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It’s been a long pandemic! Now that things are opening and we are all venturing outside for summer fun, it’s important to keep a few safety tips in mind. Summer safety guidelines don’t have to be a long list of things to avoid. Where’s the fun in that? Instead, let's consider a few changes to our routines to increase safety and fun for the entire family.
Family gatherings: Food is the one thing that we can count on to be part of most summer activities and get-togethers. Cook your fresh foods the same day you buy them. This will limit the amount of time bacteria has to grow. Bacteria in food are the main cause of food poisoning. This season, remember the four food safety steps: clean, separate, cook, and chill. Summer also offers the best time to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Produce is at its highest nutrient content in the summer months. Fruit is high in water content and eating it can also be a great way to stay hydrated while playing in the sun.
Speaking of hydration: Drinking right is also an important summer safety tip. Remember that we lose fluids when we sweat. And we typically sweat more during the summer months. Keep water ready and available to drink often and as needed, especially outdoors. Avoid too much caffeine from coffee, black tea, and colas.
Don’t forget to pack the sunscreen: Wearing sunscreen daily not only reduces the risk of skin cancer and sunburns, but it also helps to prevent the early onset of wrinkles. The higher the SPF, the better. You’re welcome!
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois is sponsoring a ton of summer events encourage summer safety and fun. Download the Aetna app to find more tips and details on events taking place in your area.

Did you know that having a dedicated primary care provider (PCP) can help keep you healthy? A PCP helps manage your routine care like physicals and preventive care, and they can help treat common medical issues. Also, they can educate you on healthy lifestyle choices and make referrals to specialists when needed.
At Aetna Better Health® of Illinois, we designed our website with our members in mind. With a few clicks you can find a PCP to help you live a healthy life.
Here's a list of PCP types to help you decide what you and your family need:
- Family medicine physicians, also known as family doctors, see patients of all ages – sometimes everyone in a family
- Pediatricians care for children and teenagers
- Internists, or internal medicine doctors, see only adults
- Geriatricians care for older people (age 65+)
- Obstetricians and gynecologists focus on women’s health and pregnancy
- Nurse practitioners and physician assistants provide primary care as part of a team that includes a physician
No matter which type of PCP you see, remember to bring your important documents to every visit. This includes your member ID card, a valid photo ID, medical history and a list of your medications.

Influenza — also known as flu — is caused by a virus that easily spreads from one person to another. Flu can cause severe illness for some people and can even lead to hospitalization or death. Flu symptoms include:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Body aches
- Headache
- Chills
The best way to protect yourself and others from getting very sick from flu is to get a flu shot. Flu shots are recommended every year for people age 6 months and older, unless their doctor tells them otherwise.
How does the flu vaccine work?
Health experts make a vaccine to match the types of flu virus that are expected to be most common during the next flu season. The flu vaccine has an inactive virus and can’t give you the flu. But it does cause your body to create antibodies that can protect you from getting very sick or spreading the flu to others. It takes about two weeks after a flu shot to be fully protected.
Flu is most common during the fall and winter months in the United States. Most health experts suggest getting your flu shot by the end of October for protection during the months that activity is the highest.
Your flu shot is free
The flu shot is covered at no charge for Aetna Better Health® of Illinois members. You can get a flu shot from your primary care provider (PCP), at your local CVS Pharmacy® or MinuteClinic®. You can even save a step and schedule your flu shot at the same time as your COVID-19 vaccine or booster.
Members age 18 and older who get a flu shot between September 15, 2022, and March 31, 2023, can receive a $15 gift card from Aetna Better Health of Illinois. A limited number of gift cards are available. Cards will be mailed to eligible members by June 30, 2023, while supplies last.
What else can you do to stay healthy during flu season?
You can help your immune system protect against illnesses such as flu. Here are some tips:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Wash your hands with soap and water
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables
- Exercise regularly
- Get plenty of rest
If you have questions about getting a flu shot, talk to your PCP.

November is American Diabetes Month. Preventing or catching diabetes in its early stages helps you to avoid serious health complications.
Diabetes is a common health condition. According to the CDC, more than 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes, and 1 in 5 don’t even know it yet. Knowing the signs and symptoms is critical, especially for people of color. Here are some important stats:
- The CDC states Hispanic adults have a 50% chance of developing diabetes, which is 10% higher than US adults overall.
- The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that African Americans are 60% more likely to get a diabetes diagnosis and are twice as likely to die from the disease.
Here are a few steps to help prevent diabetes:
Lose any extra pounds. Create a routine to move your body through a physical activity like walking or running. Set short-term weight loss goals. Any aerobic exercise will improve your blood circulation, lower stress, lower blood sugar and strengthen your heart.
Eat healthy. Focus on plant-based, fiber-rich food such as tomatoes and peppers. Eat whole grains, like whole wheat bread, rice and pasta. Make sure your vegetables are non-starch, like leafy greens, broccoli and cauliflower. Food with fiber and nutrients will slow your sugar absorption —something that processed foods with high sugar levels won’t.
Choose unsaturated fats, like nuts and seeds, salmon and sardines. If you eat dairy and red meat, consider low-fat options, or lean chicken and pork.
Get regular checkups. See your doctor at least twice a year. Get your blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, feet, and eyes checked. See your dentist to get your teeth and gums checked.
Watch for signs. Have excessive thirst? Extra weight gain? Changes in vision? Frequent urination? These are just some of the signs of diabetes. Talk to your doctor if you have any of these signs.
Managing your diabetes
Already living with diabetes? Take steps now to manage your condition. Keep eating healthily, exercising and seeing your doctor regularly. You should also do the following:
Stop smoking. Smoking will increase your risk of other health problems like heart disease, stroke, nerve damage and blood vessel narrowing
Avoid alcohol. Beer, wine and liquor contain sugar and can push your blood sugar levels up. Soda, juice and energy drinks are also loaded with processed sugar.
Manage your stress. Your blood sugar levels spike when you feel anxiety. Exercise and eating right will help. Work in other ways to manage your stress, like doing yoga, meditating, visiting a mental health counselor and/or support groups. Even gardening or reading can help to relax your body and mind.
Take your medicine. Create a routine to make sure you don’t miss a day and get refills before you run out.
Educate yourself on managing your blood sugar levels and then create a plan to prevent or control it. The time to start is today.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women. When it comes to finding breast cancer, sooner is often better. Regular screenings may help to spot it as early as possible when there are more treatment options.
Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast area begin growing in a way that is not normal. Sometimes the cancer can spread from the breast into nearby areas — and even to other parts of the body. Screenings can find lumps and other signs of cancer before it starts to spread.
A mammogram is a type of screening exam. This X-ray scans the breast area for any signs of cancer. Women ages 40 and older who are at an average risk for breast cancer are encouraged to get a mammogram every year. Women with a family history of breast cancer may need to start screening earlier and should check with their provider.
Breast screenings are covered at no charge by Aetna Better Health® of Illinois for eligible members. Members ages 50-74 can earn Aetna Better Care Rewards for completing their annual breast screening. Learn more about the Aetna® Better Care Rewards program.
Schedule your screening by calling your doctor’s office or Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711).
The Aetna Better Health of Illinois community outreach team hosted Pamper Me Pink events across the state during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Each event offered health screenings, education and resources for healthy living and giveaways. See our upcoming events on our calendar of events.

Cold, flu and other types of respiratory illness are common during the winter months. As the weather gets colder, it’s important to watch for signs of illness and learn how to keep from getting sick.
Some of the most common winter illnesses — and their symptoms — are listed below. Remember: symptoms won’t be the same for everyone. Always call your doctor’s office if you need testing or treatment, or if symptoms get worse.
A cold is the most common type of illness seen by doctors in the winter months. It can be caused by a number of different viruses, including one called rhinovirus.
When you have a cold, you may cough, sneeze and get a runny nose or scratchy throat. A cold can make you feel really tired, so it’s important to get plenty of rest. Over-the-counter medicines can help your feel better until the symptoms are gone.
COVID-19 is caused by a virus that is easily spread to others. The winter months could bring a rise in cases as people are indoors more. COVID-19 can cause fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, headache and other symptoms.
If you think you have COVID-19, get tested and ask your doctor what medicine or other treatment you may need.
Vaccines are recommended for people ages 6 months and older to protect against serious illness from COVID-19. Boosters are also recommended to enhance the primary vaccination series. See current guidelines for COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
Flu is caused by a virus that easily spreads from one person to another. It spreads when a person with the virus coughs, sneezes or touches surfaces that other people use.
Flu can develop suddenly with fever, chills, body aches, sore throat and a headache. If you think you have the flu, your doctor can do a test and prescribe medicine to help you feel better.
The best protection against the flu is getting a flu shot every year. If you haven’t already had a flu shot, ask your doctor about getting one. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois members ages 18 and older who get a flu shot between September 15, 2022, and March 31, 2023, can receive a $15 gift card. Learn more here.
Pneumonia is a serious condition that affects the lungs. Some people get pneumonia from a virus, other illnesses or bacteria.
Symptoms of pneumonia include fever, a deep cough, chills, shortness of breath and pain. If you’ve been sick and are getting worse, have a cough that doesn’t get better or have pain when you breathe, call your doctor right away.
RSV, which is short for respiratory syncytial virus, can have symptoms of runny nose, cough and congestion. RSV can also cause wheezing and rapid breathing. Babies and young children with RSV may be fussy or not as active as usual.
RSV can turn into a serious illness for some people, including babies, young children and those with other health conditions. Parents should call their child’s doctor if they aren’t drinking enough, having trouble breathing or if symptoms are getting worse.
Protecting against illness this winter
To stay healthy, avoid being close to people who are sick, wash hands often and avoid touching your face. Be sure to clean surfaces that are touched often, like doorknobs, phones and bathroom surfaces.
Remember that vaccines are available to protect against COVID-19, flu and some types of pneumonia. They can help you avoid getting sick or make your symptoms less severe. Ask your doctor what vaccines you may need.
If you do get sick, check with your doctor about medicines or other treatment you may need. Be sure to get plenty of rest and always call your doctor’s office if symptoms are getting worse.

