of incorrect modifier usage, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) recommendations and implemented a prepayment review of modifiers using claim details and patient history for support of the modifier override. Registered nurses
with coding credentials will utilize nationally sourced guidelines documented within the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual, the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Coding with Modifiers manual, the CMS’s Correct Coding Initiatives (CCI) manual, and the CMS claims processing manuals to review information on the claim and in claim history.
CMS encourages contractors to reexamine their modifier 25 outreach activities and, where
applicable, incorporate modifier 25 reviews in their prepayment review strategies. As always, if you disagree with a payment decision, medical records can be submitted for further evaluation.
While these changes require a period of adjustment, Aetna Better Health of Ohio is committed to assisting you during this adjustment period. Please contact your Health Network Consultant for general inquiries regarding this program.
Provider Experience
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
COVID-19 Communications Update: Resuming Prior Authorization/Precertification for Long-Term Care, Inpatient Acute Rehabilitation, and Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) admissions
Effective February 28, 2022
Given the reduction in COVID-19 hospitalization rate and severity, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will resume precertification requirements for all Skilled Nursing Facility, Inpatient Acute Rehabilitation and Long-term Acute Care Hospital admissions on February 28, 2022.
This policy aligns Aetna Better Health’s facility initial admissions to the Medicare standards. For stays exceeding Medicare benefits, Medicaid policy will remain in place. The Ohio Department of Medicaid's Prior Authorization/Precertification policy can be found at
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio is enhancing its editing process from SNIP Level 2 to SNIP Level 4 process validation
What does SNIP Level Validation and Edits Mean
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio routinely applies HIPAA edits for professional (837P) and institutional (837I) to all claims submitted, electronically. Aetna Better Health® of Ohio is enhancing its editing process from SNIP Level 2 to SNIP Level 4 process validation and edits to further improve our ability to support the electronic claims intake process on the front-end and in turn, the downstream claims adjudication process, accuracy, and security.
SNIP Level Validation and Edits refers to the Strategic National Implementation Process (SNIP), specific to Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). SNIP includes seven guidelines for industry-standard levels of verification when it comes to electronic data compliance. SNIP validation ensures healthcare EDI files, such as the X12 HIPAA 837 file, are correctly formatted to adhere to the rules defined in the X12 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) EDI standards.
We are making you aware that this change will be effective February 14, 2022.
Benefits of Enhanced SNIP Level Validation and Edits
The benefits of enhanced SNIP level validation and edits is that it supports the review of provider claims submission with the initial electronic intake, to reduce intake errors, a reduction in the need for manual tasks, the streamlining of workflows, eliminating human error with data input, and speeding up the time in which a claim is then adjudicated, and payment made to a provider.
At a high level, information on SNIP Level 4 edits includes the following types of testing:
For more specific information on SNIP level editing, you can visit or request information from your specific EDI vendor.
If you have any questions about our claim submission process, please contact our Claims Inquiry/Claims Research (CICR) Department by calling 1‐855-364-0974.
Thank you,
Provider Relations
Aetna Better Health of Ohio®
Provider Notification 10/15/2021 - Billing Amount Threshold
Dear Provider,
As of 11/15/2021, claims billed with an amount greater than the threshold specified below will be denied. To prevent future denials, when billing a claim above the threshold, please submit a second claim with a billed amount that is different from the first claim.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicated provider representative, or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notification 10/18/2021 - Hospice Rate Update
Dear Hospice Provider,
Aetna recently discovered that the nursing facility rates that went into effect on July 1st inadvertently did not get updated into the Hospice per diem pricer. This resulted in claim payments being processed at the old rate. As of October 8th, Aetna's pricer has been updated to reflect these new rates. No actions is needed by you, the provider, as Aetna is in the process of having your affected claims reprocessed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicated provider representative or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notification 09/29/2021
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health has chosen Availity for our Provider Portal and has been live now for nine (9) months. We will be retiring the Medicaid Web Portal in the very near future. An advantage to using Availity now, is that you only have one user ID and password to work with Aetna Better Health (and other participating payers in your region). You will no longer need to log in to outdated portals or waste time in a phone queue as our Availity offers all the functionality you currently utilize and several greater, more time-saving features are on the horizon.
Since you already have an Availity account you can log in and start using all the Aetna Better Health tools and features that are available to you now.
You can also Check out the crosswalk here: . Note you must be logged into Availity to access the crosswalk using this link.
There are many free webinars that show you all the tips and tricks to finding your way around Availity, and two very important links are listed below. Availity is there to help you with all your technical needs as well. Just call 1-800-AVAILITY.
Availity log in:
Availity training:
Availity offers free on-demand and live training in the Availity Learning Center (ALC). Log in and select Help & Training > Get Trained to search the ALC catalog. TIP: For trainings applicable to Aetna Better Health use keyword search “ABHMC” in the ALC.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Alternate EVV Certification Process Changes
Dear Home Health Providers,
In response to stakeholder feedback, starting on Sept. 15, the Alternate (Alt) EVV Certification process in Ohio will change from requiring each vendor and provider to pass certification to only requiring new vendors to pass certification. With this change, when vendors successfully complete Alt EVV testing with Sandata and their demonstrations with ODM, providers have the option to skip the Sandata testing process and receive production credentials to start sending in visits to the Sandata Aggregator.
Beginning Sept. 15, the Alt EVV Certification process for agency providers whose vendors are already certified in Ohio will adopt the following steps:
Step 1) Provider makes request to start Alt EVV Cert process
Step 2) Provider takes Alt EVV Training on the Sandata Aggregator and provides training certificate
Step 3) Sandata issues Production Credentials to the provider
Step 4) Provider confirms live data is in the Sandata Aggregator
Below are key things to know with this change:
Providers using an Alt EVV vendor who haven’t completed Sandata testing, or their ODM demonstration requirement, should follow the steps below:
Step 1) Provider makes request to start Alt EVV Cert process*
Step 2) Provider retrieves Alt EVV system information and shares with vendor*
Step 3) Vendor reviews all documents*
Step 4) Provider takes Alt EVV Training on the Sandata Aggregator and provides certificate*
Step 5) Sandata provides testing creds to provider and vendor*
Step 6) Vendor works with Sandata to conduct testing*
Step 7) Sandata issues Production Credentials to provider once the testing checklist passes validation and the ODM demonstration requirement has been met by vendor
Step 8) Provider confirms live data is in the Sandata Aggregator
*Required Step: Vendor has successfully completed a demonstration of their Alt EVV system with the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
Additional details will be shared on the ODM website, Alt EVV webpage closer to Sept. 15. Providers or vendors may still reach out to the with any questions regarding Alt EVV, or to work through the certification process.
Ohio Medicaid’s September EVV Webinars will cover the new Alt EVV Certification Process. Participants can ask questions and gain a better understanding of the change. To register for one of the September EVV Webinars, click on the date/time that best works for you:
Description |
Date/Time |
Link to Register |
Alternate EVV Certification Process Change |
Tuesday, September 7th from 1:30pm – 3:00pm EST |
Alternate EVV Certification Process Change |
Thursday, September 16th from 1:30pm – 3:00pm EST |
Alternate EVV Certification Process Change |
Thursday, September 23rd from 9:30am – 11:00am EST |
The EVV team’s goal is to provide valuable and useful information to providers during the webinars. Please do not hesitate to reach out to ODM and share which topics you are interested in learning more on for future webinars. Please send topic suggestions to
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notice 8/13/2021 - Billing Instructions for Hemophilia Claims Effective September 1, 2021
When billing for units of service on the same date of service for the same HCPCS code, Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE) play a role in proper billing and coding. The number of units of service reported on the same date of service for the same HCPCs code cannot have a claim line quantity that exceeds the MUE value for the HCPCs code or that exceeds 9,999 units per claim line.
To prevent claim denials refer to the website (listed below) to verify the MUE for each HCPC code that is being billed. The units to bill per claim line can be determined by dividing the total number of units of service by the MUE value. However, if the amount is greater than 9,999 then additional limitations will apply. See examples.
Billing Instructions when MUE is Less than 9,999 units Per Line
In the example below, the HCPCs code J7193 has a MUE value of 4,000 units per line. This is the maximum number of units which can be billed per claim line (Image of how J7193 appears on the MUE spreadsheet)
If more than one line needs to be billed on the claim, a repeat service modifier (-76) must be appended to the second and subsequent lines.
Using the HCPCS code J7193 from above, the MUE is 4,000 units per line. If 12,500 Ius were administered to a member on the same date of service, then the total number of units of service would be translated to 12,500 (based on the long descriptor, HCPCS code J7193 is per IU). The minimum number of claim lines to report this amount would be calculated as 4 lines (12,500 / 4,000 = 3.125 3.125, requiring 4 lines as shown below)
Please follow this guidance to prevent future claim denials. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicate provider representative or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Dear Home Health Providers,
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and Sandata Technologies are hosting 3 Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) webinars in August.
The webinars focus on EVV data entry. The intended audience are agency providers, non-agency providers, and direct care workers that utilize Sandata EVV visit capture solution. The Webinars are not intended to discuss data entry for agency providers that utilize an alternate system – please contact the alternate vendor for details on their data entry.
Please use the links below to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. If you are unable to attend a live webinar, a recording and webinar slides will be posted to the Webinar tab on the ODM website after the last scheduled webinar.
Description |
Date/Time |
Link to Register |
Sandata EVV Data Entry Review |
Tuesday, August 17th from 11:30am – 1:00pm EDT |
Sandata EVV Data Entry Review |
Thursday, August 26th from 9:30am – 11:00am EDT |
Sandata EVV Data Entry Review |
Tuesday, August 31st from 1:30pm – 3:00pm EDT |
The EVV team’s goal is to provide valuable and useful information to providers during the webinars. Please do not hesitate to reach out to ODM and share which topics you are interested in learning more on for future webinars. Please send topic suggestions to
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Dear Provider,
If you are currently billing one or more of the following CPT codes, you are currently rendering services that are included in the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Program:
Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) continues to offer providers the opportunity for more personalized Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system training and an EVV account review. This is a great opportunity for providers to work one-on-one with a Sandata EVV representative to review how to use EVV or how to improve on issues related to EVV claims matching. Providers who have completed a one on one session have voiced they feel more confident in maintaining their visits. If you would like to work with an EVV Sandata representative in a one-on-one call, please visit the calendar of available dates and times to sign up.
If you click on the link and there are no available sessions, please check back again soon. We are continuously opening more sessions. Google Chrome is the preferred browser when accessing the calendar.
Additional Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) information can be found on ODM’s website.
Provider Notification 07/07/2021 – Nursing Facility and Hospice Rates
Dear Nursing Facility and Hospice Providers,
Please accept this letter as notification that the July 1, 2021 nursing facility and hospice rates have been delayed by the Ohio Department of Medicaid. No actions are required on your end. Currently there is no ETA for the release of the new rates, so Aetna will continue to pay claims at the current rate. Once the new rates have been released, Aetna will reprocess all claims to pay at the new rate. Thank you for your patience during this delay.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicated provider representative or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notification 3/18/2021 – Behavioral Health Claims Requiring Modifiers
Dear Behavioral Health Provider,
Effective Immediately, modifiers are required for specific codes when two separate claims are being sent by the same billing provider for BH services provided on the same day, with the same CPT for the same Member. Ohio Department of Medicaid’s Behavioral Health Manual provide these guidelines on page 26, which you can find by clicking here. This applies to the following codes: H0001, H0004, H0005, H0006, H0010, H0011, H0012, H0014, H0015, H0036, H0038, H0040, H0048, H2012, H2015, H2017, H2019, H2020, H2034, H2036.
Example 1: Provider A bills for CPT H2019 for Patient Z on 3/17/2021 from Billing Provider 1234. If Provider B from Billing Provider 1234 submits another claim for Patient Z on 3/17/2021 for CPT H2019, that claim should append the XE, XS, or XP modifier in order for the claim to not deny as a duplicate.
Example 2: Provider A bills for CPT H2019 for Patient Z on 3/17/2021 from Billing Provider 1234. If Provider A from Billing Provider 1234 submits another claim for Patient Z in another place of service on 3/17/2021 for CPT H2019, that claim should append the XE, XS, or XP modifier in order for the claim to not deny as a duplicate.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicate provider representative or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Dear Home Health Providers,
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and Sandata Technologies are hosting 3 Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) webinars in August.
The webinars focus on EVV data entry. The intended audience are agency providers, non-agency providers, and direct care workers that utilize Sandata EVV visit capture solution. The Webinars are not intended to discuss data entry for agency providers that utilize an alternate system – please contact the alternate vendor for details on their data entry.
Please use the links below to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. If you are unable to attend a live webinar, a recording and webinar slides will be posted to the Webinar tab on the ODM website after the last scheduled webinar.
