Health info on this website is general. It doesn't replace the advice of health care professionals. For specific health care needs or complete health info, see a doctor or other health care provider.
Take control of your health
You can read a wide range of articles to help you manage your health. You’ll also find info on how to get the most from your Aetna Better Health® of West Virginia plan.
We’ve grouped our library articles into four sections for quick access:
Understanding health care
Health care can be confusing. You’ll want to know where you should go to get the right care. And which questions to ask your doctor. These articles will help you understand how to get the most from your health plan.
Living healthy
Healthy moms and kids
Having a child comes with a lot of joy. And a lot of questions. We’re here to help. These articles will help you understand how to best take care of yourself during pregnancy and what to expect after birth.
Managing health
Learning to manage a condition can be overwhelming. But the more you know, the more you can take control of your health. These articles explain common health conditions and how to live with them on your terms.
Check out our most popular articles
Protect yourself with the flu shot
The best way to keep people safe from the flu is to get a flu shot every year. Flu can spread quickly to others.
Flu can cause you to become seriously ill or end up in the hospital.
It is recommended that people ages six months and up get a flu shot each year.
The protection you get from a flu shot goes down over time.
Get a flu shot every year to stay healthy.
Flu shots have a good safety record.
Studies show that flu shots are safe.
You might have a little soreness, redness, or swelling where you've got the shot.
You might also feel a bit feverish or achy.
Adults who use the flu nasal spray might have minor side effects.
That includes a runny nose, headache, sore throat, or cough.
Kids might also have side effects that includes wheezing, throwing up, muscle aches, and a fever.
Side effects are usually not bad and will go away by themselves.
Side effects mean your immune system is revving up to protect you.
Most people who get the flu shot do not have any serious issues.
You can get the flu shot at many doctor's offices and clinic.
You can find flu shots in places like health departments, pharmacies, urgent care clinic, health centers and travel clinics.
Call your health plan if you need health. Finding a doctor.
Protect yourself and your family. Get your flu shot today.
Protect yourself with the flu shot
Getting a flu shot is a simple way to help you stay healthy during the season. That’s why we offer flu shots at no extra cost to you.
Is your child up to date on their vaccines?
Is your child up to date on their vaccines?
Regular vaccines can help prevent your child from getting sick. Schedule a well-child visit and ask your provider about which vaccines they recommend.
Many parents have questions about the vaccines
or shots the doctor says their child needs Here answers to some of the most common questions.
Are vaccines safe?
Yes, there is a system that ensures that vaccines are as safe as possible.
Millions of children get them every year without problems. Vaccines may help stop diseases like measles and whooping cough, which can cause serious illness to babies and children.
Vaccines help keep your child from getting sick.
The main risks with getting vaccines
are possible side effects.
Most side effects like redness and swelling are mild and go away within a few days.
Serious problems like allergic reactions are rare. If that happens, doctors and clinic staff are ready to help.
For most children, the benefit of getting vaccines is much greater than the
possible side effects The vaccine schedule that doctors recommend help keep
babies and children safe by protecting them Early.
Children can get sick more easily when they are young. Some vaccines need to be given more than once to keep children healthy. Vaccine is important because it stops bad illnesses for babies and children.
Your child should get all the recommended vaccines for the best protection. Call your child's doctor to ensure your child is up to date on all of their vaccines.
Call your health plan if you need help finding a doctor for your child.
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With this health resource, you’ll have access to more than 4,000 topics about health and medication, including:
- Diseases and conditions
- Treatments and procedures
- Over-the-counter products
- Prescriptions
- Vitamins and supplements
The National Institutes of Health works with the National Library of Medicine to provide this resource for patients and their families and friends. You’ll get the health info you need in language you can understand. This service is reliable, up to date and free. You can use it to find:
The latest treatments
Info on a medication or supplement
The meaning of terms you don’t understand
Helpful medical videos or pictures
Links to the latest medical research on your topic
Info about clinical trials in your area for a disease or condition
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Thousands of medically reviewed articles
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