The “Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is filled with joyous traditions, gatherings and celebrations. While this is exciting to some, it can be a source of stress to others. About 40% of adults have anxiety around the holidays. And more than 60% of people with mental illness believe the holidays make their symptoms worse. This time of year can bring high demands, increased stress and strong emotions because of unrealistic expectations, financial pressures, social isolation and grief. Here are five tips to enhance and maintain your mental health so you can have an enjoyable celebratory season.
Set boundaries. The holidays are very busy. You may feel pressure to accept invites and overextend yourself. Know your limits and don’t let guilt guide your decisions. Only say yes to things that are important to you. Remember that setting boundaries is an act of self-care and puts your needs first.
Don't overindulge and get enough sleep. Try to keep good habits during this festive season. There are lots of food, drinks and late nights. It’s best to eat a healthy diet with little to no alcohol. A good night’s rest has several benefits like an emotional reset, boost to your immune system and lowering your overall risk for health problems. And don’t forget to exercise.
Spend less, smile more. We tend to overspend during the holidays, and this can cause financial stress. However, smiling doesn’t cost anything. In fact, smiling can improve your mood. And it has positive health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, helping you relax and relieving stress. Set and stay within a budget and track your spending with a smile.
Make new traditions. For many, this may be the first holiday season without a loved one. There’s no doubt the season is going to differ from the past. It’s okay if you decide to do something different. Create new traditions focused on what makes you happy, instead of what others expect of you.
Have an attitude of gratitude. Research shows that gratitude can decrease stress and improve physical and mental health. During the holidays, we reflect on and give thanks for all our blessings. But we don’t have to wait. Gratitude can be practiced year-round! Make it part of your daily routine by writing down 1-3 things you’re grateful for. That way, when the holidays come around you have a gratitude reserve that can help during challenges.
To help you manage your mental health and wellness during the holiday season – and year-round – Aetna Better Health® of Illinois has two apps for members:
Pyx Health® is designed to help reduce loneliness and improve health. It connects users to health plan and community resources in real time. And has tools to support mental, social and physical health needs.
Moodfit provides a set of customizable tools to help manage your mental wellness. Learn how to reduce stress, fight procrastination, relaxation techniques and more!
Learn more at

Did you know more than half of children and adolescents have had a cavity? Or that children’s baby teeth are at risk for decay as soon as they appear? To prevent common issues from turning into serious concerns, it’s important children understand why oral hygiene and healthy diets matter.
February is a time when health professionals promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers and others. But everyone can play a role in educating children on this topic.
Cavities cause pain and if left untreated, can lead to infections that may create issues with eating, speaking, playing and learning. In fact, children who have poor oral health often miss more school and receive lower grades than children who don’t.
The good news is, cavities and other oral health issues can be prevented. There are ways to help set children of all ages on the path to good oral hygiene, which can turn into regular habits they’ll carry with them as they grow. Read below to learn how to help.
- Begin dental hygiene as soon as possible. Before teeth appear, a baby’s mouth should be cleaned twice a day (after first feeding and before bed) by wiping the gums with a clean washcloth to remove bacteria and sugar. Avoid putting a baby to bed with a bottle of milk. Milk or juices can pool around teeth and cause severe decay.
- Brush regularly. Once teeth come in, a baby’s teeth should be brushed twice a day with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and water.
- Check when it’s okay to use toothpaste. Talk to a dentist or pediatrician about using fluoride-based toothpaste and receiving a fluoride application on a baby’s teeth.
- Go to the dentist. By the baby’s first birthday, they should visit with a dentist to spot any potential problems early on.
- Brush twice a day. Encourage children to brush their teeth twice a day — in the morning and right before bed — using fluoride toothpaste.
- Brush properly and don’t forget the tongue. Poor brushing can be just as bad as not brushing at all. Children should take their time and use gentle, circular motions as well as gently brush their tongue.
- Don’t forget to floss. Flossing once a day is a great way to stimulate the gums and reduce plaque.
- Consider using mouthwash. Mouthwash can help reduce acid in the mouth, clean hard-to-brush areas and strengthen the teeth. A dentist can provide specific mouthwash recommendations for children.
- Visit the dentist regularly. Children should see the dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and checkups. The dentist can help remove plaque, look for cavities and spot for potential oral health issues.
- Model good brushing habits. Brush your teeth with the children to encourage proper brushing technique and habits.
- Avoid sugar-based food and drinks in your diet. Set a good example for children and help them establish a lifetime of good dietary habits.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois wants to make sure everyone has the knowledge to help children learn good oral health habits. Together, we can create happy, smiling children.

Starting school can be an exciting time for young children. It’s a chance to learn new things and meet new friends. But, before heading into the classroom for the first time, children need to get vaccines to protect them and others from getting sick.
According to the National Library of Medicine, most recommended childhood vaccinations are 90-99 percent effective. Vaccines can provide protection against serious illnesses such as measles, mumps and polio, that can easily spread between children.
Before they start school, children need to be up to date on their shots. Your child’s doctor can tell you what vaccines are needed for their age. If a child is behind on their shots, their doctor can help them get caught up before school starts.
Some vaccines that are recommended for children before starting school include:
- Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
- Polio
- Measles
- Rubella
- Mumps
- Varicella
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
An annual well-child visit is covered for members of Aetna Better Health® of Illinois. These visits are a great time to ask your child’s doctor what vaccines they need to get ready to start school. You can also discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s health or development.
If you need help finding a doctor, call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY 711). Always ask your child’s doctor about their health care needs.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it’s also a time to celebrate mom. As we approach Mother’s Day, focus on the path to becoming a mom. Postpartum depression can be part of that journey.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, mental health issues are common during pregnancy and childbirth. About one in eight women in Illinois experience depression during pregnancy and postpartum.
Postpartum depression is often diagnosed within the first four weeks after giving birth. However, it may be identified later. The earlier screening begins, the sooner people can get treatment.
Signs include:
- Feeling low, hopelessness or frequent crying
- Changes in eating and sleep patterns
- Extreme tiredness
- Severe anxiety or panic attacks
- Feelings of helplessness or shame
- Trouble bonding with your baby or fearing you're a bad mother
- Difficulty thinking clearly
- Thoughts about harming yourself and others
Understanding symptoms of depression is important. But dealing with them is too. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois covers mental health care for our members. You can use our website’s Find a Provider tool to find care in your area.
We also offer extra benefits to help moms identify, track and address mental health. To qualify for these additional benefits, members must:
- Complete a health risk screening
- Complete an annual wellness visit
- Fill out a member marketing consent
Know when to ask for help. Identifying the condition is the first step. Doctors can provide a diagnosis. Look for signs like mood swings, sadness, changes in sleeping or eating habits. These signs are key indicators of mental health issues.
Use available resources. Moodfit is a mobile app that’s available to Aetna Better Health of Illinois members. Moodfit learns what most affects your mood. It provides tools to help manage mental wellness. Users also learn how to reduce stress with relaxation tips and more.
The Pyx Health® app is another great option. Users can connect with a chat robot or staff for support. It can also help reduce stress and encourage positivity. Support services are available 24 hours a day.
Improve your mood. Make self-care choices. We provide services to help improve your mood and create lifestyle changes aimed at improving your physical and mental health. These extra benefits include a gym membership and weight management support. Call Member Services at 866-329-4701 (TTY: 711) to enroll in your extra benefits.
It takes a village. We’re part of that village. We even help during the baby shower stage! Aetna Better Health of Illinois hosts free baby showers throughout the year. People who attend have access to:
- Tips and education on baby safety
- Nutrition, healthy cooking demos and food samples
- Games, prizes and giveaways
We also provide eligible members with a free convertible car seat and diaper bag. There are many benefits available. Take the time to learn more about them.
Pregnancy and the time that follows can be difficult, but you’re not alone. If you have questions, talk to your OB/GYN or doctor. There are also tips available online.
Aetna Better Health of Illinois is here to support you at any stage of your motherhood journey. Happy Mother’s Day!