Description | Date/Time | Link to Register |
Sandata EVV Data Entry Review | Tuesday, August 17^th^ from 11:30am – 1:00pm EDT | Register |
Sandata EVV Data Entry Review | Thursday, August 26^th^ from 9:30am – 11:00am EDT | Register |
Sandata EVV Data Entry Review | Tuesday, August 31^st^ from 1:30pm – 3:00pm EDT | Register |
The EVV team’s goal is to provide valuable and useful information to providers during the webinars. Please do not hesitate to reach out to ODM and share which topics you are interested in learning more on for future webinars. Please send topic suggestions to
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health^®^ of Ohio
Provider Notification 03/16/2021 – Upgrades to the Provider Portal
We are pleased to announce the availability of our new and improved solution for verifying member information and submitting claims to Aetna Better Health. Within the next two months, ConnectCenter will replace Emdeon Office, giving you a more reliable, more complete way to submit claims, all at no cost to you. Get additional information here.
Provider Notification 02/01/2021 - Updates to Evaluation & Management (E&M) Code Billing
Dear Provider,
Please see the attached letter for updates to the Evaluation and Mangement (E&M) code billing found here.
Thank you
Provider Experience
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notification – OPHBH Adding 99417 and G2212, billing practices
Dear Provider,
Aetna has been given guidance by Ohio Department of Medicaid on the addition of 99417 and G2212. Aetna will have these codes updated per ODM guidelines by 2/1/2021.
Guidelines for providers can be found here.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Pharmacists as Providers Memo- 1/21/2020
Dear Pharmacist Provider-
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has been working diligently to implement the states new requirement that allows for Pharmacist to bill as Providers. While we continue to ensure that our system has been appropriately aligned to service provider type 69, we have created a work-around process that allows for these claims to get appropriately adjudicated. If you experience difficulty with billing these claims, please reach out to your Provider Liaison or our Provider Services Department at 1-855-826-3809. For more information provided by Ohio Department of Medicaid, please click here.
Thank you,
Provider Services
COVID-19 Communication Update (Effective February 1st, 2021): Changes in Prior Authorization, Pre-Certification and Admissions Protocol
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank You
7400 West Campus Rd New Albany, Ohio 43054 |
Date: |
January 12th, 2021 |
Purpose: |
Alert providers on upcoming claim denials due to discrepancy with the NPI and/or Medicaid ID used to bill claims |
Subject: |
Ohio Department of Medicaid’s requirement to enroll with ODM |
Products: |
Medicaid and Medicare |
From: |
Provider Relations |
The Ohio Department of Medicaid requires all providers who are currently contracted or wish to be contracted with a Managed Care Plan, to be enrolled with the Ohio Department of Medicaid. This includes any individual provider or group provider who bills or renders services.
Effective February 1st, 2021, in order to continue to receive claim payments, you must have an active Medicaid ID and your NPI must be registered with ODM. This requirement includes atypical provider types that previously did not require an NPI. The atypical NPI (9999999995) will no longer be accepted after 02/01/2021. If you currently have an active NPI, please ensure it is registered with ODM and appears on your Medicaid provider record. If you do not currently have an NPI, please use the link provided below under “How to Verify your Information” to register.
Please review the provider information associated with your NPI in the NPPES registry, along with your Ohio Medicaid provider record and make any necessary corrections.
How to Verify your Information:
Access to the NPPES registry is available online: Enter your NPI number and click “search.”
Please visit the Ohio Department of Medicaid’s website for information on how to view and update your provider profile:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via phone at 1-855-364-0974
Thank you,
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Relations Department
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is intended only for the user of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient of the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify the sender at the phone number above.
COVID-19 Communication Update December 2nd, 2020: Changes in Prior Authorization, Pre-Certification and Admissions Protocol
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank You
Provider Notification 12/15/2020 – Rendering Providers with Multiple Specialties
Dear Behavioral Health Provider,
Aetna has recently discovered a configuration issue effecting behavioral health providers with multiple specialties. Claims which were received with a rendering provider's secondary specialty were being denied in error or paying zero dollars. Effected providers would have received a claims remit denial stating, "This provider type/provider specialty may not bill this service". If you are affected by this issue no action is needed.
Aetna has put a temporary process in place to stop new day claims from being processed incorrectly. Once Aetna’s claims system has been updated a retro claims query will be ran and a claims project will be submitted.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your dedicate provider representative or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notification 12/04/2020 - CMS Takes Action to Protect Integrity of COVID-19 Testing
Dear Provider,
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking every action to ensure that U.S. laboratories are fit to deliver reliable, accurate and timely patient results regarding COVID-19. Since August 12, 2020, CMS has issued 171 cease and desist letters to laboratories across the country that lack the appropriate certifications for COVID-19 testing. A recent record check completed by CMS revealed that the facilities did not hold the proper Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) certifications. Of these 171 letters issued, thirty-four percent went to facilities conducting laboratory testing without a CLIA certificate and sixty-six percent went to laboratories that were performing COVID-19 testing outside the scope of their existing CLIA certification. Having the appropriate CLIA certification is imperative as it verifies that laboratories meet federal performance, quality, and safety standards to properly diagnose, prevent and treat diseases. The letters ordered the laboratories to stop immediately to safeguard the integrity of COVID-19 testing and to protect patients from potential endangerment if provided inaccurate or unreliable test results.
Any facility that conducts COVID-19 testing is considered a “laboratory” and must therefore be certified under CLIA. CMS implemented an expedited review process at the onset of the public health emergency and has more recently released a quick-start guide, which helps laboratories with the application process. To prevent false results that could adversely alter diagnosis, treatment and contribute to the further spread of COVID-19, it is imperative that facilities apply for CLIA certification and operate within the scope of that certification.
Following receipt of the letters, laboratories are required to provide CMS an attestation certifying they have ceased testing. The letters provide non-certified laboratories with information on how to become CLIA certified and encourages certified laboratories to obtain the proper CLIA certification to resume testing. CMS has taken this action to promote compliance with CLIA and to keep patients safe.
Provider Notification Update Effective December 2nd, 2020 - COVID-19 Update: Prior Authorization, Pre-Certification and Admissions Protocol
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank You
Provider Notice 11/17/2020 – Patient Liability
Dear Provider,
Aetna has recently identified where certain waiver providers had patient liability incorrectly applied on claims submitted on or after 9/11/2020.
If you have identified this type of incorrectly processed payment, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 11/17/2020 – CS Modifier
Dear Provider,
Aetna has recently identified where certain E&M and lab codes denied in error when billed with the CS modifier. This affected provider types 01 (Outpatient Hospital), 80 (Independent Laboratory), and 21 (Professional Medical Group). Denial read “INVALID COMBINATION OF HCPCS MODIFIERS.”
If you have identified this type of incorrectly processed payment, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notification Update Effective November 12th, 2020 - COVID-19 Update: Prior Authorization, Pre-Certification and Admissions Protocol
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank You
Aetna Better Health of Ohio's Online Prior Authorization Search Tool (ProPAT) Applicable to Aetna Better Health of Ohio, a MyCare Ohio Plan
ABH of Ohio is happy to announce that our Online Prior Authorization Search Tool (ProPAT) - which gives you the ability to look up codes to determine if they require Prior Authorization - is now available on our website with no log-in required.
Online Prior Authorization Search Tool
ABH of Ohio requires prior authorizations for select acute outpatient services and planned hospital admissions. Prior authorizations are not required for emergency services. To request a prior authorization, be sure to:
To check on the status of an authorization, please visit our Secure Web Portal.
For more information about prior authorization, please review ABH of Ohio's Provider Manual located under the Manual tab on our website.
You can fax your authorization request to 1-855-734-9389.
Important to Note: When checking whether a service requires an authorization under ABH of Ohio's Online Prior Authorization Search Tool, please keep in mind that a listed service does not guarantee that the service is covered under the plan's benefits. Always check plan benefits first to determine whether the service is covered or not. As always, don't hesitate to contact your ABH of Ohio Network Management Representative with any questions or comments. You can find this notice and all other provider notices on our For Providers tab on our ABH of Ohio website under News & Notices.
Thank you for all you do!
State of Emergency Provider Guide Statement on Telehealth Ohio Medicaid Managed Care Plans (MCPs) and MyCare (MMPs) Coverage Expansion Overview
In order to ensure that all Ohio Medicaid members have needed access to care, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and Medicaid Managed Care Plans (MCPs) are increasing the scope and scale of reimbursement for telehealth services for Medicaid recipients during the duration of the COVID-19 emergency. These coverage expansions will benefit not only members who have contracted or been exposed to the novel coronavirus, but also those members who need to seek care unrelated to COVID-19 and wish to reduce their exposure in public settings. Through collaboration with providers and ODM, the short-term goal of the MCPs is to expand access to critical patient care through the time of emergency, with the overarching goal of creating a future state centered on sustainability and person-centered quality metrics.
This document serves as a simplified reference guide for Medicaid providers on the policies adopted by all MCPs centered on increasing access to evidence-based practices during the COVID-19 emergency. For specific details on reimbursement methods, filing claims and determining legal aspects of delivery of telehealth services, please refer to the ODM and individual MCP websites-links to the websites are included on the last page of this document.
Providers should follow state and federal guidelines regarding performance of telehealth services including permitted modalities.
This guideline is solely for explaining correct procedure reporting and does not imply coverage and reimbursement. MCPs will use industry standard coding edits to all medical claims through coding logic software to evaluate the accuracy and adherence to accepted national standards.
Overarching Concepts
■ Any clinically appropriate service that can be delivered virtually will be eligible for telehealth coverage.
■ In accordance with state and federal guidelines, telehealth services may be delivered by providers with any connection technology to ensure patient access to care through permitted modalities.
■ Continuation of zero member liability (copays, cost sharing, etc.) for care delivered via telehealth in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
■ Providers who have delivered care via telehealth should reflect it on their claim form by following standard telehealth billing protocols described by ODM.
■ Telehealth services apply to all individuals with Medicaid regardless of their status as a new or existing patient.
Telemedicine and telehealth are the direct delivery of services where the physician or other healthcare professional and the patient are NOT at the same location. These services are delivered using electronic communications, information technology or using other communication devices.
■ Telehealth-An umbrella term for remote health care that may include health care education and administration as well as real-time clinical services.
■ Telemedicine-The direct delivery of services to a patient via synchronous, interactive, real-time electronic communication that comprises both audio and video elements. ■ Online visits-A real-time (synchronous), two-way communication that is initiated by the patient to virtually connect a physician or other health care provider for low complexity health care services.
■ Synchronous Telehealth-Real-time, interactive videoconferencing.
■ Asynchronous Telehealth-Activities that do not have both audio and video elements in the definition of interactive videoconferencing (telehealth); telephone calls, images transmitted through fax and electronic mail.
■ Asynchronous store and forward technologies-The transfer of a patient's medical information, through the use of a camera or recording device that is sent via telecommunication to another site for consultation.
■ Place of Service Codes (POS)-Codes that specifically indicate where a service or procedure was performed.
■ Telemedicine vendor-The participating telehealth vendor with a health plan that renders the telemedicine services. Health plans may use one vendor, multiple vendors or align with provider based vendors.
Prior-authorization for telehealth service delivery is not required. Prior-authorization applies to the underlying service and not the use of telehealth as a mode of delivery. Providers who are not part of an MCP's participating network should check on prior-authorization requirements for services. (See health plan links and conditions of coverage below.)
Telemedicine services are reimbursed according to Ohio Medicaid guidelines and using appropriate CPT and/or HCPCS and modifier codes. Please consult individual MCP reimbursement policies and ODM policies (links on the last page of this document.)
■ No place of service restrictions-allow any POS, including 99 (keep restriction on POS 09)(see For behavioral health agencies below).
■ No initial face-to-face visit is necessary to initiate services through telehealth. Where applicable, the requirement that an initial visit must be face to face is suspended.
■ Prior to providing services to a patient using telehealth, the provider should describe to the patient the potential risks associated with receiving treatment services via telehealth. The risks to be communicated to the patient should, at a minimum, include clinical aspects, security considerations and confidentiality of information when receiving services via telehealth.
■ Telemedicine providers are required to be licensed in the state where they are located and the state where the member is located. Providers can only bill for services within their scope of license.
■ The practitioner site should have access to the medical records of the patient at the time of service to the greatest extent possible and is responsible for maintaining documentation. If the medical record is not available, the practitioner site should create appropriate documentation and to the greatest extent possible, maintain existing documentation requirements.
■ MCP par and non-par providers can provide Telehealth services, but the provider must be participating with Ohio Medicaid.
■ If the practitioner site does not bill the MCP directly (i.e., holds a contractual agreement with the practice), the patient site or practice who holds the contractual agreement may instead bill for the service delivered using telehealth.
■ In such cases, the MCP's recommend the place of service (POS) code reported on the professional claim should reflect the location of the billing provider.
