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Shared decision-making aids are communication tools used as a way for providers and patients to make informed health care decisions based on what is important to the patient. They do not replace physician guidance but are intended to help complement the discussions between patients and physicians on treatment decisions.
Below are evidence-based aids that provide information about treatment options, lifestyle changes, and outcomes.
- American Heart Association | Health Topics
- Diabetes | American Heart Association
- Flu Prevention | American Heart Association
- Heart Facts | American Heart Association
- Mayo Clinic | Care that fits
- Statin Choice | Mayo Clinic
- Depression Medication Choice | Mayo Clinic
- Cardiovascular Primary Prevention Choice | Mayo Clinic
- Behavioral health inpatient prior auth form (PDF)
- Behavioral health outpatient prior auth form (PDF)
- Children's residential prior auth form (PDF)
- Peer recovery support specialist prior auth form (PDF)
- Physical health outpatient and inpatient prior auth form (PDF)
- Substance use disorder prior auth form (PDF)
Provider network files
These links provides access to our Aetna Better Health of West Virginia provider directory CSV files which can be downloaded by third parties and used to review data.
Member materials and forms
Find all the forms a member might need — right in one place.