June is National Men’s Health Month. This is a chance to give the man in your life the gift of health. Remind him to schedule a visit with his doctor—starting with an annual exam.
According to the Mayo Clinic, men older than 50 should have a physical exam every year. Men younger than 50 should have a physical exam every three to five years.
Regular checkups with your doctor can help identify signs of health conditions. Your doctor can also decide if you need more testing or screening. Early dedication can lead to prevention.
Take simple steps like staying up to date with immunizations. Shots recommended for men include:
· Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td) or Tetanus Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap): every 10 years
· Flu: every year
· Shingles: two doses, separated by two to six months starting at age 50
· Pneumonia: one at age 60 and one more after age 61
· COVID-19: as recommended by your doctor
Men should also pay close attention to specific health conditions. Here are a few.
Blood pressure: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of adults in the U.S. live with high blood pressure. However, men are affected more than women. Risk factors include family history, alcohol use, being overweight and diet. Men should be screened once a year after they turn 18. It is also important to track your blood pressure. You can take your blood pressure with your doctor, at home or at a CVS Pharmacy®.
Cholesterol: High cholesterol is a medical condition that can lead to stroke. It can also lead to heart disease and other health conditions. There are many factors that can lead to high cholesterol. Family history, age, diet, being overweight, lack of exercise and smoking all play a role. However, you should talk to your doctor if you have concerns or questions. Men over the age of 20 should get screened every five years. Don’t wait until it’s too late. You can manage your cholesterol before it becomes a problem.
Diabetes: Diabetes increases your chance of heart disease. It can also affect other parts of your body. Heart disease can affect your eyes, kidneys and your skin. For men, diabetes can also lead to erectile dysfunction and other urological problems. Talk to your doctor about keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range. There are lifestyle changes you can take to get back on track.
Heart disease: Heart disease refers to different types of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease and heart attack. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the U.S., according to the CDC. Risk factors for heart disease include family history, race, smoking, not getting enough exercise, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. If you have any of these risk factors, talk to your doctor immediately.
Cancer: There are different forms of cancer that affect men’s health. Types of cancer men should be aware of are colon cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Regular screening and early detection are very important. Below are testing recommendations and some risk factors and signs to watch for.
- Colon cancer: Testing should take place at 45 years and up. Your doctor can help determine your schedule.
- Risk factors/signs: age, previous polyps or colon cancer, bowel disease, diet, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking and heavy alcohol use
- Prostate cancer: Testing is recommended at 50 years and up on an annual basis.
- Risk factors/signs: age, race (particularly African American), North American and Western European nationalities, family history and diet
- Testicular cancer: Testing should start at 15 years of age and up at every routine check-up.
- Risk factors/signs: family history, lump or swelling of the testicles
This National Men’s Health Month, share these helpful tips and information with the man in your life. And remember that the best gift you can give is encouragement to lead a healthier life.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois offers extra programs and services at no cost to our members. Our mission is to take care of your family’s health and well-being. If you need help finding care, check the back of your member ID card to find a doctor. You can also contact Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY 711).

Summer is in full swing and we’re sharing ways to safely enjoy it. Whether you’re taking a dip in the pool or enjoying time outdoors, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Get moving safely
Plan your activity for the cooler parts of the day — either early morning or evening when the sun’s rays are weakest. Follow these tips to stay motivated:
- Aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity each week.
- Add 10-minute activity breaks into your daily calendar.
- Find an activity you enjoy.
- Encourage a friend to join you to help stay on track.
Use sun protection
The sun’s rays are strongest and more likely to cause damage at midday. Avoid the sun between 10 AM and 4 PM. If you need to be in the sun, wear a wide brim hat and natural and breathable fabrics. Don’t forget to wear sunglasses with UV protection — your eyes can be damaged by the sun.
Before you head out the door, grab your sunscreen. Don’t miss a beat and follow this checklist:
- Choose a “broad spectrum” sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30 to protect from both UVA and UVB rays.
- Apply sunscreen at least 15-30 minutes before you go out in the sun.
- Cover all skin that will be exposed.
- Don’t forget about your lips! Use a lip balm that has SPF 30 or higher.
- Reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours.
Stay hydrated
Drinking enough fluids is one of the most important things you can do to prevent heat exhaustion. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day. Here are a few things to also keep in mind:
- Drink water before feeling thirsty.
- Drink water at shorter intervals.
- Drink enough water to replace what you have lost through sweat.
- Avoid energy drinks, alcohol and caffeine.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois encourages you to enjoy summer and stay safe while having fun. No matter what you do, stay focused on your health and wellness.

As you gear up for a new school year, remember there is more to preparing for the back-to-school season than checking off the school supply list. Set your family up for success by creating healthy habits that can be practiced throughout the year. Try these tips to get prepared.
- Stay up to date on immunizations. Set up an appointment with your family's doctor and ask about any vaccines your child needs. Take a moment to set up an annual check-up for yourself, too. Remember, it’s not just infants, children and preteens who need to get their shots. Adults should also stay up to date with their vaccinations, such as the Tdap vaccine.
- Create a balanced lifestyle. School can be a source of anxiety for some children. Don’t forget about your family’s mental health. Creating time to prioritize mental health as your child reaches emotional milestones can help them set healthy mental health habits as they grow into adulthood. Whether it’s taking time to reflect in the morning or setting a time to unwind, stress and mental health management is key. Try meditation exercises as a family or something a bit more active like yoga. Visit our Behavioral Health page to learn more.
- Stay active. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children between the ages of 6–17.Make it a family event! Take family walks or jogs around the neighborhood. You can also take advantage of after-school sports. Some schools and park districts offer activities for free. If cost is a challenge, you can also start a fun game with your family. Don’t overthink it. Grab a ball and get active!
- Build healthy eating habits. Switching up your family’s eating style can be a challenge, especially when you don’t know where to start. Make simple changes to your meals like having fruit after dinner instead of a sweet dessert. You can also swap a side for vegetables or create a veggie platter as an after-school snack. Your food choices affect both your physical and mental health. There is a clear link between diet and emotions, specifically when it comes to the relationship between your brain and tummy. Try adding more whole foods, fibers and vitamins to your diet. Learn more about foods that can boost your mental health.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois offers free school clothes to help members to get ready for the school year. Three times a year eligible members can receive a shirt, pants and a sweater. To qualify, you need to:
- Complete a health risk screening
- Complete an annual wellness visit
- Be up to date on all immunizations
Visit our What’s Covered page to learn more about this program and additional rewards you could receive.
The start of a new school year can be challenging but, Aetna Better Health® of Illinois offers programs to members to get ready and set themselves up for success. For more information on the resources provided to you, visit our website.

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness and share resources about this important topic. While suicide is a national public health problem, it is preventable. Research shows that 90 percent of people who die by suicide may have experienced symptoms of a mental illness. This makes it crucial for people who have symptoms of mental illness to seek help. It is equally important to discuss ways to prevent suicide. Suicide impacts individuals, families and communities. We can all play an active role in suicide prevention if we TALK:
- Talk about it
- Be an Active listener
- Learn the warning signs and
- Keep hope
Talk about it
It’s ok to talk about emotions, feelings and situations that may be causing distress. Being willing to have open, honest conversations about mental illness is key in suicide prevention. Sharing facts about suicide and mental illness can help reduce the stigma associated with seeking help. If you are concerned about someone, it is ok to ask them directly about suicide. If they respond “yes,” be prepared to act and get immediate help to get the person to safety. Talking can save lives.
Be an active listener
Active listening helps build trust and understanding. It is based on the three Rs – Repeat, Reflect, Respond. Give your full attention. After allowing the other person to speak without interrupting, repeat what you’ve heard in a non-judgmental way. Use reflection to empathize, express concern and ask questions. Responding shows that you are interested in what the other person is saying. Your response does not always have to be verbal. Making and maintaining eye contact or nodding your head are other ways to show your support. Listening can save lives.
Learn the warning signs
Although there is no one indicator of suicidal tendencies, there are common warning signs including:
- Discussing wanting to die, having no reason to live or being a burden to others
- Previous suicide attempts
- Looking for ways to kill oneself
- Withdrawing from others
- Increased alcohol and/or drug use
- Dramatic mood swings
- Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
- Showing lack of interest in future plans or giving away possessions
If you or someone you know have any of these warning signs, get help as soon as possible. Knowing the warning signs can save lives.
Keep hope
When someone has lost hope, they may consider suicide. That’s why it is important to keep hope. Hope is the belief that things will get better no matter how dark the current situation may be. The World Health Organization designated “creating hope through action” as the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day from 2021 - 2023. It reminds us there is an alternative to suicide and aims to inspire confidence and light in all of us. Instilling hope can save lives.
If you or someone you know are struggling, know that help is available. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline will connect those in crisis to a trained counselor and provides 24/7 free and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.
You can also call our behavioral health hotline at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711). Choose 1 for behavioral health crisis. You can talk to someone 24 hours a day. And they’ll link you to the right resources.
If you have a medical emergency and need help right now, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. You can use any hospital for emergency care, even if it isn’t in our network. Just show your member ID card.