Note: Although telemedicine/telehealth service delivery does not require a prior authorization, the MCP may request documentation to support medical necessity. Appropriate and complete documentation must be presented at the time of review to validate medical necessity.
Where can Telehealth be provided?
Patient site-the patient site is wherever the patient is located. There is no limitation on the patient site except for penal facilities or public institutions such as jail or prison.
Practitioner site-the physical location of the treating practitioner at the time a health care service is provided through the use of telehealth. There is no limitation on the practitioner site, except for penal facilities or public institutions such as jail or prison.
For behavioral health agencies certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS), allowable places of service are included in the BH provider billing manual.
Eligible Providers
■ A professional medical group.
■ A professional dental group.
■ A federally qualified health center (FQHC) or rural health clinic (RHC) as defined in Chapter 5160-28 of the Administrative Code.
■ Ambulatory health care clinics (AHCC) as described in Chapter 5160-13 of the Administrative Code.
■ Outpatient hospitals.
■ Medicaid school program (MSP) providers as defined in Chapter 5160-35 of the Administrative Code.
■ Private duty nurses.
■ Home health and hospice agencies.
Behavioral health providers as defined in paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(2) of rule 5160-27-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code. Any practitioner listed as a rendering above, except for the following dependent practitioners:
■ Supervised practitioners and supervised trainees as defined in rule 5160-8-05 of the Administrative Code.
■ Occupational therapist assistant as defined in section 4755.04 of the Revised Code.
■ Physical therapist assistant as defined in section 4755.40 of the Revised Code.
■ Speech-language pathology aides and audiology aides as defined in section 4753.072 of the Revised Code.
■ An individual holding a conditional license as defined in section 4753.071 of the Revised Code.
■ Therapist who provide services on behalf of a Medicaid School Program (MSP) Provider. For the purpose of the Medicaid School Program, the school is the provider of record, who is responsible for billing Medicaid.
■ Licensed health professionals, such as respiratory therapists and athletic trainers, who are not enrolled as Ohio Medicaid providers but are employed or under contract with an enrolled provider to deliver critical support services.
■ Home health and hospice aide.
■ Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in the home health or hospice settings.
Conditions of Coverage Reimbursement is dependent on, but not limited to, submitting CMS approved HCPCS and CPT codes along with appropriate modifiers. Please refer to the appropriate Ohio Medicaid fee schedules.
■ Ohio Administrative Code » 5160 Medicaid » Chapter 5160-1 General Provisions- 5160-1-18 Telehealth accessed on July 24, 2020.
■ Ohio Department of Medicaid COVID-19 Emergency Telehealth Rules Summary of Updated Guidance accessed on July 24, 2020.
■ Ohio Department of Medicaid Provider's Fee Schedule.
Managed Care Plan Links
■ Aetna
Providers, please be aware that the State of Ohio has setup a Coronavirus Relief Fund Cares Act for Provider Relief Payment for which you may be eligible. The deadline to apply is October 30, 2020.
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notice 10/08/2020 - Hospital Rates Effective 7/01/2020 - Delayed
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio (ABHO) recently discovered that hospital claims with dates of service on or after 07/01/2020 had been incorrectly paid using the old hospital rates. While Aetna updates these rates in its system, claims will be held to mitigate any additional inaccurate payments. Claims will be released once the update is complete, anticipated completion date is set for 10/07/2020. Aetna will also be creating a claims project for all affected claims that were processed incorrectly and will be sent for reprocessing. No actions are needed from providers that have been affected. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact your provider liaison or Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 10/08/2020 – DME Underpayment
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio (ABHO) recently identified a system configurations issue that was underpaying certain DME provider claims by 15% of the Medicare fee schedule. This issue impacted Medicare DME claims that were adjudicated on or after 7/19/2020. Claims billed on or after 9/30/2020 will be held until system is updated, claims that were adjudicated from 7/19/2020 to 9/29/2020 will be part of a claims project that will be reprocessed after configuration update. The anticipated completion date for configuration update is 10/30/2020. No actions are needed from providers that have been affected. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact your provider liaison or Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 9/18/2020– Billing a Corrected Claim Reminder
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has started to see an increase in inaccurate billing when it comes to corrected claims. In many instances, the corrected claims have the incorrect originating claim listed that the provider is wanting to correct. As a result, the wrong claim is being reversed causing additional rework.
Best Practices
When submitting a corrected claim, validate the claim number that you are attempting to correct. Once validated place the claim number in box 22 of the 1500 claim form. Also, ensure you are using resubmission code 7 to identify this is a corrected claim.
If you are not sure of the claim number it is best to leave the field blank and insert a 7 for re submission code.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 09/09/2020 – Waiver Code T1019 U4
Dear Provider,
Aetna has recently identified claims that did not appropriately process T1019 U4. These codes paid at a lower rate due to a configuration error.
If you have identified this type of incorrectly processed payment, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 08/27/2020 – COVID Lab codes U0001-U0004
Dear Provider,
If you have identified this type of incorrectly processed payment, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 08/13/2020 – SNF RUG claims 0120 billed with 0022
Dear Provider,
Aetna has recently identified claims that did not appropriately process SNF RUG claims when 0120 was billed with 0022. These claims bypassed Medicare line of business and only paid on the Medicaid line of business.
If you have identified this type of incorrectly processed payment, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 06/29/2020 – 9921X E&M Codes
Dear Provider,
Aetna has recently identified claims that denied E&M codes 99211-99215 in error.
Remit messages include:
“This Procedure Code is inconsistent with the provider type/specialty (Taxonomy)”
“Invalid combination of HCPCS modifiers”
“The Procedure Code is inconsistent with the modifier used”
If you have identified this type of denial, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 06/24/2020 – Par Hospice Providers billing T2046
Dear Par Hospice Provider,
Aetna has recently identified a configuration issue that when a claim is received with a T2046 code from an in network hospice provider it is denying in error. The remit denial message for these claims are "This provider type/provider specialty may not bill this service". If you have identified this type of denial, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice – E & M Denial Issue (99441-99443)
Dear Provider,
Aetna has recently identified claims that denied in error when billing E & M codes 9944X. These claims were denying for coordination of benefits. Aetna has identified all affected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notification Update Effective May 31st, 2020 - COVID-19 Update: Prior Authorization, Pre-Certification and Admissions Protocol
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank You
COVID-19 Provider Outreach Survey
Dear Provider,
In response to COVID-19 there have been changes to support Aetna Better Health member’s and provider’s health and safety. Aetna Better Health of Ohio would like to get a better understanding of how our providers are handling the new regulations around Telehealth Services, Prior Authorizations, and Accessibility. Please consider taking this short survey.
Thank you,
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notice 05/12/2020 – H2019 LSW
Dear Behavioral Health Provider,
Aetna has recently identified claims that denied in error which impacted Licensed Social Worker (LSW) specialty types billing Therapeutic Behavioral Services H2019.
If you have identified this type of denial, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice 05/12/2020 –Hospice Claim Payments
Dear Hospice Provider,
Aetna has recently identified a system issue which resulted in Hospice claims (T2046) being paid at incorrect rates. Aetna is currently working on updating its system with an estimated completion date of 05/31/2020, once complete all effected claims will be reprocessed with the appropriate rates going back to October 2019.
No action is needed by you the provider.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Sorry for the Inconvenience,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Dear Par Provider,
Effective 07/01/2020, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will change the way the following HCPCS and or CPT codes will be processed.
The first list of codes will no longer require prior authorization.
The second list will require prior authorization and will be reviewed for medical necessity.
As always, don't hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations Representative with any questions or comments.
Thanks for all you do!
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
The following codes are changing from PA=Yes to No
0095T |
Removal of total disc arthroplasty (artificial disc), anterior approach, each additional interspace, cervical (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
0164T |
Removal of total disc arthroplasty, (artificial disc), anterior approach, each additional interspace, lumbar (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
0315T |
Vagus nerve blocking therapy (morbid obesity); removal of pulse generator |
0412T |
Removal of permanent cardiac contractility modulation system; pulse generator only |
0413T |
Removal of permanent cardiac contractility modulation system; transvenous electrode (atrial or ventricular) |
0428T |
Removal of neurostimulator system for treatment of central sleep apnea; pulse generator only |
0429T |
Removal of neurostimulator system for treatment of central sleep apnea; sensing lead only |
0430T |
Removal of neurostimulator system for treatment of central sleep apnea; stimulation lead only |
0447T |
Removal of implantable interstitial glucose sensor from subcutaneous pocket via incision |
0468T |
Removal of chest wall respiratory sensor electrode or electrode array |
0510T |
Removal of sinus tarsi implant |
0518T |
Removal of only pulse generator component(s) (battery and/or transmitter) of wireless cardiac stimulator for left ventricular pacing |
0530T |
Removal of intracardiac ischemia monitoring system, including all imaging supervision and interpretation; complete system (electrode and implantable monitor) |
0531T |
Removal of intracardiac ischemia monitoring system, including all imaging supervision and interpretation; electrode only |
0532T |
Removal of intracardiac ischemia monitoring system, including all imaging supervision and interpretation; implantable monitor only |
15730 |
Midface flap (ie, zygomaticofacial flap) with preservation of vascular pedicle(s) |
15733 |
Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; head and neck with named vascular pedicle (ie, buccinators, genioglossus, temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae) |
19294 |
Preparation of tumor cavity, with placement of a radiation therapy applicator for intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) concurrent with partial mastectomy (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
19328 |
Removal of intact mammary implant |
19330 |
Removal of mammary implant material |
19361 |
Breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi flap, without prosthetic implant |
19364 |
Breast reconstruction with free flap |
19366 |
Breast reconstruction with other technique |
27465 |
Osteoplasty, femur; shortening (excluding 64876) |
27466 |
Osteoplasty, femur; lengthening |
27468 |
Osteoplasty, femur; combined, lengthening and shortening with femoral segment transfer |
32994 |
Ablation therapy for reduction or eradication of 1 or more pulmonary tumor(s) including pleura or chest wall when involved by tumor extension, percutaneous, including imaging guidance when performed, unilateral; cryoablation |
33275 |
Transcatheter removal of permanent leadless pacemaker, right ventricular, including imaging guidance (eg, fluoroscopy, venous ultrasound, ventriculography, femoral venography), when performed |
47380 |
Ablation, open, of 1 or more liver tumor(s); radiofrequency |
47381 |
Ablation, open, of 1 or more liver tumor(s); cryosurgical |
47382 |
Ablation, 1 or more liver tumor(s), percutaneous, radiofrequency |
47383 |
Ablation, 1 or more liver tumor(s), percutaneous, cryoablation |
50370 |
Removal of transplanted renal allograft |
62355 |
Removal of previously implanted intrathecal or epidural catheter |
81171 |
AFF2 (AF4/FMR2 family, member 2 [FMR2]) (eg, fragile X mental retardation 2 [FRAXE]) gene analysis; evaluation to detect abnormal (eg, expanded) alleles |
81172 |
AFF2 (AF4/FMR2 family, member 2 [FMR2]) (eg, fragile X mental retardation 2 [FRAXE]) gene analysis; characterization of alleles (eg, expanded size and methylation status) |
93644 |
Electrophysiologic evaluation of subcutaneous implantable defibrillator (includes defibrillation threshold evaluation, induction of arrhythmia, evaluation of sensing for arrhythmia termination, and programming or reprogramming of sensing or therapeutic parameters) |
95991 |
Refilling and maintenance of implantable pump or reservoir for drug delivery, spinal (intrathecal, epidural) or brain (intraventricular), includes electronic analysis of pump, when performed; requiring skill of a physician or other qualified health care professional |
96127 |
Brief emotional/behavioral assessment (eg, depression inventory, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] scale), with scoring and documentation, per standardized instrument |
A4641 |
Radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, not otherwise classified |
C1778 |
Lead, neurostimulator (implantable) |
C1883 |
Ocular implant, aqueous drainage assist device |
C1891 |
Infusion pump, nonprogrammable, permanent (implantable) |
C1897 |
Lead, neurostimulator test kit (implantable) |
C2624 |
Implantable wireless pulmonary artery pressure sensor with delivery catheter, including all system components |
G0293 |
Noncovered surgical procedure(s) using conscious sedation, regional, general, or spinal anesthesia in a Medicare qualifying clinical trial, per day |
G0294 |
