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Find out if you or a family member qualifies
Call us at 1-844-645-7371 (TTY: 711). You can call Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 7 PM.
Call us at 1-844-645-7371 (TTY: 711). You can call Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 7 PM.
What are LTC services?

What are LTC services?
LTC services include help with personal and health care needs, like the activities of daily living:
- Cooking and eating
- Using the toilet, taking baths, grooming and getting dressed
- Walking and getting up and down from a seated position
- Managing medication
- Doing laundry and light housekeeping
- Transportation and shopping for supplies
- Managing money
To learn more about LTC services, you can check your member handbook.
Care management
Care management
If you qualify, we’ll assign you a case manager. They’ll visit you in person or check in with you on the phone or in other ways. They’ll get to know you and find out your needs by working with you and your:
- Friends
- Family
- Providers
You can call your case manager at any time for help. Your family and friends can also be present when your case manager visits.

Who can enroll in LTC?

Who can enroll in LTC?
You may qualify for LTC services if you live in Florida and need a higher level of care. You can get LTC benefits from the comfort of your home or assisted living center. You don’t need to live in a nursing home or other facility. Talk with your case manager about the services you may be able to receive.
To qualify for LTC services, you must:
- Be 18 years or older
- Be eligible for Medicaid
- Be screened for LTC eligibility
- Need long-term services and support and/or a nursing home level of care
- Meet hospital level of care if you have cystic fibrosis
If you think you need or qualify for LTC benefits, the first step is to enroll in Medicaid. After you’ve been approved for Medicaid, the state will send you a letter letting you know if you’ve been approved for LTC benefits.
Helpful info
Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)