The key to a good doctor’s visit is being prepared. Create a plan to help make the visit easier, whether it’s with your primary care provider or a specialty physician. Make the most of your visit by keeping these tips in mind:
- Make sure your doctor is in-network. Your primary care provider’s name is listed on your member ID card. Call us at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711) to schedule a visit. If you’re seeing another doctor, call their office to be sure they are in your health plan network.
- Do your research. Choose the best doctor for you. Being comfortable with your doctor is key to getting the treatment you need and deserve. Trust is also important when sharing health information. Consider your background and beliefs as well. Maybe you’re more comfortable with a female doctor or someone of the same ethnic background as you. Consider all factors to help you get the best care possible.
- Make a list of questions before your visit. Go into the visit with a goal in mind. Ask questions and share notes on events or symptoms leading up to your visit. The more questions, the better!
- Know your family history. Family history can have a major impact on your health. It can also help doctors understand your current health. Gather as much family history as possible. Include history on diseases like cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
- Share past procedures and medication. Make a list of past procedures like surgeries and vaccines. Also, make a list of past and current medications. Include key information like dosage, refill dates, the reason for taking the medication and any side effects.
- Bring the proper support. It’s okay if you need support. It can be someone you know or someone at the doctor’s office. Also, ask for a translator if you’re more comfortable speaking your native language. You can also bring family or friends to help translate general information.
- Have an emergency contact. Confirm your emergency contact before your visit. Carefully consider this for tests and procedures. Choose someone you trust to gather and share information back to you. This is important when getting a new diagnosis or treatment plan.
- Be honest. A doctor-patient relationship is a partnership, not a one-time exchange. Doctors are there to provide you with care. There needs to be mutual trust. On that same note, report any negative experience to our Fraud and Abuse Hotline at 1-866-536-0542 (TTY:711).
We’re here to help. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711) Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM to:
- Make an appointment
- Get help with your benefits
- Arrange a ride to the doctor’s office
And remember, set yourself up for success to receive the best care possible from your health care team.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation tells us that breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. In 2020, it became more common than lung cancer for the first time. It's also the cancer that American women are most likely to have.
But what is breast cancer, exactly? It's a disease where abnormal cells in the breast start growing too fast and in a disordered way. There are different types of breast cancer, depending on the type of cells involved. That's why it’s important to learn more about the risk factors.
To detect signs of breast cancer early, consider these risks:
- As women get older, their chance of getting breast cancer goes up. More than 3 out of 4 breast cancer cases happen in women over 50.
- It's important to know your family history. If your mom, sister, grandma or daughter has had breast cancer, it may raise your risk. Genetics play a major role.
- How your body is built also matters. If you have dense breasts or are overweight, it might increase your risk.
- Breast cancer can be confusing so It's important to talk to a doctor about ways to check for breast cancer and lower your chances of getting it.
- Be honest. Tell your doctor about any changes you see in your breasts like pain, lumps, skin changes, nipple discharge or changes in nipple appearance. Note changes in size and shape of your breast, too.
One of the best ways to detect breast cancer early is by getting a mammogram. A mammogram is an X-ray of the breasts. Getting this exam on a regular basis can help find problems early. If you’re 40 or older and have an average risk for breast cancer, get a mammogram every other year. You might need to start screening earlier if you’re younger than 40 and have family history of breast cancer or are at higher risk. Early detection is key.
Mammograms are covered by Aetna Better Health® of Illinois for members starting at age 40. Members may be eligible to receive a $25 incentive through Aetna Better Care® Rewards by getting an annual mammogram.
Remember that we're here to help. You can set up your screening by calling your doctor’s office or Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711).

Flu, COVID-19 and RSV are three illnesses that spread more during the fall and winter months. These three viruses are the reason for many hospital stays during this time of year.
The good news? This is the first fall and winter virus season where vaccines are available to protect against all three illnesses.
It’s important to watch for signs of flu, COVID-19 and RSV and learn how to protect yourself and others. The signs of sickness won’t be the same for everyone. Always call your doctor’s office if you need testing or treatment, or if your symptoms are getting worse.
COVID-19 is caused by a virus that spreads quickly and easily. Signs of COVID-19 can include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, headache and other symptoms. People with COVID-19 may have a mild illness or get very sick and need to be in the hospital.
If you think you have COVID-19, get tested.
The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from the virus.
A virus also causes the flu — short for influenza. It easily spreads from one person to another. It affects the nose, throat and lungs. When someone with the flu coughs, sneezes or touches surfaces, other people can get the virus.
Flu can come on suddenly and cause fever, chills, body aches, sore throat and a headache. If you think you may have the flu, your doctor may do a quick test.
The best protection against serious illness from the flu is getting a flu shot every year. It’s recommended for everyone six months and older.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois members ages 18 and older who get a flu shot between September 15, 2023, and December 31, 2023, can receive a $10 gift card. Learn more here.
RSV — short for respiratory syncytial virus — is usually mild with symptoms and can cause a runny nose, cough and congestion. But RSV can also cause wheezing and rapid breathing. It can turn into a serious illness for some people, including babies, young children, older people and those with chronic health conditions.
Parents should call their child’s doctor if their child isn’t drinking enough, has trouble breathing or if their symptoms are getting worse.
Vaccines are available to protect babies, toddlers and older adults against serious illness from RSV. Parents and those expecting a baby should ask their doctor which vaccine option may be best. Adults ages 60 and older should ask their doctor if the RSV vaccine is right for them.
Tips for staying well
To stay healthy during this season, avoid being close to people who are sick, wash your hands often and avoid touching your face. Places that are touched often, like doorknobs, phones and bathroom surfaces, should be frequently cleaned.
If you get sick, check with your doctor about medicines or other treatment you may need. Be sure to get plenty of rest and always call your doctor’s office if symptoms are getting worse.
You can find out more about protecting against flu, COVID-19 and RSV at

When you take the first step to live a life without smoking, you're starting a healthier you. By quitting smoking, you can reduce the chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Quitting smoking takes time and a plan. The good news? There are many great resources to help you on your journey.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. In the United States, smoking cigarettes is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer caused by smoking. It can also lead to other cancers like those in the mouth, sinuses, throat, esophagus and bladder. Cigars, pipes and electronic vaping devices can also be harmful and cause cancer.
By getting rid of tobacco, you're doing something great for your health. Some of the health benefits of quitting start within hours of your last cigarette. For example, when you stop smoking:
- In 20 minutes, your blood pressure and heart rate drop
- In 8 hours, your carbon monoxide levels go down, and your oxygen levels return to normal
- In 24 hours, your risk of a heart attack goes down
- In 48 hours, your sense of smell and taste gets better
- In 2 weeks to 3 months, your lung function increases by up to 10%
There are many other benefits to a smoke-free life, like having a brighter smile and clearer skin. You will also lower your cholesterol. It also improves the health of those around you.
There are ways to quit smoking. Talk to your doctor to help choose what’s right for you. Some common options include:
- Nicotine replacements (like gum or patches)
- Medications such as:
- Zyban, Wellbutrin
- Varenicline
- Aventyl, Pamelor
This November, join the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout. It's a challenge that lets you begin a smoke-free life and be healthier.
For more information on quitting smoking call 1-866-QUIT-YES (1-866-784-8937) TTY 1-800-501-1068 for resources on how to quit using tobacco or e-cigarettes. To learn how to get involved in the Great American Smokeout in your community, visit

The new year is a great time to rethink your lifestyle choices. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois is here to provide support in that journey. As our member, we’ve added new benefits this year just for you.
- Free baby essentials: Eligible members can get either a car seat, a highchair, or play yard, plus a diaper bag and $45 each month to spend on diapers.
- Free educational support: Eligible members ages 18 and older can get career training, skill building and GED support.
- Free meal delivery: Eligible members ages 18 and older with a qualifying diagnosis can get meal delivery services with personal nutrition support.
Visit our website for info on qualifying for these extra benefits.
The new year is also a time to plan. Take a moment to set goals. Maybe your new year’s resolution is to be more active? Maybe your goal is to get more sleep? Or perhaps you’d like to eat better. Planning is key to achieving your goals and sticking with them. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for a healthier you this year.
- Sleep more: People lose sleep for many reasons. Work, responsibilities or staying up late are all factors to losing sleep. Loss of sleep is normal every now and then. However, that should not happen all the time. Not getting enough sleep could raise your chances of illnesses like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and mental health issues. Adults should aim for at least seven hours of sleep. Start with a routine to help you achieve your sleep goals. Set an alarm to get ready for bed. You can also track sleep on many mobile devices now, too.
- Plan your meals: Planning meals to prepare at home is a good way to eat healthier. It also helps avoid less healthy options like drive-through meals and snacking. Snacking can impact your health if you don’t choose healthy options. Avoid unhealthy snacks and opt for healthier options like fruit and vegetables. Our meal delivery benefit also offers healthier options and nutrition support.
- Exercise: Get active! Adults need at least 150 minutes of physical activity a day. Children should be active for at least 60 minutes a day. Following these steps can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer or diabetes. People who stay active usually live longer, too! Active people have a lower chance of facing major health issues like obesity and certain cancers. Even for those with long-term health problems, being active can help control their conditions. Start small. Take a stroll around your neighborhood. Small steps go a long way.
- Drink more water: Staying hydrated is key. Drinking enough water every day is very important for staying healthy. It helps prevent dehydration, which causes your body to overheat and triggers headaches. It can also lead to other problems like constipation and kidney stones. You can start with small changes. Replace sugary drinks and caffeine for water. Buy a bottle to help track how much water you drink. Small steps like these can help you prevent diseases like diabetes.
There are several easy steps you can take to become a better you this year. Use these tips as a guide. And remember to review your coverage options. There are many benefits you can take advantage of throughout the year. For more info on your coverage, visit the What’s Covered page on our website or call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711).