Noncovered procedure(s) using either no anesthesia or local anesthesia only, in a Medicare qualifying clinical trial, per day |
G2000 |
Blinded administration of convulsive therapy procedure, either electroconvulsive therapy (ECT, current covered gold standard) or magnetic seizure therapy (MST, noncovered experimental therapy), performed in an approved IDE-based clinical trial, per treatment session |
G9187 |
Bundled payments for care improvement initiative home visit for patient assessment performed by a qualified health care professional for individuals not considered homebound including, but not limited to, assessment of safety, falls, clinical status, fluid status, medication reconciliation/management, patient compliance with orders/plan of care, performance of activities of daily living, appropriateness of care setting; (for use only in the Medicare-approved bundled payments for care improvement initiative); may not be billed for a 30-day period covered by a transitional care management code |
H0046 |
Mental health services, not otherwise specified |
L7499 |
Upper extremity prosthesis, not otherwise specified |
L8600 |
Implantable breast prosthesis, silicone or equal |
L8625 |
External recharging system for battery for use with cochlear implant or auditory osseointegrated device, replacement only, each |
L8689 |
External recharging system for battery (internal) for use with implantable neurostimulator, replacement only |
S2900 |
Surgical techniques requiring use of robotic surgical system (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
S8189 |
Tracheostomy supply, not otherwise classified |
S9810 |
Home therapy; professional pharmacy services for provision of infusion, specialty drug administration, and/or disease state management, not otherwise classified, per hour (do not use this code with any per diem code) |
The following codes are changing from PA=No to Yes
0508T |
Pulse-echo ultrasound bone density measurement resulting in indicator of axial bone mineral density, tibia |
31661 |
Bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, including fluoroscopic guidance, when performed; with bronchial thermoplasty, 2 or more lobes |
93355 |
Echocardiography, transesophageal (TEE) for guidance of a transcatheter intracardiac or great vessel(s) structural intervention(s) (eg,TAVR, transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement, mitral valve repair, paravalvular regurgitation repair, left atrial appendage occlusion/closure, ventricular septal defect closure) (peri-and intra-procedural), real-time image acquisition and documentation, guidance with quantitative measurements, probe manipulation, interpretation, and report, including diagnostic transesophageal echocardiography and, when performed, administration of ultrasound contrast, Doppler, color flow, and 3D |
H2030 |
Mental health clubhouse services, per 15 minutes |
L5782 |
Addition to lower limb prosthesis, vacuum pump, residual limb volume management and moisture evacuation system, heavy-duty |
L6629 |
Upper extremity addition, quick disconnect lamination collar with coupling piece, Otto Bock or equal |
L6632 |
Upper extremity addition, latex suspension sleeve, each |
L6680 |
Upper extremity addition, test socket, wrist disarticulation or below elbow |
L6687 |
Upper extremity addition, frame type socket, below elbow or wrist disarticulation |
L6881 |
Automatic grasp feature, addition to upper limb electric prosthetic terminal device |
L6882 |
Microprocessor control feature, addition to upper limb prosthetic terminal device |
L6890 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, glove for terminal device, any material, prefabricated, includes fitting and adjustment |
L7007 |
Electric hand, switch or myoelectric controlled, adult |
L7008 |
Electric hand, switch or myoelectric, controlled, pediatric |
L7009 |
Electric hook, switch or myoelectric controlled, adult |
L7040 |
Prehensile actuator, switch controlled |
L7045 |
Electric hook, switch or myoelectric controlled, pediatric |
L7185 |
Electronic elbow, adolescent, Variety Village or equal, switch controlled |
L7186 |
Electronic elbow, child, Variety Village or equal, switch controlled |
L7259 |
Electronic wrist rotator, any type |
L7400 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, below elbow/wrist disarticulation, ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal) |
L7401 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, above elbow disarticulation, ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal) |
L7402 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, shoulder disarticulation/interscapular thoracic, ultra-light material (titanium, carbon fiber or equal) |
L7403 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, below elbow/wrist disarticulation, acrylic material |
L7404 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, above elbow disarticulation, acrylic material |
L7405 |
Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, shoulder disarticulation/interscapular thoracic, acrylic material |
L8604 |
Injectable bulking agent, dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer implant, urinary tract, 1 ml, includes shipping and necessary supplies |
L8607 |
Injectable bulking agent for vocal cord medialization, 0.1 ml, includes shipping and necessary supplies |
L8631 |
Metacarpal phalangeal joint replacement, two or more pieces, metal (e.g., stainless steel or cobalt chrome), ceramic-like material (e.g., pyrocarbon), for surgical implantation (all sizes, includes entire system) |
P9604 |
Travel allowance, one way in connection with medically necessary laboratory specimen collection drawn from homebound or nursing homebound patient; prorated trip charge |
T2013 |
Habilitation, educational, waiver; per hour |
Provider Notification Update Effective May 7, 2020 - COVID-19 Update: Prior Authorization, Pre-Certification and Admissions Protocol
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank You
Temporary changes to prior authorization and admissions protocols for
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Announcement summary:
Aetna Better Health of Ohio temporarily adopted changes to its prior authorization protocols for inpatient admissions to help health care facilities reduce administrative burdens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, Aetna Better Health of Ohio changed prior authorization requirements for post-acute care facilities, long-term acute care hospital admissions and acute care hospital admissions.
What changes is Aetna Better Health of Ohio making to its prior authorization and admission protocols?
Aetna Better Health of Ohio understands health care providers are experiencing increased demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To support our members and providers, Aetna is making temporary changes to its prior authorization protocols. Aetna Better Health of Ohio changed prior authorization requirements for post-acute care facilities, long-term acute care hospital admissions and acute care hospital admissions.
Does this liberalization apply to long-term care members moving from long-term care beds to skilled beds?
Aetna Better Health of Ohio’s temporary policy change is in place to reduce administrative burden on the acute care facilities and not delay discharges from the acute hospital facilities. If there is a potential need for a member living in a long-term care facility to move to a skilled level of care, our normal prior authorization policy applies.
Can a provider follow Aetna Better Health of Ohio’s standard UM prior authorization protocols instead of following the liberalizations that were put in place for the COVID-19 pandemic?
Aetna Better Health of Ohio is offering providers the flexibility to follow the standard process of submitting clinical information at the time of admission notification. Aetna will follow its current review process and issue a medical determination. For providers that are unable to submit clinical information at time of admission, Aetna will review those retrospectively unless prohibited by regulation.
Please see Aetna Better Health of Ohio’s UM liberalization notification (attached) to confirm which liberalizations apply in Ohio.
Do providers have to choose to follow either the standard UM prior authorization process or the liberalized protocol for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Aetna Better Health of Ohio is offering providers the flexibility, on a case by case basis, to follow Aetna’s standard or liberalized protocol so providers can determine which approach is appropriate for them given current circumstances.
How long will this process be in place?
Changes to reduce prior authorizations protocols for post-acute care and long-term acute care hospital admissions are effective through May 06, 2020.
Temporary changes to reduce prior authorizations protocols for acute care hospital admissions will be effective through May 06, 2020.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio will provide additional communication regarding any extension of policy changes.
What is required by hospitals when a member is transferred to a different care setting?
Hospitals are required to supply a patient’s medical records to the post-acute setting when the patient is transferred.
What is required from the post-acute facility once a member is transferred to a different care setting?
The post-acute facility will need to notify Aetna Better Health of Ohio of the patient’s post-acute admission.
Why is Aetna Better Health of Ohio requesting medical records within three days for post-acute facilities?
By communicating medical records, Aetna Better Health of Ohio can continue to help providers manage patients and assist in the discharge planning process. Length of stay reviews will still apply.
Where can I find more information?
Providers should call their provider services representative for more information.
Dear Provider,
Please see attached COVID-19 communication regarding Prior Authorization, Pre-Certifications and Admissions Protocol.
Thank you,
Provider Relations Department
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency declared by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine on March 9, 2020, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) adopted emergency rule 5160-1-21, “Telehealth during a state of emergency.”
This rule enhances ODM’s telehealth policy and provides several flexibilities for providers and Medicaid-covered individuals in need of care.
ODM is releasing additional policy guidance and detailed billing guidelines related to this rule.
In collaboration with ODM, Aetna Better Health® of Ohio is committed to ensuring all providers are aware of the changes and updates on an ongoing basis. Please review the below information and resources.
ODM’s policy guidance further expands telehealth to the following:
Additional covered telehealth services:
Additional covered rendering practitioner types:
Additional covered billing provider types:
ODM’s billing guidelines detail the following:
The April 13 updates add to the March 2020 emergency telehealth rule, which implemented the following changes:
The following documents released today will be helpful to providers implementing ODM’s expanded telehealth services:
Additional questions and feedback regarding Medicaid policy can be directed to
OhioMHAS-certified providers can contact
Additional COVID-19 information and resources can be found at or by calling 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).
March 2020
A Message to our Long Term Care Providers:
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, the Managed Care and MyCare Ohio Plans recognize and value the work the provider community is doing daily to care for vulnerable Ohioans.
The Health Plans want to partner closely with you as you care for our members. In an effort to support ongoing collaboration, as well as provide simplicity in how you contact each Health Plan regarding members in LTC, each plan is supplying you with our contact information so that you can reach out to us with questions or needs.
A member of the Health Plan will be in regular contact to obtain information regarding member care needs. The goal of this outreach is to obtain updates about members and to provide support and assistance from the Health Plan for:
As the Health Plans reach out to collaborate on our LTC members, please let us know your preferred communication method and/or point person to communicate with for any continued LTC needs during the pandemic. Health Plans encourage you to contact the appropriate Plan(s) for needs or questions regarding any resident(s).
The preferred contact information for the Health Plans are:
Aetna: Andrea Price, LTSS Director,
Kendra Marks, UM Director,
Provider Notification 3/25/20 - Rate increase for Assisted Living, Passport, and Ohio Homecare Waiver
Dear Provider,
Aetna has updated its Ohio home care waiver program reimbursement rates and billing procedures to accurately reflect the amendment filed on 3/13/2020 by The Register of Ohio. You can review the amendment here.
Please be sure that your claims include the updated rate. If you have previously submitted a claim with an incorrect rate, you will need to submit a corrected claim to be processed accurately. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Aetna Ohio Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Thank you,
Provider Relations Department
Provider Notification 3/24/2020 - Updates to Evaluation & Management (E&M) Code Billing
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio continues its commitment to correct coding and the implementation of programs that support nationally recognized and accepted coding policies and practices. Evaluation and Management (E&M) coding is an area that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified as having significant error rates.
What does this change mean for my office?
Starting with claims for dates of service on or after January 1st, 2019, we will evaluate the appropriateness of E&M coding reported using CMS and AMA documentation guidelines for Office Visit codes:
Based on the outcome of this evaluation, your payment may be adjusted if the information submitted on the claim does not support the level of service billed.
If your claim is adjusted for this reason, you will see the following remittance information:
Can I dispute a denial?
If you do not agree with a specific payment determination, you have the right to file a clinical editing dispute to this address:
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Attn: Claims Department
PO Box 64205 Phoenix, AZ 85082-2198
As part of your dispute, you must submit the portion of the medical record that contains documentation to support the level of service you reported. We will review the submitted medical records to assess the intensity of service and complexity of medical decision-making for the E&M services reported.
Aetna Better Health may adjust those claims where documentation substantiates the provision of a higher level of E&M service.
Aetna Better Health will evaluate this program periodically based on billing trends and may make adjustments as necessary.
Please direct any questions regarding this change to your Provider Relations rep or by calling Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Dear Provider,
Effective May 1, 2020 Aetna Better Health of Ohio will change the way sterilization related CPT and HCPCS codes are reviewed and paid.
