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Get ready to apply

Get ready to apply
You’ll need about 30 minutes to apply. Before you start, you’ll want to have this info ready:
- Employer and income info: household monthly income, pay stubs and W-2 forms
- Social Security numbers or document numbers for each household member applying
- Date of birth for each household member applying
- Immigration info, if it applies (some noncitizens may qualify to enroll, depending on state rules)
- Photo ID if you’re applying in person
- Policy numbers for any current health insurance
Start here
You can apply:
By mail
You can apply by filling out a paper form:
Mail it to your local DHHR office. Of all the options, this one may take the longest.
In person
To get in-person help with applying, go to your local DHHR office.
Just call beforehand to make sure your site is open.
Choose a health plan
Choose a health plan
You’ll get a welcome packet in the mail after approval of your application. The next step is choosing Aetna Better Health® of West Virginia as your health care plan. If you don’t choose a plan, the state will choose one for you.

What to expect after you enroll

What to expect after you enroll
Your coverage will start as soon as the state approves your enrollment. Once you're approved, you’ll get a welcome packet and member ID card in the mail. In the meantime, see what steps you can take when you first become a member.
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