January marks Cervical Health Awareness Month. It’s a time to spread knowledge about cervical health. This includes prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. Understanding and identifying symptoms can make a big difference in early detection and treatment.
Some symptoms to look for include:
· Unusual vaginal bleeding
· Pain or discomfort
· Unexplained weight loss and fatigue
It’s important to catch these signs early. Cervical cancer grows slowly. It starts with small cell changes on the cervix. It can stay in this early stage for up to ten years or more before spreading to nearby tissue. However, cervical cancer is treatable when found early.
There are ways to know your cervix health. Here are some steps to keep in mind:
Pap tests: Routine check ups are important. Schedule your regular Pap test. Doctors can detect abnormal cells before they turn into cancer. Remember to ask questions, too. If you notice any changes, let your doctor know.
HPV vaccination: Stay up to date with your vaccines. Talk to your doctor about the HPV vaccine. It protects against most common types of viruses that lead to cervical cancer. Preteens can get the shot but talk to your doctor about the best age to do so.
Family history: Know your family's medical history, especially regarding cervical health. You may be able to detect signs sooner or know if you’re at risk.
Lifestyle: Eating healthy is important. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are great to create a balanced diet. Avoid bad habits, too. Quit smoking. Smoking is a major risk factor for cervical cancer. Also, practice safe sex and use protection. These two steps reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
Check your benefits for support, too. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois members may be eligible to receive a $25 incentive for getting a cervical cancer screening (Pap test). Reward dollars will be available after we receive notice from your doctor that you completed your test.
Cervical Health Awareness Month serves as a reminder for women to prioritize their reproductive health. Women should understand the symptoms, get regular check-ups and take proactive steps. Remember, early detection is key. Being proactive can lead to a healthier and happier life.
We’re here to help. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) to:
· Get help with questions
· Schedule an appointment
· Arrange transportation

As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, some people experience changes in their mood. While the “winter blues” is common during colder months of the year, constant feelings of sadness could be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of mild to moderate depression that typically happens in the fall or winter months. In most cases, it goes away in the spring.
Frequent feelings of sadness is concerning. According to the Mayo Clinic, common signs of SAD to look for include:
· Feeling sad or down most of the day or nearly every day
· Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed
· Having low energy and feeling sluggish
· Sleeping too much
· Experiencing carbohydrate cravings, overeating and weight gain
· Having difficulty concentrating
· Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty
· Having thoughts of not wanting to live
Although SAD can occur during any season, winter-pattern SAD occurs more often. These patterns can include withdrawing from others, sleeping a lot, wanting to eat more, especially foods like bread and pasta and gaining weight. It is important to know these signs of winter-pattern SAD and ask for help if you need it. You can also try doing things on your own to feel better.
· Social connections: Social withdrawal is common. Plan ahead to maintain and create social connections. Spend time with friends and loved ones. Social interactions can provide a valuable support system during challenging times. Virtual gatherings are great, too!
· Nutrition: Pay attention to your diet. Make sure you are eating a balanced mix of nutrients. Some studies suggest that certain foods, such as those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, may have mood-enhancing effects. A treat every now and then does not hurt either.
· Healthy lifestyle choices: Stay hydrated and avoid drinking too much alcohol or caffeine. Be sure to get enough sleep. These changes can positively impact mood and energy levels.
· Exercise: Include movement into your daily routine. Exercise has many mental health benefits. It releases endorphins, which can help fight feelings of sadness and fatigue. A short walk can go a long way!
Whether you may have the “winter blues” or SAD, mental health professionals can provide help to navigate your symptoms. Contact a professional if symptoms continue or get worse. Remember, you are not alone. Getting help is a step towards brighter days ahead.
You can find more information on depression at If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis, the suicide and crisis lifeline provides 24/7 connection to confidential support, call or text 988.

February is American Heart Month. It is a time to focus on your heart health or get on track.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the US. However, there are ways you can lower your risk. Remember, preventive care starts with you.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for heart health. The heart plays a key role in the overall functioning of the body. Here are simple steps to improve your heart health:
See your doctor: Schedule a check-up. Regular visits allow doctors to review your overall health and provide direction on preventive measures.
Know your numbers: Be aware of key health indicators. Monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Knowing these numbers can help you identify potential risk factors and take appropriate action.
Adopt a heart-healthy diet: Focus on a balanced and nutritious diet. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Nutritious food is the key to a healthy heart.
Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise per week. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, especially if you have any existing health conditions.
Quit smoking: If you smoke, consider quitting. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease. Smoking speeds up the clogging and narrowing of coronary arteries. It can also lead to other diseases, like cancers.
Manage stress: Stress can impact heart health. Practice stress-reducing activities. Do deep breathing exercises, yoga or hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation.
Monitor your weight: If you're overweight, losing even a small amount can have a positive impact on your heart health. Make sustainable lifestyle changes. Small steps can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Take small steps. Replace unhealthy snacks with veggies.
Limit alcohol consumption: If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. For women, this means up to one drink per day. For men, it’s no more than two drinks per day.
Remember, heart health is a year-round commitment, but using American Heart Month as a starting point is a great way to kickstart positive changes in your lifestyle.
We’re also here to help to get your heart health on track. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) to:
· Get help with questions
· Schedule an appointment
· Find out if you qualify for a free blood pressure pump
· Arrange a ride to the doctor or pharmacy

Being a woman is exciting. There are many ups and downs. But while there are challenges through this journey, staying healthy is key. And we’re here to help!
Tracking your reproductive health is one way to have a good quality of life. Here are a few steps to start:
Overall health: Reproductive health is key to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. It allows you to experience a healthy and fulfilling reproductive life cycle. This cycle includes puberty, sexual activity, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Talk to your doctor along the way. Track your cycle. Take note of your sexual activity. Write down any symptoms you have, too. And remember, ask questions.
Early detection: Good reproductive health includes early detection. Some common conditions to ask about include endometriosis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These problems can happen as soon as you start your period. Men should also be aware of their reproductive health. Did you know that out of every 100 American men, about 13 will get prostate cancer during their lifetime? Finding problems early on can help treat them before they get worse. Early detection is health.
Family planning: Reproductive health includes access to birth control and family planning services. Family planning helps in making informed decisions about having children. Through Medicaid, your birth control is free. There are no co-pays, deductibles or out-of-pocket costs. Women can talk about these things during their annual well-woman visit. No matter your age, confide in your doctor to get the best care.
Pregnancy: It's important to be healthy through your pregnancy. This includes getting good care, eating well and having support when the baby comes. The key is to plan. Research prenatal care, a nutrition plan, access to healthcare services. Our team is also here to help. Eligible members can receive a car seat or highchair or play yard. We provide a diaper bag and stipends to purchase diapers as well. Don’t forget to make the most of your benefits.
We also partnered with Maven, a virtual clinic for women and families. They offer free services for pregnant women and new moms. They help with planning for birth and breastfeeding. They also coach for things like sleep and diabetes. Learn more here.
Dental health: Did you know the health of your teeth and gums is connected to your overall health? For example, pregnancy hormones can impact dental health. They can make your gums tender or bleed. Other problems can also arise. That’s why it’s important to have dental checkups early in your pregnancy. Good dental care also decreases many risks, including early delivery and low weight babies.
Preventative health: Don’t avoid your doctor. Health care can be scary. But health problems are scarier. Annual visits and checkups help prevent issues. Talk to your doctor about all symptoms. Something as “small” as a cramp can be a sign of something major. Stay up to date with your exams and maintain communication with your doctor.
If you have concerns, schedule a visit with your doctor. You can also call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711). Well-woman visits, annual checkups and birth control are covered at no charge by Aetna Better Health® of Illinois for eligible members. Learn more about the benefits and services available to you on our What’s Covered page.

Endometriosis happens when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. The tissue spreads and makes clumps on nearby organs, causing pain. This pain can happen in the pelvis, lower belly, vagina and/or lower back. The tissue clumps — also called implants — can grow on many areas, such as:
· Ovaries
· Fallopian tubes
· Intestines
· Other organs nearby
This condition can start at an early age. Some women get it at their first period. It can also last until menopause. Symptoms are:
· Pain and cramping
· Bleeding more than usual during your period
· Difficulty getting pregnant
· Blood in urine or stool
· Pain during sex
While this condition isn’t dangerous, it can cause other problems. The tissue still acts how it would inside your uterus. It sheds and bleeds each month during your period, but it can’t exit. This causes painful cramps. If there’s a buildup of implants, it can affect other organs. This can create scar tissue or make organs stick together.
Anyone who gets their period can be diagnosed with this disease. Some things can increase or lower your risk. Your risk increases if:
· A close family member has or had the condition
· Your period started before age 11
· Your monthly cycle is shorter than 27 days
· Your period is heavy and lasts more than 7 days
Good news is in sight. Treatment is available. And there are many options to feel better. Treatment also depends on whether you want to control pain or get pregnant. Some options are:
· Pain medicines or options to help with bleeding
· A prescription for hormone medications to reduce implants
· A procedure to remove implants and scar tissue, reduce pain and help you get pregnant
· In extreme cases, surgery to remove your uterus and ovaries
There are steps before being diagnosed. Before treatment, your doctor will ask about your medical and menstrual history. They may also perform tests that can include a pelvic exam or ultrasound, among others.
Don’t give up on finding help. You’re not alone in this. This disease impacts more than 11% of American women between ages 15 and 44. If you have any symptoms, schedule a visit with your doctor’s office. You can also call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711). Well-woman visits and annual check-ups are covered at no charge by Aetna Better Health® of Illinois for eligible members.