These codes will no longer be managed through the prior authorization process. They will be managed by submission of the following:
Codes eligible for this process:
Code Code Description |
55250 |
Vasectomy, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure), including postoperative semen examination(s) |
58150 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy (corpus and cervix), with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s); |
58152 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy (corpus and cervix), with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s); with colpo-urethrocystopexy (eg, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz, Burch) |
58180 |
Supracervical abdominal hysterectomy (subtotal hysterectomy), with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s) |
58200 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy, including partial vaginectomy, with para-aortic and pelvic lymph node sampling, with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s) |
58210 |
Radical abdominal hysterectomy, with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling (biopsy), with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s) |
58240 |
Pelvic exenteration for gynecologic malignancy, with total abdominal hysterectomy or cervicectomy, with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s), with removal of bladder and ureteral transplantations, and/or abdominoperineal resection of rectum and colon and colostomy, or any combination thereof |
58260 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; |
58262 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with removal of tube(s), and/or ovary(s) |
58263 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with removal of tube(s), and/or ovary(s), with repair of enterocele |
58267 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with colpo-urethrocystopexy (Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type, Pereyra type) with or without endoscopic control |
58270 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with repair of enterocele |
58275 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, with total or partial vaginectomy; |
58280 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, with total or partial vaginectomy; with repair of enterocele |
58285 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, radical (Schauta type operation) |
58290 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; |
58291 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58292 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s), with repair of enterocele |
58293 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with colpo-urethrocystopexy (Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type, Pereyra type) with or without endoscopic control |
58294 |
Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with repair of enterocele |
58340 |
Catheterization and introduction of saline or contrast material for saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS) or hysterosalpingography |
58541 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, supracervical hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; |
58542 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, supracervical hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58543 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, supracervical hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; |
58544 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, supracervical hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58545 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, myomectomy, excision; 1 to 4 intramural myomas with total weight of 250 g or less and/or removal of surface myomas |
58546 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, myomectomy, excision; 5 or more intramural myomas and/or intramural myomas with total weight greater than 250 g |
58548 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with radical hysterectomy, with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling (biopsy), with removal of tube(s) and ovary(s), if performed |
58550 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; |
58552 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58553 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; |
58554 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58559 |
Hysteroscopy, surgical; with lysis of intrauterine adhesions (any method) |
58565 |
Hysteroscopy, surgical; with bilateral fallopian tube cannulation to induce occlusion by placement of permanent implants |
58570 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with total hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; |
58571 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with total hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58572 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with total hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; |
58573 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with total hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; with removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s) |
58575 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, total hysterectomy for resection of malignancy (tumor debulking), with omentectomy including salpingo-oophorectomy, unilateral or bilateral, when performed |
58600 |
Ligation or transection of fallopian tube(s), abdominal or vaginal approach, unilateral or bilateral |
58605 |
Ligation or transection of fallopian tube(s), abdominal or vaginal approach, postpartum, unilateral or bilateral, during same hospitalization (separate procedure) |
58611 |
Ligation or transection of fallopian tube(s) when done at the time of cesarean delivery or intra-abdominal surgery (not a separate procedure) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
58615 |
Occlusion of fallopian tube(s) by device (eg, band, clip, Falope ring) vaginal or suprapubic approach |
58661 |
Laparoscopy, surgical; with removal of adnexal structures (partial or total oophorectomy and/or salpingectomy) |
58670 |
Laparoscopy, surgical; with fulguration of oviducts (with or without transection) |
58671 |
Laparoscopy, surgical; with occlusion of oviducts by device (eg, band, clip, or Falope ring) |
58700 |
Salpingectomy, complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure) |
58720 |
Laparoscopy, surgical, with total hysterectomy, for uterus greater than 250 g; |
58740 |
Lysis of adhesions (salpingolysis, ovariolysis) |
58940 |
Oophorectomy, partial or total, unilateral or bilateral; |
58950 |
Resection (initial) of ovarian, tubal or primary peritoneal malignancy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy; |
58951 |
Resection (initial) of ovarian, tubal or primary peritoneal malignancy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy; with total abdominal hysterectomy, pelvic and limited para-aortic lymphadenectomy |
58952 |
Resection (initial) of ovarian, tubal or primary peritoneal malignancy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy; with radical dissection for debulking (ie, radical excision or destruction, intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal tumors) |
58953 |
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omentectomy, total abdominal hysterectomy and radical dissection for debulking; |
58954 |
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omentectomy, total abdominal hysterectomy and radical dissection for debulking; with pelvic lymphadenectomy and limited para-aortic lymphadenectomy |
58956 |
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with total omentectomy, total abdominal hysterectomy for malignancy |
58957 |
Resection (tumor debulking) of recurrent ovarian, tubal, primary peritoneal, uterine malignancy (intra-abdominal, retroperitoneal tumors), with omentectomy, if performed; |
If you have additional questions regarding this process please contact claims inquiry/claims research staff at 1-855-364-0974 or work with your assigned Provider Relations Liaison.
Provider Relations
Dear Providers,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio would like to inform you that effective 3/26/2020 our Provider/ Member Grievance and Appeals mailing address will change.
Participating Providers
This will not affect the participating provider dispute process which Participating Providers submit claims disputes to:
P.O. BOX 64205
Non Participating Providers / Members
We kindly ask that you update your records accordingly and to address all future Grievances and Appeals to our new mailing address as followed:
Non Participating Provider Grievance & Appeals NEW address
Aetna Better Health of OHIO
PO Box 81040
5801 Postal Road
Cleveland, OH 44181
Member Grievance & Appeals NEW address
Aetna Better Health of OHIO
PO Box 81139
5801 Postal Road
Cleveland, OH 44181
Attached you will find the link to our Provider Manual which will help you with your claim questions and concerns. It also includes information regarding reconsiderations, claims inquiry, disputes and appeals.
The dispute and appeal forms can be found on our Aetna Better Health of OHIO website for your convenience.
We appreciate the excellent care you provide our members. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail: You can also call us through our Provider Relations telephone line: 1-855-364-0974
Thank you,
Provider Relations Department
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has expanded services with Equian, Cotiviti and Optum to further enhance our payment integrity program in accordance with expectations set forth by our various state Medicaid partners.
Equian will be reviewing claims for proper coding of facility claims against the final medical record available post discharge to ensure that proper payment is being made in accordance with our contracts, national coding guidelines and nationally accepted billing guidelines. This program will result in an outreach to arrange for release of medical records. In addition, Equian will identify claim overpayments, including retro-terminations, utilizing data mining techniques to validate claim payments for facility and professional claims against provider contracts, Aetna policy and regulatory guidance provided by the state.
In addition to services already performed by Cotiviti, Aetna will partner with Cotiviti to identify instances of other third-party liability primary, specifically Coordination of benefits with other carriers and Medicare. As part of the program, there will be letters sent to your attention that contain the other carrier's information that will include name of carrier, member number and applicable effective dates. Medicaid is the payer of last resort and the information provided should be used to file immediately upon receipt with the other carrier to prevent exceeding timely filing limits. If timely filing has been exceeded with the other carrier, please file the claim with proof of timely filing with Aetna as most carriers consider this as an appropriate reason to override timely filing.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio wants to ensure that our hospital providers can take advantage of Hospital Credit Balance services offered by multiple suppliers in the industry that can assist with returning overpayments to Aetna Better Health. For that reason, we will be adding Optum as an option where our current supplier does not have access to your facility. Optum will be assigned facilities by Aetna Better Health and will contact you regarding review of our member accounts at your convenience.}
In compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, Aetna Better Health of Ohio has entered into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with the above-mentioned suppliers. The Privacy Rule allows a covered entity to share information with another covered entity's business associate as if the request came from that other covered entity.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Dear Provider:
We are pleased to announce that Aetna Better Health of Ohio and NantHealth have partnered to give you access to Eviti Connect, an online software system that enables real-time decision support and treatment guidelines for oncology patients.
Effective on or after April 20, 2020, there will be a change of process for initiating oncology treatment plan review requests. Below is a summary of these changes:
Overview of Process Change
Purpose of Eviti Connect |
To provide specialist review of oncology treatment plans including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and supportive medications |
Uses of Eviti Connect |
· Access to the latest evidence-based guidelines for radiation and chemotherapy · Select from 3,800+ pre-built regimens, or customize treatments when necessary · Discuss open treatment plan reviews with Eviti’s clinical staff |
Treatment Recommendations |
Eviti Connect aggregates evidence-based recommendations from national government agencies, reports, and journal publications (including the NCCN Compendium, JCO, JNCI, Lancet, NEJM and JAMA) |
Training |
Early April 2020: Several training sessions will be available to help you become familiar with using Eviti Connect to submit treatment plan reviews. The training schedule will be sent in a future communication. |
New Process Effective Date |
On or after April 20, 2020 |
All oncology treatment plans will be submitted to NantHealth via their web portal, Eviti Connect (, which will expedite review of any chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or supportive medications.
Training for Eviti Connect
Training courses are available so your office can learn how to get the most from this program. You can also access to view the Eviti Connect user guide, video tutorials, and interactive eLearning modules.
These are web-based, instructor-led, interactive training sessions that will guide you through the process of creating an account and submitting treatment plans. You will need access to the internet to view the training. Anyone in your office responsible for submitting treatment plans for review should plan to attend one of these sessions. The schedule is below.
Radiation Training Times
4/2/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
4/7/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
4/9/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
4/14/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
4/15/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
4/16/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
4/20/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
Chemotherapy Training Times
4/2/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
4/7/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
4/9/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
4/14/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
4/15/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
4/16/2020 |
11:00 AM ET |
4/20/2020 |
2:00 PM ET |
To register, send an email to and indicate which training session you wish to attend and the number of attendees (if more than one) from your office who will participate. We will respond with details for that web training session – including a toll-free phone number and a link to the web portion of the conference.
Please keep the training registration e-mail so you will have the link to the web conference and the call-in number for the session in which you will be participating.
About Eviti Connect’s Web Portal
Using the Eviti Connect web portal is the fastest and most efficient way to initiate a treatment plan review.
Typically, treatment entry takes less than 15 minutes, and treatments that comply with evidence-based standards receive an “Eviti code.” This means that the treatment plan submitted by you meets national standards of quality care and the definition of medical necessity as determined by Aetna Better Health of Ohio.
Please note that this Eviti code is not an authorization reference number and is not a guarantee of payment. However, the generation of an Eviti code initiates an authorization request with Aetna Better Health of Ohio who will complete the authorization process and issue the final determination and your reference number.
If you do not receive an Eviti code instantly, Eviti’s Medical Office can review and discuss the treatment with your office before referring it to Aetna Better Health of Ohio for final determination.
To Create an Eviti Account
You can create an account and submit your treatment plans through the Eviti web portal:
For Additional Information or Support
Phone: 1-888-482-8057 (Select option #2)
If you have any questions regarding the implementation of this program, we encourage you to contact Aetna Better Health of Ohio for additional information, support, and training at 855-364-0974.
We look forward to working with you on this new process!
William Flood, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
NantHealth, Eviti
February 13, 2020
Dear Provider,
It's time again to collect data for the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®). Each year we collect medical record data on a sample of our members in your care as part of the nationwide collaborative effort among employers, health plans and physicians. HEDIS is one of the most widely used sets of health care performance measures in the United States. The goal is to monitor and compare health plan performance on specific performance measures. We will be contacting you soon to request these medical records. Your participation and timely response to our medical record request is key to the success of the project.
We understand your concerns about confidentiality and releasing medical records. Be assured that our data collection efforts comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. All of the information is kept confidential. We only use the data in an aggregate form and do not release patient-specific information. Our members are made aware of our quality programs and how we manage confidentiality and privacy through their member handbook. We do not require a member's signature to release this information as the health care operations exception under HIPAA allows this activity.
Minimum Documentation Requirements
All records must include:
*Please do not send calendar year 2020 information.
We look forward to working with you again this year on this project. Please contact our HEDIS Help Line at 855-750-2389 and leave a voicemail, if you have any questions about the upcoming HEDIS project. A member of the HEDIS team with respond to your voicemail as quickly as possible.
HEDIS Data Submission via Provider Portal
Aetna Better Health of Ohio providers are able to upload medical record documentation for HEDIS securely through our provider portal. Instructions on how to use the provider portal for HEDIS data submission will be sent out to providers upon request. Please contact our HEDIS Help Line at 855-750-2389 and leave a voicemail with your email address and contact information and a step by step guide on using the Provider Portal for HEDIS Data Submission will be sent to you.
For more information visit our website at or click here to fill out the Web Portal Registration Form if you are a new user.
Call us at 1-855-364-0974, option 2, or email us at if you have additional questions regarding this communication.
HEDIS® Provider/Facility Frequently Asked Questions
The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is one of the most widely used sets of health care performance measures in the United States. It is developed and maintained by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). The HEDIS methodology provides a systematic and standardized way for health plans to document how well they provide health care services to enrolled members. Health plans have the option of calculating HEDIS rates by using the administrative data methodology or the hybrid methodology. The administrative data methodology is limited to the use of claim and encounter data submitted to the health plan. The hybrid methodology includes claim and encounter data, but also uses data obtained directly from the member’s medical record. This allows the health plan to count services where claim or encounter data were not received.
Use of medical record data requires that we obtain a copy of the member’s medical record. Each record should include the member name, gender and date of birth to confirm that the correct record has been obtained. The copy should be limited to required documentation and demographic information.
What is needed from your practice/office/facility?
A response to Aetna MyCare Ohio’s requests for medical record documentation in a timely manner and access to designated patient medical records so that the HEDIS staff can do one of the following:
What is being measured?
The following HEDIS measures allow the use of medical record documentation to supplement claims/encounter data:
When will the Aetna MyCare Ohio HEDIS staff need the records?
HEDIS data collection is a time sensitive project. Medical records should be made available on the date of the onsite review, or by the date requested, in the case of upload/fax/mail. Typically, data collection begins in mid-February and ends in late April.
It is imperative that you respond to a request for medical records within five (5) business days to ensure we are able to report complete and accurate rates to state and federal regulatory bodies, as well as NCQA.
Do HIPAA Rules apply?
Yes, all of our nurses will be trained by the health plan on HIPAA, Confidentiality and handling Personal Health Information (PHI) prior to going to provider offices.
Does HIPAA permit me to release records to Aetna My Care Ohio for HEDIS Data Collection?
