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What is HEDIS used for?
The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) coordinates HEDIS testing and scorekeeping. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses HEDIS scores to monitor a health plan’s performance. More than 90% of American health plans use HEDIS scores to compare how well the plan performs in areas like:
- Quality of care
- Access to care
- Member satisfaction with the plan and providers
HEDIS education materials
Here are some helpful links to start with:
Our HEDIS “News You Can Use” flyer is designed with you and your practice in mind. It includes key information related to HEDIS, such as measure requirements, coding information and best practices.
Check out some recent issues.
- 2025 NCQA Changes (PDF)
- Adolescent Immunizations (PDF)
- Behavioral Health Follow-Up Opportunities (PDF)
- Cardiovascular health (PDF)
- Childhood and Adolescent Well-Being (PDF)
- Childhood Immunizations (PDF)
- Closing gaps in care (PDF)
- Dental care (PDF)
- Diabetes (PDF)
- Medical record review (PDF)
- Prenatal and Postpartum Care (PDF)
- Provider and member incentives for 2024 (PDF)
- Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity (PDF)
- Well Woman (PDF)
We host HEDIS webinars on a variety of topics throughout the year. You can see our presentations from past webinars below.
- Adolescent Immunizations (PDF)
- Behavioral Health Follow-Up Care (PDF)
- Cardiovascular health webinar (PDF)
- Childhood Immunizations and Lead Screening (PDF)
- Closing gaps in care (PDF)
- Dental care (PDF)
- Diabetes (PDF)
- Medical record review webinar 2025 (PDF)
- NCQA 2025 Changes (PDF)
- Prenatal and Postpartum Care (PDF)
- Provider and member incentives for 2024 (PDF)
- Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents webinar (PDF)
- Well child visits (PDF)
- Well woman (PDF)
We host HEDIS webinars on a variety of topics throughout the year. You can attend the live webinars using the information below.
Attend live webinars
You’ll get an invitation to attend our webinars. The invite contains instructions on how to attend via Webex.
HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).