Cases of measles are on the rise, with more than 30 cases being reported in Illinois to date. Measles is a very serious, highly contagious disease. It’s caused by a virus. You can catch measles by just being in a room where a person with measles has been. Measles is spread easily through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes or by direct contact with infected nose or throat discharge.
Some symptoms of measles include:
· A rash that starts on the face and neck and then spreads – appearing about 14 days after exposure
· A high fever – usually starting about ten days after exposure
· Runny nose
· Cough
· Red, watery eyes
Measles can be serious in all age groups. However, children younger than age 5, adults older than age 20, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems are at risk for complications.
If you have these symptoms or have been around someone who has measles, immediately call your primary care provider (PCP) and let them know. Your PCP can make special arrangements to test you without putting others at risk. You can also contact your local health department for assistance. Or call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) if you need help.
Treatment for measles includes bed rest, lots of fluids and medicine for fever and headache. Antibiotics don’t help – either to cure measles or to prevent it. There are no antiviral drugs for treating measles. You should stay away from others if you have measles to prevent spreading the illness.
Vaccination is the best protection
The best protection against measles is vaccination. But immunization rates have slightly declined in recent years. This shot is given as the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine. A full two-dose vaccination provides about 97 percent protection from measles, mumps and rubella. The first dose of the vaccine is recommended for children at 12 months to 15 months. The second dose is given at 4 to 6 years of age.
We want you to stay safe. If you work in a health care setting, it’s recommended you get two doses of MMR unless you’ve already had the disease. Anyone planning to travel internationally should make sure they are protected against measles and other dangerous illnesses before they go abroad. Women of childbearing age should check with their doctor to make sure they’re vaccinated before they get pregnant.
Women should not get the vaccine if they are already pregnant or if they plan to get pregnant within three months after getting the vaccine.
Your doctor can help you determine if you’ve had the MMR vaccine, or if you have any questions about your risk for measles.

A recent study estimates nearly 70 percent of children under age six in Chicago may be exposed to tap water that contains lead. This study reports numbers for Chicago, but everyone should be aware of the dangers of lead exposure.
Lead is an element that is found in nature but can be toxic to humans in larger amounts. Lead exposure happens when a child touches, swallows or breathes in lead. This can happen from drinking water from lead pipes, eating pieces of chipping paint or breathing dust from old paint.
Effects of lead exposure
The health effects of lead exposure are more harmful to children less than six years of age because their bodies are still developing and growing rapidly. Young children also tend to put their hands or other objects, which may contain lead dust, into their mouths, so they are more likely to be exposed to lead than older children.
Once a child swallows lead, their blood lead level rises quickly. When a child’s exposure to lead stops, the amount of lead in the blood gradually decreases. The child’s body releases some of the lead through urine, sweat and feces.
Many things affect how a child’s body handles exposure to lead, including:
· Child’s age
· Nutritional status
· Length of time the child was exposed
· Presence of other underlying health conditions
Exposure to lead can seriously harm a child’s health and cause serious effects such as:
· Damage to the brain and nervous system
· Slowed growth and development
· Learning and behavior problems
· Hearing and speech problems
These problems can cause lower IQ, decreased ability to pay attention and underperformance in school. Childhood exposure to lead can also cause long-term harm.
Symptoms of lead exposure
Most children have no obvious immediate symptoms. If you think your child may have been exposed to lead, talk to your child’s primary care provider (PCP) about getting a blood lead test. PCPs and most local health departments can test for lead in the blood.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois covers the cost of this testing for children enrolled in our plan. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) if you need help making an appointment or arranging transportation to your child’s doctor’s visit.
Preventing lead exposure
Protecting children from exposure to lead is important. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to have negative effects. The good news is that childhood lead exposure is preventable.
Prevention is the most important step that parents, health care providers and others can take. Here are some ways to make your home lead safe:
· Talk with your child’s doctor about a simple blood lead test. If you are pregnant or nursing, talk with your doctor about exposure to sources of lead.
· Talk with your local health department about testing paint and dust in your home for lead if you live in a home built before 1978.
· Renovate safely. Common renovation activities (like sanding, cutting, replacing windows and more) can create hazardous lead dust. If you’re planning renovations, use contractors certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (visit for information).
· Remove recalled toys and toy jewelry and discard in a safe manner. Stay up-to-date on current recalls by visiting the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website:
Check out this video to learn more tips on how to create a healthy home free of lead.

We all value good health. It allows us to do the things we love — play games, go on adventures and spend time with loved ones. But not everyone has the same chance to be healthy. April is National Minority Health Month. It’s a good time to talk about enhancing health for underrepresented and marginalized communities.
Unfortunately, everyone does not have the same chances and opportunities to be and stay healthy. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. It’s not just the absence of disease and sickness. Health is a resource for everyday life. Health equity makes sure that everyone has a fair and just chance to be healthy and, as a practice, promotes equal life chances and equal concern for people’s needs.
Here are some ways Aetna Better Health® of Illinois works towards health equity:
Access to health care: It’s important to have access to a doctor. But this is not the case in most underserved areas. For example, people who don’t have a car often face challenges to see a doctor.
To increase accessibility, Aetna provides rides to and from doctor visits. You can schedule a ride at no cost. This is a helpful way to make sure everyone can get the health care they need. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) to:
· Arrange a ride to the doctor or pharmacy
· Get help with questions
· Schedule an appointment
Healthy food and water: Part of health equity is making sure everyone has access to healthy food and clean water, no matter their situation. Everyone needs fresh food and clean water to stay healthy. However, some areas have more stores with healthy drink and food options.
Aetna® hosts events to give free, fresh food to residents in underserved communities. These events provide more than just fresh fruits and veggies. They also provide recipes, health tips, screenings and entertainment.
Social conditions: Factors like access to parks, neighborhood safety and social support networks can impact health outcomes. That’s why we place importance on bringing programs and services to you.
Aetna partners with laundromats across the state to give back to communities. In addition to providing free laundry, we offer health screenings, fresh produce, water and story-time reading for kids. These services make healthy lifestyle choices easier. It also serves as a community support system. Aetna wants every person to have access to essential medical care, behavioral health support and community resources that enhance their well-being.
Remember, health equity is giving people the same chance at being healthy. Our goal is to help with things that make it harder for people to do that.
Our team provides many opportunities to stay informed and get care no matter where you are. To learn more about what we’re doing in your community, visit our News and events page.

Keeping track of your health is easier when you know more about it. It’s important to understand why some health problems affect some people more than others. This may be due to factors like health education and awareness, financial situations and the environment they live in.
Understanding the way our heritage, race and other traits affect our health is important. It can also help your doctor figure out ways to prevent issues before they start. The key is to find the right treatments, if you're at risk, and come up with a plan.
Let’s explore how some diseases affect us differently.
· Diabetes is a growing issue. It happens when your body has trouble controlling the sugar in your blood. It happens a lot more to African American, Hispanic/Latino American, Native American and Asian American adults. Many things can cause diabetes. Family history, lifestyle and social factors are all reasons. To address this, it's important to eat healthy, have access to good food and get help from doctors who understand your culture. At Aetna®, we help doctors understand these risks so they can help you better. This helps us engage our members in programs that meet their needs.
· High blood pressure is when your heart works too hard. It can lead to serious problems. Heart attacks and strokes are some of these issues. African American adults have some of the highest rates of high blood pressure. Historical and social factors play a major role in this data. Some examples include lack of access to care and healthy foods. Distrust of health care professionals based on historical discrimination is also a major reason.
There are ways to lower your blood pressure. Eating healthier, exercising and managing stress can help you. If you feel you’re at risk, contact your doctor. We offer health screenings to get you on track to a healthier life.
· Obesity is a major problem in the United States. Obesity rates are higher among African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans and Native Americans. Food insecurity, limited access to healthy foods and environment all contribute to this problem. Socioeconomic reasons and cultural norms also play a role in shaping food and physical habits. There is good news, though. There are many substitutes to make cultural meals a bit healthier.
Creating a better lifestyle takes time, but it is possible. Limit unhealthy options. Make simple meal changes. Try alternatives, too. Switch soda for sparkling water. Small changes can make a major impact.
And don’t forget to exercise! Make it a goal to exercise each day. Start with 15 minutes at first. The key is to make it a daily habit.
· Some kinds of cancer develop more among certain groups. Prostate cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer are examples. There are many reasons why this happens. Not everyone has the same access to doctors and screenings. Some people also don't know much about cancer. This impacts the stage at diagnosis and survival rates. Cultural beliefs about cancer also play a factor. Remember to ask questions. It's important to be open with your doctor. If something doesn’t align with your culture, say something.
Get annual check-ups, too. Understanding your body through this journey of life is part of the process. Yes, cancer is scary, but knowledge is power. Be informed so that you can maintain your health.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois offers preventive services and promote cancer education. We host Pamper Me Pink events during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At these events, we offer breast cancer screenings and awareness education. We also provide community and well-being resources and free giveaways.
Understanding these diseases is just one tool to staying healthy. We’re also here to keep you informed and maintain your health. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) to:
· Get help with questions
· Schedule an appointment
· Arrange a ride to the doctor or pharmacy