Yes. You are permitted to disclose PHI to Aetna MyCareOhio. A signed consent from the member is not required under the HIPAA privacy rule for you to release the requested information to Aetna MyCare Ohio. Aetna Mycare Ohio is a managed care plan contracted with the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM, which administers the Ohio Medicaid program and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( which administers the federal Medicare program. The member’s enrollment into both of these programs gives consent for the plan to review their medical records for quality purposes
Who will be reviewing medical records?
Aetna contracts with nurses to perform the medical record abstraction for the HEDIS project. The nurses go through a thorough training on HEDIS medical record abstraction and everything it entails including HIPAA and PHI. The Aetna MyCare Ohio HEDIS staff will be contacting each office directly to set up an appointment to review the medical records. They will send a patient list via fax or email prior to the agreed upon appointment. Staff are instructed to be flexible in making the appointment time that works for your office staff.
Is my participation in HEDIS data collection mandatory?
Yes. Network participants are contractually required to provide medical record information so that we may fulfill our state and federal regulatory (i.e., Ohio Department of Medicaid and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) accreditation obligations.
How am I (provider) measured?
HEDIS is NOT a measurement of individual providers, nor how they keep their medical records. It’s a measurement of how the health plan is performing to get their members needed services such as immunizations or well child visits. No reports will be given on a specific provider. Aggregated results of the health plan will be shared with CMS, ODM, and NCQA.
What Aetna MyCareOhio membership is included in HEDIS?
HEDIS data collection pertains to members enrolled in the MyCareOhio program for members with both Medicare and Medicaid managed by Aetna Better Health of Ohio.
Should I allow a record review for a member who is no longer with Aetna MyCare Ohio or for a member who is deceased?
Yes. Medical record reviews may require data collection on services obtained over multiple years.
Am I required to provide medical records for a member who was seen by a physician who has retired, died, or moved?
Yes. HEDIS data collection includes reviewing medical records as far back as 10 years. Archived medical records/data are required to complete data collection.
Will I be reimbursed for copies/materials?
Per the standard contract as a participating provider with Aetna MyCare Ohio, we do not reimburse for medical record copies requested for HEDIS data collection. If you have additional questions, please consult your participation agreement or talk to your Aetna MyCare Ohio network representative. Aetna MyCare Ohio HEDIS staff who conduct reviews onsite have scanning capabilities that create a digital image, making record copying unnecessary.
Who should I contact if I have further questions/concerns regarding HEDIS Data Collection?
Please contact our HEDIS Help Line at 855-750-2389 and leave a voicemail, if you have any questions about the upcoming HEDIS project. A member of the HEDIS team with respond to your voicemail as quickly as possible.
For more information on HEDIS, you can visit NCQA’s website at
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notice 02/04/2020 – 30 Day Readmission
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio would like to remind you of the proper billing practice for readmissions.
In alignment with CMS readmission guidelines we expect that providers will need to submit corrected claims as necessary when members re-enter the hospital within 30 days of discharge from a previous admission. Aetna will pay the initial claim according to the initial requested authorization as submitted. If the member is readmitted, the provider should submit a corrected claim inclusive of the original and second admission with leave of absence codes during the timeframe the member was not admitted. Upon receipt of the corrected claim, Aetna will retract the original payment and consider the new corrected and comprehensive claim for payment. Note that authorizations for a member readmission will be denied under the previous stay which occurred within the last 30 days. It is not Aetna’s intention to deny payment for the readmission, however system edits will deny inpatient readmissions unless the claim is submitted as a corrected claim. The claim should include the leave of absence revenue code to indicate the days the member was not inpatient. Note, this corrected claim will have two authorizations 1 which is approved and 1 which is denied. Aetna will accept the corrected claim and reverse the original paid amount and process the new corrected claim accordingly. Please note you cannot resubmit only the corrected/denied lines, the complete corrected claim must be submitted.
If you have not yet submitted the claim for the original admission by the time the member is readmitted Aetna expects that you will forgo submitting separate claims and will combine the former admission with the readmission into one claim again utilizing the LOA revenue codes for the days not inpatient. This avoids the need for submitting the original claim, and then the corrected claim.
If you have additional questions regarding this process please contact claims inquiry/claims research staff at 1-855-364-0974 or work with your assigned Provider Relations Liaison.
Provider Relations
OhioMHAS Waiver Trainings
To help address the opioid crisis in the state of Ohio, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services is offering free DEA DATA 2000 waiver trainings. Below you will find general information on these trainings and how to register.
This is a free 1.5-day training. Training is open to all physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants who hold an Ohio license and a current DEA number. Physicians who attend the 1.5-day training, obtain their waiver, and fulfill reimbursement criteria will receive $1,300. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants who attend the 1.5-day training, complete an additional online component, obtain their waiver and fulfill reimbursement criteria will receive $750. All attendees will also receive free CMEs.
OhioMHAS has awarded a grant to ASAM to provide trainers for the first day of the waiver training. The second day focuses on implementation of MAT into practice. For the second day there will be a waivered physician speaking on implementation of MAT into practice and answering any questions, an OhioMHAS training officer will present information on SBIRT and motivational interviewing, and a local provider will present referral to treatment and available resources in the local area.
The link below goes to the workforce development page at OhioMHAS.
Dates |
Location |
Room |
Registration Link |
1/15-16 |
Genesis Health Plex 2800 Maple Avenue Zanesville, OH
Conference Room C at the back of the building Free Parking
2/6-7 |
Cleveland Clinic South Pointe Hospital Warrensville Hts., OH
B auditorium Free Parking |
2/7-8 |
University of Cincinnati 231 Albert Sabin Way Cincinnati, OH
Medical Science Bldg. Room 5051 Free Parking
2/28-29 |
Romer’s Catering Center 1100 S. Main Street Celina, OH
Meeting Room Free Parking |
3/12-13 |
Ohio State University 360 W. 9th Ave. Columbus, OH
Meiling Hall 160 Garage Parking |
3/26-27 |
Ohio Health 3430 Ohio Health Parkway Columbus, OH
Free Parking |
3/27-28 |
Mercy Health St. Anne Hospital 3404 W. Sylvania Ave. Toledo, OH
Meeting Room 3 Free Parking |
4/13-14 |
MetroHealth 2500 Metro Health Drive Cleveland, OH
Scott’s Auditorium Free Parking |
4/20-21 |
Metro Health 2500 MetroHealth Drive Cleveland, OH
Scott’s Auditorium Free Parking |
4/27-28 |
Ohio State University 32 W. 10th Ave Columbus, OH |
M100 Starling Loving Hall Garage Parking |
Provider Notice PN200116-001
OTP Provider,
On 12/27/2019, CMS released a HPMS memo titled “Addressing Continuity of Care for Dually Eligible Enrollees Currently Receiving Opioid Treatment Program Services through Medicaid”. This memo outlines the implementation of the Medicare Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) benefit effective January 1, 2020. Medicare became the primary payer for dually eligible enrollees who may previously have obtained these services through Medicaid.
This change from Medicaid to Medicare is significant in that most OTP providers are not Medicare Certified providers. CMS wants to ensure continuity of care for dual eligible enrollees and ensure payment is made to OTP providers, during this transition. This will allow OTP providers time to become certified with Medicare for OTP Services. To become OTP Medicare Certified please refer to this comprehensive OTP Medicare Enrollment Fact Sheet provided by CMS:
If you require additional assistance you should contact SAMHSA or your MAC directly as outlined in the OTP Medicare Enrollment Fact Sheet.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio will ensure that all members continue to receive OTP services by ensuring providers are paid through this transition. CMS issued a bulletin to the State Medicaid Agencies on 12/17/19 stating the states must continue to pay for OTP services until the OTP providers can become Medicare certified. Based on Medicare guidance Aetna Better Health of Ohio is giving providers two choices for future claims submission:
Please note if your organization submits claims with the new Medicare OTP codes prior to OTP Medicare Certification then these claims will be denied.
If your organization has previously submitted claims to Aetna Better Health of Ohio, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will update your provider record in our system once you appear as a Medicare certified provider on the site: Please allow up to 30 days from the date your organization appears on the site for Aetna Better Health of Ohio to update your provider information.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio encourages your organization to submit your Medicare Application as soon as possible as the process can take some time. CMS has not yet set a firm date for mandatory provider OTP Medicare Certification, however CMS has stated that this process should only occur through ‘early 2020’. Based on this language Aetna Better Health of Ohio anticipates CMS to issue a date by which all OTP providers must be certified.
For more information on these OTP changes please review the following:
CMCS Informational Bulletin 12/17/2019
Receiving Medicare Opioid Treatment Services Effective January 1, 2020
HPMS Memo 12/27/2019 Corrected 1/2/2020
Addressing Continuity of Care for Dually Eligible Enrollees Currently Receiving Opioid Treatment Program Services through Medicaid
If you have questions please refer to the sources attached in this letter or the FAQs below. If you have further questions you can contact Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Experience
What are the new Medicare OTP codes?
The code range is G2067-G2080. For more information refer to :
We billed a claim with a new OTP G code. Why hasn’t my organization received payment yet?
How should my organization bill?
Bill your claims based upon your organizations current Medicare certification status. Bill as you have for Medicaid until you have confirmation of your Medicare certification Effective date. If you are Medicare certified do not submit any more claims under Medicaid billing practices instead use the new Medicare OTP codes for all claims on or after your OTP Medicare certification.
Should my organization hold claims?
It is up to your organization. Aetna does not recommend holding claims because it can take time to complete the Medicare Certification process. Aetna recommends continuing to bill OTP services as you have under the Medicaid program to keep payment coming in for the services you are providing to our members. Aetna will recoup all the Medicaid paid claims back to your Medicare effective date and once you submit your corrected claims under Medicare the negative balance will be offset.
Does my organization need to resubmit claims?
Yes, after Medicare certification is received Aetna Better Health of Ohio will recoup the claims processed under Medicaid and you will need to submit a corrected claim with the appropriate OTP Medicare codes.
Does my organization need to submit a separate Medicaid claim to Aetna?
No, Aetna’s crossover claim process will run producing a secondary claim after the Medicare primary claim processes. Should you submit a separate Medicaid claim it will deny as a duplicate against the Aetna created crossover Medicaid claim.
Does my organization need to become Medicare certified?
No, however if you serve a member who is Dually Eligible, please note that we expect Medicare to enforce a deadline for all OTP providers to become OTP Medicare certified. If you are not Medicare Certified after this date you will no longer be able to provide OTP services to Dual eligible members. Your organization will only be able to provide services per your State’s Medicaid plan.
My Organization is SAMHSA certified what do we do next?
SAMHSA certified providers are one step ahead in the process to become Medicare Certified. Your MAC must verify SAMHSA certification before accepting the Medicare Certification application. Refer to the OTP Medicare Enrollment Fact sheet for more information on your next steps.
Does my organization need to notify Aetna when our organization receives our OTP Medicare Certification?
No, Aetna Better Health of ohio will monitor the CMS site and will update providers records in our systems to allow for Medicare OTP reimbursement. It may take up to 30 days from the time your organization appears on the certification list. It is important to submit all claims on or after your OTP Medicare certification effective date under the Medicare OTP codes.
My organization provides OTP for Dual eligible members and Medicaid only members. How do we bill for these services?
This change for 1/1/2020 is for Dual Eligible members. Follow the instructions above for dual eligible members. State Medicaid Agencies will still cover OTP services for Medicaid Only services. Each State Medicaid Agency is unique. You should continue to follow the billing practices outlined in your state for Medicaid OTP services for any Medicaid only members you serve.
My organization has existing authorizations for members for OTP services. Do I need to secure a new authorization?
All OTP services require Prior authorization. You do not need to request a new authorization for OTP services for any current member you are presently providing OTP services. The existing authorization will be utilized for your continued services. Once your current authorization expires you will need to request a new authorization. The new authorization you request should reflect the way you are billing which is based upon your OTP Medicare Certification status. For example, if you are not yet OTP Medicare Certified you should not request an auth for OTP services using the new G Codes. If you are OTP Medicare Certified your Prior authorization request should be for the correct Medicare G codes. Once you become OTP Medicare Certified all future prior authorizations will be for the new g codes, Aetna will not issue any authorizations for Medicaid OTP codes for dual eligible after 1/1/20.
Provider Notice 01/06/2020 - Payment Delays on New Outpatient Hospital Coverage Claims
Dear Hospital Providers,
This is a notification letting you know there is a delay in the implementation of the new Outpatient Hospital Coverage Rates that went into effect on 01/01/2020. This is a result of the delay in publication of CMS’s Integrated OCE Quarterly Release Files and software causing further delay to the 3M Grouper.
To insure against inaccurate payment processing, Aetna has decided to hold all effected EAPG claims until payments may be made with the correct 01/01/2020 rates. Expected time for system update is mid-February. If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health® of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice PN200106-001
Dear Provider,
Effective 02/03/2020, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will change the way HCPCS Code J3145
Injection, testosterone undecanoate, 1 mg (Aveed®) is reviewed and paid, requiring prior
authorization and documented trial and failure of two preferred agents in addition to meeting
clinical criteria in order to be considered for coverage.
