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Just call us at 1-888-348-2922 (TTY: 711). You can also visit our contact us page. We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What is Medicaid?

What is Medicaid?
Medicaid provides health care coverage for low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly people and people with disabilities. Services include:
- Doctor visits
- Checkups
- Hospital visits
- Prescriptions
- Tests and X-rays
- Emergency care
- Transportation
In West Virginia, there are different plan options.
Not sure where to start? Just click through each plan to read the description. Find the one that best fits your situation to learn more.
Do you qualify for Medicaid?
You may qualify for Medicaid if you:
- Live in West Virginia
- Have low income
- Are a U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant
- Receive supplemental security income (SSI)
- Are a child under age 19
- Are an adult age 19 to 65
- Are a pregnant woman
- Are over age 65
- Are disabled and/or blind
Learn more at the WV Path website.
Do you qualify for CHIP?
To qualify, you or your child must be:
- Live in West Virginia
- Be under age 19
- Be a U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant
- Be able to meet the income requirements
Learn more at the West Virginia CHIP website.
Do you qualify for Mountain Health Promise?
Mountain Health Promise serves children and youth who are:
- In foster care, kinship care and adoptive care
- Eligible for the CSEDW (Children with Serious Emotional Disorder waiver)
Mountain Health Promise members do not need to enroll. If you qualify, you are automatically enrolled in the program.
Learn more at the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) website.
Want more info on Medicaid eligibility?
You can check out this “Do I qualify for Medicaid?” article to learn more.
What’s next?
If you think you qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, you can check out our page that describes how to apply.