The flowers are blooming and so are allergens. Allergies are very common. Chances are, you suffer from allergies or know someone that does. Allergies are one of the most commonly reported chronic health conditions. About eight percent of adults suffer from seasonal allergies.
An allergy happens when your body reacts to a foreign substance. This is called an allergen. Allergens can be food you eat, things you touch and stuff you breathe in, like pollen and mold – especially during seasonal changes.
Seasonal allergies are most present in the spring and fall. Peak months in Illinois are May, June and mid-August through the end of September. When spring is in full effect, you may start noticing changes. People who suffer from allergies can experience more coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, a drippy nose or a scratchy throat. In extreme cases, people may have trouble breathing which can even lead to asthma attacks.
For some people, allergies can be more than a small inconvenience. They can impact your focus, affect your sleep routine and generally make you feel miserable. While there is no cure, you can manage allergies with prevention and treatment. Here are a few steps you can take:
1. Know your triggers: Pay attention to what sets off an allergic reaction. Mark the time, location and activity you were doing to help identify your allergen. Sometimes something as simple as your environment may be a trigger.
2. Get proper treatment: There are many over-the-counter (OTC) medications that can help ease symptoms. As an Aetna Better Health® of Illinois member, your household gets a $25 monthly allowance to order OTC items online, by phone or at a CVS® store. Take a look at a few options below.
· Antihistamines help reduce runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. Eye drops and saline nasal sprays are also very effective.
· Decongestants provide relief from stuffiness. They take away pressure from nasal and sinus congestion, too. You can also use a nasal rinse to flush allergens.
· Nasal steroid sprays can be prescribed by a doctor for severe allergies. These nasal sprays reduce severe congestion, headache, sneezing and itchy eyes.
· Allergy shots are available if symptoms become too much. Talk to your doctor about your options. This is a longer form of treatment that can span several years. However, this treatment is very effective in creating a tolerance for allergens.
2. Pay attention to the weather: In spring, rain is quite common. However, rain unfortunately leads to higher pollen levels. When you combine heat and humidity, mold grows very quickly, too. These factors all play a role in triggering allergies.
3. Check pollen count: Many weather apps now have pollen count and air quality measures that you can review before going outside. If air quality is bad, make sure that you’re keeping up to date with your allergy medications. Wear a filtered mask when outside or doing yardwork to avoid breathing in allergens. You can also plan to stay inside when air quality is too bad.
The key to an easier allergy season is to stay patient and consistent. It might take a few variations of daily routines and medications before you get to the best treatment for you. Take your time to find out what works for you. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois is here to help and encourages you to focus on your health while continuing to enjoy your spring.
You can set up a visit by calling your doctor’s office or Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711).

Motherhood is a time of endless joy. It’s also a deep emotional journey for some. Caring for a mother’s mental health is important to the well-being of mothers as well as their children.
Maternal mental health is the emotional well-being of mothers during and after pregnancy. It can involve a wide range of experiences from the “baby blues” to more severe conditions like postpartum depression and anxiety disorders. According to the CDC, 1 in 8 women experience postpartum depression, and 50 percent of them go without treatment.
Mental health issues during and after pregnancy can affect a mother's physical health. Feelings of sadness, anxiety or hopelessness can lower quality of life. Without the right support and treatment, these issues can worsen.
A mother's mental health is very important for a child's early experience. It can impact a mother's ability to bond with her child and, if left untreated, cause issues for the child's development. Some examples include:
- Decreased social functioning
- Lowered academic performance
- Childhood/adolescent mental health disorders
- Increased risk of substance abuse
Help is available. Barriers can be broken down by normalizing conversations about maternal mental health and promoting access to resources. Mothers can also be encouraged to make their own well-being a priority. Here are some simple stress-relieving tips to get started:
· Take breaks: Motherhood is a journey. It can be hard at times, but don’t be hard on yourself. Take meditation breaks to reset your mindset.
· Go on walks: Walking is a great exercise during pregnancy. It improves mental health by boosting energy levels and mood. Remember to talk to your doctor before doing any exercise.
· Take time for yourself: Don’t forget about your own needs. Set dates with yourself to get pampered or enjoy hobbies. It’s also okay to get help. Find a support system that you can go to for rough days.
· Get some rest: Pregnancy takes a toll on your body. Sleep is a key part of a successful pregnancy, but also helps minimize stress levels.
· Eat healthy foods: We all know cravings are a real thing. It’s fine to treat yourself now and then but remember to keep a healthy balance.
If you experience emotional changes or think you may be depressed, talk to your doctor. Make an appointment as soon as possible to get the help you need. Most people get better with treatment. Getting help is the best thing you can do for you and your family.
Maternal mental health is key for the overall health of women and their families.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois wants to make sure everyone has the support they need. You can set up a visit by calling your doctor’s office or Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711). If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis, call or text 988 for 24/7 connection to confidential support.

June is National Men’s Health Month. As we celebrate, it’s important to know that achieving good health for all men requires a commitment to health equity. This goes beyond just having access to health care. It also means looking at social, economic and environmental factors that affect health. By focusing on these areas, we can help men have a better chance at good health.
Men's health is impacted by many things. However, some groups of men have higher rates of diseases, lower life expectancy and limited access to resources. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois works to address these gaps by ensuring that all men have a fair chance to be as healthy as possible.
Let’s explore equity in men’s health and highlight steps we can take to improve the well-being of men across diverse communities.
· Take the first step. Many studies show that men are much less likely than women to see a doctor. Men also tend not to report symptoms. Delaying health screenings and timely care can lead to serious health problems. Also, men from diverse communities may face problems that impact their ability to have healthy lifestyles. Remember, we’re a phone call away. We’re here to keep you informed to maintain your health. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) to schedule your annual check-up and get your health on track.
· Prevention and Early Detection: Many chronic diseases can be prevented or well-managed by adjustments in lifestyle. Major factors that increase risk for chronic disease such as hypertension, cancer and Type 2 diabetes include:
o Excess body weight
o Physical inactivity
o Smoking
o High consumption of red or processed meat
o Low calcium, fruits, vegetable and whole-grain fiber
o Moderate to heavy alcohol consumption
If you are dealing with any of the above, talk with your Primary Care Provider for helpful ways to change your lifestyle. And remember, early detection offers the best chance of cure. Be sure to stay up to date with all immunizations and screenings so any issues are caught early.
· Access for all: Making sure everyone can easily get health care is important. This means making things fair for everyone, especially in areas where there aren't enough resources. We want to make sure men who might not go to the doctor get the help they need. Aetna® organizes events to give out free, healthy food to people in these areas all year round. At these events, people can get fresh fruits and veggies and learn how to cook them. They also get tips on staying healthy, get checked for health problems and have fun. Take a look at our News and Events page for future events.
· Cultural beliefs: Providers need to understand and respect different cultures when helping men with their health. This means adapting services to fit what men from different backgrounds are comfortable with.
Culture may also stop men from asking questions. Taboo topics don’t get talked about often. Don’t let that stop you. Ask your doctor questions. If you have a symptom, say something. If you’re feeling down, talk about it. Knowledge is power when taking control of your health. There are also doctors and staff that speak many languages. Ask for an interpreter if you need one.
At Aetna, we know that everyone has their own beliefs, especially when it comes to health. We listen to and understand what's important to each person. This makes sure we take care of them in a way that works best for them.
· Violence prevention: No one is immune to violence, but men are disproportionately affected as perpetrators and victims. With summer right around the corner it is important to discuss the burden of violence for men and the impact it has on individuals, relationships, communities and society. There are many factors that influence men’s experience with violence, including child abuse, youth violence, intimate partner violence and sexual violence. Aetna® works with professionals from across other sectors to help prevent or intervene in violence. If you are at risk and experiencing emotional distress, call or text 988 or chat for help from the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
· Community engagement: Getting communities involved in healthy activities can help men support each other and make better choices. Community clubs, churches and local organizations are important for reaching men. Aetna holds health events and fairs during the year to make sure people in diverse communities can learn about staying healthy and get checked for any problems.
· Make a change: Start your health journey by taking baby steps. If you’re not active, go on a walk. Try a healthy, home cooked meal once a week. And if you’ve never seen a doctor, now is a great time. You don’t have to make drastic changes to be healthier and you can even get rewarded for focusing on your health. You can earn Aetna® Better Care Rewards by doing healthy activities. Learn more here.
Achieving health equity in men’s health requires a strong effort to address the many factors that contribute to differences in health outcomes. By encouraging habits that keep men healthy, catching problems early and making sure everyone gets good care, we can close the gap. We can ensure that all men have the chance to be healthy. It is only through a commitment to equity that we can truly transform the landscape of men’s health for the better.

Summer is the season of sun! It’s a time to have fun with friends and family. And with the longer days and warmer weather, there’s plenty to enjoy. However, it’s still important to prioritize your health.
Local events are a great summer activity. They help build a sense of community. They are also a safe space for people to connect. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois is proud to sponsor many local events statewide to promote health and safety. Below are a few examples.
Farmers markets
Support local farmers and enjoy fresh produce. Farmers markets are also a great start to eating healthier, too. Look for seasonal fruits and vegetables. Add them into your meals for a nutritious boost.
75th Street Fresh Foods Market
When: Thursday, June 13 at 2 PM
Where: The Kindness Campaign (703 E 75th St., Chicago, IL)
· Provides free healthy food options:
o Fruits
o Vegetables
o Dairy
o Grains
o Cupboard items
o Beverages
o Snacks
Outdoor activities
Getting out for a stroll is an excellent way to stay active. Take the time to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and your local neighborhoods.
Pink Divas & Gents 7th Annual Walk & Run
When: Saturday, June 29 at 9:30 AM
Where: Morton West High School (2400 Home Ave., Berwyn, IL)
· Breast cancer walk
· Register at
Bud Billiken Parade & Family Festival
When: Saturday, August 10 at 10 AM
Where: Bronzeville Neighborhood (King Drive & Oakwood Blvd. and Washington Park)
· Free health screenings
· Free giveaways
· Free back-to-school supplies
Community fairs
We meet our members where they live so they can learn about resources available to them. Community events provide valuable information about local services, health resources and educational opportunities.
Little Village Community Health Fair
When: Tuesday, June 18 from 10 AM-2 PM
Where: Self Help Federal Credit Union (3960 W. 26th St., Chicago, IL)
· Free health resources
· Interactive activities
· Expert guidance for all attendees
Health & Resource Fair
When: Saturday, June 22 from 11 AM-3 PM
Where: Friend Health Center (6250 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, IL)
· Fun activities
· Free giveaways
· Free health screenings
· Free well-being resources
For a list of future events, visit our News and Events page.
Whether you’re going to a farmers’ market or health fair, be prepared. Here are some tips for staying healthy during summer events.
Eat light and fresh: Heavy, greasy foods can make you feel sluggish in the heat. Pick salads, grilled vegetables, lean proteins and fresh fruits. These foods are easier to digest and keep you energized.
Exercise wisely: Regular physical activity is vital, but overheating can be dangerous. Exercise during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Choose activities that keep you cool, like swimming or indoor workouts.
Get rest: Longer days can disrupt your sleep cycle. Stick to a regular sleep schedule and create a cool, dark sleeping environment. Consider using a fan or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Stay informed: Being aware of weather conditions can help you plan better and avoid health risks. Check the weather regularly and be prepared for sudden changes. Know the signs of heat-related illnesses and take action if you experience symptoms.
Summer is a time to create wonderful memories while being outdoors with others. By taking simple precautions and making healthy choices, you can make the most of the season while keeping your well-being in check. Stay safe, stay healthy and have a fantastic summer! For more information on resources for a fun and healthy summer, visit our website.