As always, don't hesitate to contact your Aetna Better Health of Ohio Provider Relations
Representative with any questions or comments at 1-855-364-0974.
Thanks for all you do!
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice PN191221-001
Provider Notice 12/13/2019 – N767 Claim Denial
Dear Providers,
Aetna has recently identified claims that denied in error which impacted all specialty types. Providers that were impacted would have receive this denial reason on their claims’ remittance between the dates of 11/26/2019 to 12/14/2019.
N767 – The Medicaid State Requires Provider to be enrolled in the members Medicaid State Program prior to any claim benefits being processed on their claim remittance.
If you have identified this type of denial, no action is needed. Aetna has identified all effected claims and is working very quickly to have claims reprocessed.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this issue, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice PN191216-001
Provider Notice 11/13/2019 – PDGM Changes
Dear Home Health Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio wanted to provide your organization with an FAQ related to upcoming Medicare changes related to the new Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM). Please share this with staff and billers for your organization. We hope this will assist you when billing Aetna for Home Health claims.
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional information can be found related to the PDGM Medicare changes at the following sites:
Should you have any questions related to this communication, please contact our Provider Experience department at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Experience
Provider Notice PN191113-001
Provider Notice 10/30/2019 - Secondary Medicaid Payment Responsibility in Coordination of Benefits (COB) Situations
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health is committed to ensuring that the claims you submit are processed in a timely and accurate manner. Aetna Better Health serves as a Medicaid managed-care organization (MCO) on behalf of the State of Ohio and arranges for the provision of covered services to its members. When more than one program or payer has payment responsibility for a particular service rendered to a member—for example, when a service is covered under both Medicare and Medicaid—Aetna Better Health follows applicable coordination-of-benefits (COB) principles to determine which program/payer has primary payment responsibility (PPR) for that service. This COB analysis includes a determination of the amount payable by the program/payer having PPR, along with the amounts, if any, payable by programs/payers that have secondary or lower payment responsibility. If a service is covered under both Medicaid and another program/payer, Medicaid never has PPR.
Under established COB principles, if the amount of the payment made by the program/payer having PPR (e.g., Medicare) exceeds the amount that the secondary program/payer (e.g., Medicaid) would have paid if it had PPR, then the secondary program/payer has no payment responsibility.
Aetna Better Health has identified an error in the COB method with outpatient claims by which it calculated the Medicaid amount that is secondarily payable when Medicare has PPR for a particular service. Specifically, Aetna Better Health erroneously made certain secondary payments to providers when, under the COB principle described above, the Medicaid amount that was secondarily payable should have been zero.
Please be advised, going forward Aetna Better Health will apply the above-described COB principle strictly and consistently. As a result, the aggregate amount that providers receive from Aetna Better Health for certain services may decrease now that the secondarily payable Medicaid amounts on those services will be zeroed out appropriately. Aetna Better Health will be reprocessing outpatient claims with a date of service on or after 08/02/2018 and apply this correct COB principle.
Thank you for your participation. We look forward to continuing a successful working relationship. If you have further questions about the information in this notice, please contact your Network Account Manager or Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice PN191030-001
Provider Notice 09/03/2019- S5121 and S5135 modifier edit
Dear Waiver Providers,
This is a notification of a recent Ohio Department of Medicaid billing change that is affecting certain waiver providers. Beginning 7/01/2019, providers that are billing service codes S5121 (OH Home Maintenance and Chore) or S5135 (OH Community Integration) should not use a modifier. If a provider submits a claim for either of these codes with a modifier the claim will deny and the provider will need to rebill with a corrected claim.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this update, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice PN190903-001
Provider Notice 08/28/2019- Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM)
Dear Skilled Nursing Facility,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio wanted to provide your organization with an FAQ related to upcoming Medicare changes related to the new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM). Please share this with staff and billers for your organization. We hope this will assist you when billing Aetna for SNF claims.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Additional information can be found related to the PDPM Medicare changes at the following sites:
Should you have any questions related to this communication, please contact our Provider Experience department at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Experience Team
Provider Notice PN190828-001
Provider Notice 8/23/2019 – SNF Rates
Dear Skilled Nursing Facility providers,
At the beginning of the fiscal year, Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) provided all managed care plans with the skilled nursing facility (SNF) rates beginning on July 1, 2019. Due to the delay in the passage of the state budget, ODM requested that no SNF rates payments be made until the state budget was passed and the appropriate rate of payment could be established for the delay period. Since the budget has now passed, Aetna will proceed with paying SNF for services provided beginning July 1, 2019 with the June 30, 2019 rates for the period of July 1, 2019 through and including July 17, 2019. ODM has supplied updates rates for the period of July 18 forward.
Claims with DOS 7/1/2019 – 7/17/2019 (will pay June 30th rate) and DOS 7/18/2019 – 7/31/2019 (will pay new rate).
Provider Actions
Due to the rate change in the middle of the month providers will need to split dates of services on separate claim lines. If you have already submitted a claim with all dates of service on one line you will need to submit a corrected claim.
Example of billing for DOS 7/01/2019 – 7/31/2019
Claim Line 1 DOS 7/01/2019 - 7/17/2019
Claim Line 2 DOS 7/18/2019 - 7/31/2019
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this update, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notice PN190823-001
Provider Notice 7/31/19- 340B Drug Program
Dear Provider,
Beginning January 1, 2018, Medicare pays an adjusted amount of the average sales price (ASP) minus 22.5% for certain separately payable drugs or biologicals that are acquired through the 340B Drug Program and are furnished to a Medicare beneficiary by a hospital paid under the OPPS(Outpatient Prospective Payment System) that is not excepted from the payment adjustment policy. For purposes of this policy, “acquired through the 340B Drug Program” means that the drug was purchased at or below the 340B ceiling price from the manufacturer and includes 340B drugs purchased through the Prime Vendor Program. Medicare will continue to pay for separately payable drugs that were not acquired through the 340B Drug Program and furnished by a hospital paid under the OPPS at ASP plus 6%.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has determined that our configuration for Medicare Part B 340B drug reimbursement has not been properly reducing payment by 22.5% for outpatient drugs. If you are a 340B covered entity and part of the Prime Vendor Program, it is expected that your claims for 340B drugs purchased through the program should include either the JG or TB modifier. When the JG modifier is appended, the 22.5% reduction will occur. If the TB modifier is present, no reduction in payment will occur.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio is taking steps to configure its system to align with Medicare’s requirement. We will be recouping and correcting overpaid claims dating back one year from DOS July 1, 2018, to present. As we work on the configuration, which includes a 3-step validation (provider is 340B covered, the drug is a 340B drug, and the JG modifier is present) before reducing the payment, we are exploring the timeline for the recoupment with our claims department. We expect the recoupment to occur in the next 30 to 45 days.
For more information regarding the 340B Drug Program, please visit the following sites or contact Provider Services team at 1-855-364-0974 or send an email to
For more information, please visit:
If you are not a 340B covered entity participating in the Prime Vendor Program with HRSA, this memo does not apply to you at this time.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Notice PN190731-001
Provider Notice 07/17/2019 - New Updates on Clinical, Payment and Coding Policies
Dear Provider,
A review of processes has been completed and changes will be updated to the current clinical, payment and coding policy positions. The attached documentation will provide additional information.
Please feel free to reach out to Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974, if there are additional questions.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Notification PN190717-001
Provider Notice 06/13/2019 - Provider Check Delays
Dear Provider,
Due to a system error, we are notifying you that Aetna Better Health of Ohio’s check run that is normally scheduled to happen each Saturday will not occur this week as planned. Our Saturday June 15th check run will be delayed and will now occur on Tuesday June 18th. We do not anticipate any future check run delays related to this issue.
We apologize for the delay and any inconvenience this issue may have caused. However, the delay is being done in an effort to ensure provider’s checks are received for the correct amounts. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Provider Services department by calling 1-855-364-0974.
We appreciate your understanding, and for your service to our members.
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Experience
Provider Notification PN190613-001
Provider Notice 6/11/2019- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) training
Phase 2 of EVV is fast approaching and important EVV training information can be accessed here.
Provider Notification PN190611-001
Provider Notice 5/31/2019- Incontinence Supply Codes
May 31st, 2019
Dear Provider,
Effective September 1, 2019, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will not require prior authorization for the following CPT/HCPCS code before services are rendered.
Please note the allowable units for each service below.
T4545 |
Incontinence product, disposable, penile wrap, each |
200 / Month |
Should you have any questions related to this change in PA, please don't hesitate to contact our Provider Experience team at 1-855-364-0974.
Thank you for your continued dedication to our members!
Provider Experience
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Notification PN190531-001
Provider Notice 05/07/2019 – Hospice Providers
Dear Hospice & Skilled Nursing Facility providers,
Recently, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) provided clarification to Managed Care Organizations related to Hospice providers billing for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Room & Board.
Per the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations, when an individual resides in a SNF and is receiving hospice services, the hospice provider must bill the managed care plan for room and board.
CMS has indicated that room and board payment needs to go to the hospice provider (and not the skilled nursing facility) because they are considered the provider of record per SSA 1905(o)(3)(C). Furthermore, 1902(a)(32) and 42 CFR 447.10 prohibits provider payment reassignment.
Per this guidance and regulation, beginning with dates of service July 1, 2019 or after, Aetna Better Health of Ohio (a MyCare plan) will only accept billing from Hospice providers for room and board services when an individual is receiving hospice services and resides in a skilled nursing facility.
Hospice provider must:
Note: Hospice Providers DO NOT need to obtain an authorization
SNF provider must:
Please Note: Aetna Better Health of Ohio will NOT be contracting with Hospice providers since Hospice services are carved out of MyCare, but will pay Hospice providers as non-PAR for claims for SNF Room & Board services. Please refer to our provider manual for information about timely filing, claim submission, and resources available to you as a non-PAR provider.
Beginning with dates of services July 1, 2019 or after, Aetna will deny any skilled nursing facility claims for room and board that are billed directly by the skilled nursing facilities for individuals receiving hospice. SNFs should work with their partner Hospice providers accordingly for reimbursement if applicable.
Ventilator Dependent Members:
In the rare instance that a member who is ventilator dependent or ventilator weaning, the SNF is reimbursed at the ventilator enhanced rate. Hospice providers shall work with the SNF to identify the SNF’s ventilator status with ODM for submitting ventilator room and board claims. Hospice providers should submit the proper U1, U2, U3, or U4 modifier for their claims per the chart below:
Description of service | Specialty code | RCC | DX Code | Modifier | Rate |
Vent dependent- full rate for meeting VAP threshold | 862 | 419 | Z99.11 | U1 | $819.49 |
Vent dependent rate 5% reduction for not meeting VAP threshold | 864 | 419 | Z99.11 | U2 | $778.52 |
Vent weaning- full rate for meeting VAP threshold | 867 | 410 | Z99.11 | U3 | $983.39 |
Vent weaning -5% reduction for not meeting VAP threshold | 868 | 410 | Z99.11 | U4 | $934.22 |
Members with a Patient Liability:
When applicable, Aetna Better Health is required to deduct Patient liability for SNF member’s Room and Board claims. Effective 7/1/19, Aetna Better Health will begin reimbursing the Hospice provider for room and board, as well as deduct the full member’s patient liability from the Hospice provider’s claim according to the member’s eligibility file from ODM where patient liability is reported. If the Patient Liability exceeds the total on the claim, the remaining balance of patient liability will be deducted off any hospice claims submitted for that member during the same month based upon the date of service. It is still the SNF’s responsibility to collect the member’s patient liability, so Hospice providers will need to coordinate with SNFs related to Patient Liability accordingly.
If you have any questions for Aetna Better Health of Ohio regarding this update, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Services
Provider Notification PN190507-001
Provider Notice 04/11/2019 – Ambulance Providers
Aetna Better Health of Ohio identified an issue that was causing certain claims deny inappropriately. Click here for additional information regarding the dates and codes affected.
Provider Notification PN190411-001
Provider Notice 03/26/2019 – Behavioral Health claims
Dear Behavioral Health Provider,
Some Behavioral Health claims containing codes which are payable only under the Medicaid line of business did not bypass Medicare properly in our system, resulting in incorrect payments, primarily a short payment. The codes included in this error were:
90785, 90791,90832, 90834, 90837, 90839, 90840, 90846, 90847, 90853, 96101, 99354, 99355, G0396, G0397, H0006, H0036, H2017, H2019.
We identified claims that were affected starting on 7/1/18 through 3/19/19. Aetna is currently in process of having all effected claims reprocessed and expects the project to complete in mid-April. If you do not see a correction to your claim and feel the payment was underpaid, please reach out to either your Provider Relations Liaison or our Provider Services team at
We apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused and thank you for your continued service to our members.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notification PN190326-001
Provider Notice 03/26/2019 – Behavioral Health claims with specialty providers
Dear Behavioral Health Provider,
Recently, Aetna Better Health of Ohio identified an issue that effected payment on 4 separate Behavioral Health codes:
H0006, H0036, H2017, H2019
Claims containing these codes did not price correctly based on the provider specialty being billed on the claim, resulting in a zero-dollar payment. This issue effected claims starting with Dates of Service starting 1/1/19, and our system was corrected for any claims received after 3/19/19.
All effected claims are currently being reprocessed to pay the correct rate and will be completed by mid-April. If you do not see a correction to your claim and feel the payment was underpaid, please reach out to either your Provider Relations Liaison or our Provider Services team at .
We apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused and thank you for your continued service to our members.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notification PN190326-002
Provider Notice 03/26/2019 – Denials on claims for billing codes requiring no authorization
Dear Provider,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio previously communicated prior to the beginning of the year a list of codes that would no longer require authorization starting 1/1/19.
These changes were put in place for the codes listed on that communication, however, on 3/12/19, a system issue switched these codes back to ‘authorization required’ status causing denials in error. We identified this issue quickly and have put mechanisms in place to prevent these claims from denying for no authorization starting 3/20/19.
All effected claims are currently being reprocessed to pay the correct rate and will be completed by mid-April. If you do not see a correction to your claim and feel the payment was underpaid, please reach out to either your Provider Relations Liaison or our Provider Services team at .
We apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused and thank you for your continued service to our members.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notification PN190326-003
Provider Notice 03/13/2019 – Claims for Behavioral Health, Durable Medical Equipment and Home Health Agency providers
Dear Provider,
On February 27th, Aetna identified an issue that effected claims for Behavioral Health, Durable Medical Equipment and Home Health Agency providers. Claims affected from the issue span adjudication dates of 2/6/19 thru 3/1/19.
Only claims for Opt-Out members were affected. Certain codes which are Medicaid only covered services were denying incorrectly for no EOB (Remit Edit 377). Aetna Better Health of Ohio has already reprocessed and paid majority of claims affected, and anticipate all claims affected to be reprocessed no later than 4/15.
If you have any claims that meet the criteria above that have not been reprocessed and paid after 4/15, please reach out to Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974 or contact your Provider Relations Liaison for further assistance.
We apologize for the issue, and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your continued service to our members.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio
Provider Notification PN190313-001
Provider Notice 01/28/2019 – Assisted Living billing codes for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)
Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) confirmed for Aetna Better Health of Ohio that Assisted Living claims must be billed using a unique Medicaid ID that is authorized for Assisted Living specifically. The attached information will provide additional details for the correct billing codes.
Provider Notification PN190128-001
Provider Notice 01/17/2019 – Electronic Visit Verification Communication
Aetna Better Health of Ohio would like to share provider-related information for the Electronic Visit Verification program. Click here to see the latest information from the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
Provider Notification PN190117-001
Provider Notice 11/27/2018 - Waiver Service Authorization Attestation
Effective January 1, 2019, Aetna Better Health of Ohio will be requiring attestations from certain waiver providers for authorized services. Click here to see a list of provider types effected.
Provider Notification PN181127-001
Provider Notice 12/21/2018 – Utilization Management FAQ’s for Providers
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has made a change to the pre-denial communication. Click here to see a list of FAQ’s for Utilization Management.
Provider Notification PN181221-001
Provider Notice 11/20/2018 - Pre-Denial Process for Urgent Authorization Requests
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has made a change to the pre-denial process for urgent requests. Click here for additional information.
Provider Notification PN181120-002
Provider Notice 11/20/2018 - Changes in Prior Authorization Requirements
Effective January 1, 2019, there will be changes in Aetna Better Health of Ohio's prior authorization requirements. Click here to see a full list of Home Healthcare CPT codes that will be effected.
Provider Notification PN181120-001
Dear Providers,
Aetna Better Health of Ohio wanted to notify you that, in a recent claims projects where there was a Medicare and Medicaid eligible payment, some claims projects only reprocessed the Medicare claim and not the Medicaid claim, leaving the provider with a new Medicare payment, but the original Medicaid payment.
We are in the process of having the Medicaid claims associated with this issue reversed and reprocessed against the new Medicare claim associated with those projects. You may notice some Medicaid claim reversals and repayments as a result on future remits. The reversal and corresponding reprocessed Medicaid claim may not appear on the same remit, but will be done in close proximity.
Some of the new Medicaid claims may result in a net recoupment, while others in a net payment. We do not anticipate a significant net difference in payment since the primary payment has been made, and the original Medicaid payment was not reversed during the original projects. We anticipate all of the claims effected to be reprocessed and a new Medicaid payment adjudicated in our system by 12/7/18.
PLEASE NOTE: This would not affect any claim that is only eligible for Medicaid payment. Should you have any questions, please contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
We appreciate your business.
Provider Services
Aetna Better Health of Ohio
Provider Notification PN181115-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio would like to clarify that Ambulatory Surgery Centers may not submit claims on a UB04 form using bill type 83X. Click here to read more.
Provider Notification PN181109-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio continues its commitment to correct coding and the implementation of programs that support nationally recognized and accepted coding policies and practices. Evaluation and Management (E&M) coding is an area that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified as having significant error rates. Click here to read more.
Provider Notification PN180928-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio recently identified an issue where our claims encounter data was rejecting due to invalid diagnosis codes. Click here to read more.
Provider Notification PN180912-001
For your convenience we are redistributing a communication from the Ohio Department of Medicaid regarding the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system. Click here to read the full notice.
Provider Notification PN180730-001
Effective August 25, 2018 Aetna Better Health of Ohio, for all lines of business, will require prior authorization for certain CPT/HCPCS codes before services are rendered. Read our full notice here.
Provider Notification PN180725-001
Effective 10/1/2018 codes not priced on the Aetna Market Fee Schedule will reimburse at 20% of billed charges. Click here to read more.
Provider Notification PN180703-001
Using modifier SE to signify when a 340B entity has used a 340B drug for outpatient services.
Provider Notification PN180628-001
Skilled Nursing Facility-Direct Schedule with Preferred Transportation Provider.
Provider Notification PN180608-002
Outpatient hospital covered services effective July 1, 2018 and August 1, 2018.
Provider Notification PN180608-001
Click here to learn about an important update to our policies regarding drug testing.
Provider Notification PN180516-001
Click here to learn about Aetna Better Health of Ohio's effort to help close the gap on health disparities for African-Americans who have hypertension.
Provider Notification PN180125-001
Effective March 1, 2018 there will be changes in Aetna Better Health of Ohio's prior authorization requirements. Click here to see a full list of CPT codes that will be effected.
Provider Notification PN180122-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio, with our partnership with CMS and Medicaid, continues to address medical cost savings initiatives where appropriate. To stay current with the national coding standards, we are updating our current modifier discount tables to align with those national guidelines. Click here to read the full communication.
Provider Notification PN171221-001
the State of Ohio released a revision to several OAC rules pertaining to hospitals. Read this notice to see which rules have been updated.
Provider Notification PN171108-001
OhioMHAS will be holding DEA DATA 2000 waiver trainings for physicians, third year resident physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners across Ohio. Click here to read more and sign up for one of these trainings.
Provider Notification PN171102-001
Help us to ensure that our provider directory is up to date and take this short survey. Your office will also have an opportunity to complete cultural competency accreditation within the survey if you have not already done so.
Provider Notification PN170925-001
We have updated our dates and times for on-site and online training resources for behavioral health redesign.
Provider Notification PN170922-001
Our Quality Navigator Team will be hosting two new webinars. You can find out more, and register for one of these webinars by clicking the link below
Provider Notification PN170914-001
CMS has provided clarification on the guidance for coverage of skilled services in accordance with Jimmo v. Sebelius. Plese click the link below to learn more.
Provider Notification PN170912-001
In an effort to help ensure your organization and Aetna Better Health of Ohio are prepared for the upcoming Behavioral Health Redesign changes that take effect with the Ohio Department of Medicaid starting on January 1st, 2018 we would like to encourage your organization to participate in a 'claims testing' period.
Provider Notification PN170829-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio would like to inform our behavioral health facilities that Medicaid Managed Care Plans may cover IMD services effective 7/1/2017
Provider Notification PN170720-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio regularly reviews and analyzes claim handling practices to identify opportunities for improvement. To that end, we are pleased to announce that as of May 31, 2017, we are working with Cotiviti Healthcare (Cotiviti) to assist us with provider claim reviews and reimbursement review practices.
Provider Notification PN170524-001
Developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON) serves as the standardized notice used by hospitals and critical access hospital (CAH) to notify Medicare patients who receive more than 24 hours of observation services that their hospital stay is outpatient, not inpatient. You must provide the MOON to these patients no later than 36 hours after services begin.
Provider Notification PN170411-001
Effective 05/30/2017 Aetna will have the capability to look across claim types and resolve conflicts that may exist between professional and institutional claims.
Provider Notification PN170410-001
Effective 05/01/2017 Aetna Better Health of Ohio will change the way unlisted and non-specific CPT and HCPCS codes are reviewed and paid.
Provider Notification PN170407-001
To all participating Skilled Nursing Facilities; Aetna Better Health of Ohio's partnership with Advance Health began on 01/01/2017. If you are interested in attending one of our webinars to familiarize yourself with Advance Health please read this notification and register for one of the trainings today.
Provider Notification PN170125-001
Read this important reminder regarding billing practices.
Provider Notification PN161219-001
To Skilled Nursing Facilities: Aetna Better Health of Ohio will be ending its relationship with Optum on 12/31/2016.
Provider Notification PN161102-001
Effective 09/29/2016 the Ohio Department of Medicaid will retire procedure code G0154.
Provider Notification PN160929-001
Effective 09/26/2016 Aetna Better Health of Ohio members will require prior authorization for Radiology, Cardiology & Pain Management services from eviCore healthcare for dates of service 10/03/2016 and after.
Provider Notification PN160902-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio is pleased to release their Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program Overview Guide. This document is designed to concisely lay out the Waiver Service process, waiver services, and general information about the program.
Provider Notification PN160824-001
All providers who prescribe Part D drugs must be enrolled in Medicare or have validly opted-out of Medicare by February 1st, 2017 in order to continue prescribing Part D drugs to your patients.
Click on one of the links below for full details:
Provider Notification PN160505-001
Keeping Your Medicare Advantage Directory Information Up to Date - Aetna Better Health of Ohio contacts you quarterly to ensure that your information in our provider directory is accurate. There's an easier way to make all of your office/facility directory information available to each health plan that your organization participates with using CAQH.
Click Here to learn more.
Provider Notification PN160324-001
Important changes have been made to the Aetna Better Health of Ohio Prior Authorization List. Click the link below to read the details.
Prior Authorization Changes - March 2016
Provider Notification PN160318-001
If you are a Medicaid-participating provider and have received a Revalidation Notice from the Ohio Department of Medicaid, it means you are approaching the End Date of your Medicaid Provider Agreement.
Click here to read more about ODM’s revalidation process.
IMPORTANT: Failing to respond to ODM’s revalidation request before the Medicaid Agreement End Date could result in termination of the Agreement, and your claims will not be eligible for payment.
Provider Notification P160301-001
Aetna Better Health of Ohio has released a chart detailing our standards and timeframes for appointments with our members.
To view the chart, please click here.
Provider Notification PN160112-001
Please click the link below to read this important communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services if you are a provider who prescribes drugs for Medicare patients and have not enrolled in or properly opted-out of Medicare.
Provider Notification PN151016-001
Claims Payment Systemic Errors (CPSEs)
This section contains a report of all current and closed system issues identified by Aetna Better Health of Ohio which have resulted in claims payment errors.
Important notes regarding this report:
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your provider liaison, or contact Provider Services at 1-855-364-0974.
CPSE Report (Updated 1/15/2025)
CPSE Report (Updated 12/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 11/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 10/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 9/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 8/15/2024)
CPSE Report (updated 7/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 6/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 5/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 4/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 3/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 2/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 1/15/2024)
CPSE Report (Updated 12/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 11/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 10/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 9/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 8/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 7/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 6/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 5/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 4/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 3/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 2/15/2023)
CPSE Report (Updated 1/15/2023)
CPSE Report (updated 12/15/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 11/15/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 9/15/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 7/15/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 5/15/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 3/15/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 1/14/2022)
CPSE Report (updated 11/15/2021)
CPSE Report (updated 9/15/2021)
CPSE Report (updated 7/13/2021)
CPSE Report (updated 5/14/2021)
CPSE Report (updated 3/15/2021)
CPSE Report (updated 1/13/2021)
CPSE Report (updated 12/24/2020)
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