Access to health care ensures people can receive timely and quality medical attention. This leads to better health outcomes. Good health also means better quality of life. At Aetna Better Health® of Illinois, we’re working to ensure that vulnerable communities receive the care they need and deserve.
Let’s take a look at some barriers that impact access to care:
· Location can be a challenge. Rural areas often have fewer health care providers. This makes it difficult for members to access medical services.
· Transportation is a major factor in access to care. If you don’t have a car, visiting a doctor can be hard. Lack of public transportation can also prove to be difficult. This includes not being able to afford transportation, too.
· We all know how hard it can be to schedule an appointment. It can be challenging to find available doctors. Shortage of doctors, especially specialists, can lead to delayed care.
· Navigating health care can be confusing. You are not alone. Not all providers have the same process, and rules and regulations can make something as simple as scheduling an appointment difficult. Many people struggle with this. There are many questions you may have.
Aetna Better Health of Illinois is tackling these issues head-on. Here’s how we are making a difference:
· We have significantly invested in telehealth services. Members can connect with doctors virtually. Members can schedule video calls or phone calls to get care. We also host community-based health events. These events bring care closer to where members live. This includes health fairs, mobile clinics and wellness events in underserved areas. Take a look at our News and events page for the latest updates.
· If you need a ride to your health care visits or pharmacy, we can help. We offer rides for members. This includes rides for those who do not have access to a car or public transportation. This benefit also ensures that the lack of transportation is not a reason for missed appointments. Learn more here.
· We’re always working to grow our system of doctors. This includes adding specialists and health care facilities. By doing this, we ensure that members have more options and shorter wait times for appointments. Our efforts also lead to more timely and effective care. If you need help finding care, check the back of your member ID card to find a doctor. You can also find a doctor near you on our website.
· The world is diverse. Doctors must be ready to serve all people. We offer cultural know-how training for our doctors. This training enhances their understanding of cultural differences. It also improves their ability to deliver respectful and personalized care to all.
· We provide support to help members navigate the health care system. Our care coordinators can schedule appointments, explain benefits and connect members with community resources. Remember that we’re here to help. If you ever have a question about your plan, call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711).
We are making health care more accessible for our members. These efforts not only improve health outcomes but also contribute to the overall well-being of the communities we serve.

It’s hard to believe that we’re already at the start of a new school year. This is a time of excitement for both parents and kids. It’s also a good time to check on how everyone is feeling. While there’s much to look forward to, a new school year can come with mixed emotions. Some may feel anxiety or even sadness. There are steps everyone can take to prepare their emotional health.
Let’s take a look at four tips to help navigate back-to-school time and support your family’s well-being.
Have conversations:
· Encourage your kids to talk about their feelings. Sharing emotions can be a helpful way to cope. Make sure your family knows they can share anything without judgment. Make it a habit to check in with your child daily. Simple questions about their day can lead to deeper conversations. And don’t forget to check on yourself. Journaling or talking to your partner are healthy ways to express feelings.
· Friendships are also key for emotional health. Friends can give support during both good and hard times. Make sure your child has positive social connections. After-school activities can create a sense of belonging and community. So, be sure to talk to your child about their interests.
Set routines:
· A routine can provide a sense of security. Set regular times for homework, meals and bedtime. Also, make time to relax, enjoy hobbies and reduce screentime. Simple tools like a calendar or agenda can help keep your family organized.
· There are simple steps you can take to better your mental health. Make it a goal to get a good night’s sleep. Rest is needed to have a clear and healthy mind ready to learn new things. Healthy eating habits and exercise are also important. Start with small steps. Begin by making a healthy afterschool snack for everyone to enjoy.
Watch for changes:
· Look for changes in your child’s behavior. Withdrawal or irritability often indicate that something might be wrong. You may also notice changes in eating or sleeping patterns. All of these changes can be signs of distress. A sudden drop in grades or loss of interest in friends or activities could also be warning signs.
· Teach your children healthy ways to manage stress. There are many tools and strategies to use. Deep breathing exercises, journaling or exercise can help. You can support them in developing problem-solving skills, too. Discuss challenges and possible solutions together. The earlier children learn to manage stress, the better prepared they will be.
Seek help:
· We’re also here to help. Aetna offers free fitness and weight management tools for eligible members. You can get a voucher for monthly memberships at participating gyms. Ages 13 and up can receive a digital membership. Ages 18 and up can receive a digital or in-person membership.
· Schools and local community organizations have many resources to support you and your family’s mental health, too. Make sure to find out if your child’s school has a counselor or social worker. If your child shows signs of significant distress, seek professional help. Early intervention can make a big difference.
· Our Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program helps you and your loved ones 21 years or younger get care. It covers preventive health and wellness visits — like doctor and dentist appointments — at no cost to you. The program also covers many treatments of any problems found during a visit. Learn more on our What’s covered page.
Preparing for school includes getting your child’s mental health ready for the excitement ahead. By having conversations, setting routines, watching for changes and seeking help, you can set your family up for a successful school year.
Take some stress off your plate, too. Back-to-school shopping is stressful. Join us as we host several Back-to-School Health and Resource Fairs this month to provide children with backpacks, pencils, notebooks, folders, pencil cases and more. Check out our News and events page to find us in your neighborhood. As a member, your child could also qualify for clothes for school at no cost to you. Eligible members in grades K through 12 (ages 5 through 18) can get a voucher for clothing through select online retailers. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) or visit our What’s covered page to learn more.
And if you have a question about your child's health, we can help. You can talk to a nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is at no extra cost to you. Call the 24-Hour Nurse Line at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) to connect with a registered nurse.
Let’s make this school year a positive and healthy experience for all!

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time to learn about the importance of mental health. As school starts, it's a good time to talk about how young people can get the support they need. There are many resources available.
Suicide is a leading cause of death for young people. In 2021, it was reported by the CDC that suicide was the second leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 24.
Talking about mental health can be hard but, it’s important. Many people who struggle feel alone. They may not know who to go to. This can lead to them feeling misunderstood. By raising awareness, people will know that help is available and that they are not alone.
Here’s what to know when you suspect someone is going through a hard time:
Learn the signs:
- Feeling and showing hopelessness.
- Pulling away from friends, family and activities.
- Changes in mood.
Talk it out:
- Ask how they're feeling.
- Listen without judgment and offer your support.
- Encourage seeking help. Support should be given. Reaching out can make a difference.
Show support:
- Check in on friends and family.
- Spend time together to show you care.
- Encourage healthy habits. Exercise, good nutrition and sleep are key. Practice these habits every day.
Share resources:
- Call or text 988 for if you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis. This is the national number for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
- Call CARES at 1-800-345-9049 (TTY: 1-866-794-0374). CARES is a mobile crisis response team available 24 hours a day. Trained mental health specialists can meet you at your location.
Teens and young people benefit from having tools that support their well-being. These tools are used to help people feel better. They are also helpful in building better skills and for managing mental health.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois, in partnership with Kooth Digital Health, is giving teens and young people in Illinois free access to Kooth’s digital platform, Soluna. It’s a mental health and well-being platform that is safe, private and monitored. Share Soluna with your child via, Google Play, the App Store or visit
There are other options available to you as a member. Benefits cover treatment for mental health and substance use disorders. Call our behavioral health hotline at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711). Choose “1” for behavioral health crisis. You can talk to someone 24 hours a day. They can also direct you to get the care you need.
Mental health matters. Talking about mental health is especially important for young people. With support and resources available, lives can be saved.
Together, let’s create a more understanding world. Let’s support each other every day. Let’s make a difference!
Don’t wait. If you are struggling with your mental health, dial 911 for emergencies.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a blood condition that is passed from parents to a child at birth. It’s the most common genetic disease. According to the CDC, SCD occurs in about 1 out of every 365 Black or African American births and about 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic American births.
SCD affects the oxygen-carrying protein inside the red blood cells called hemoglobin. Normally, red blood cells are round and soft. This helps them move smoothly through blood vessels. For those with SCD, the oxygen deprived cells become hard and shaped like a banana. This shape causes the cells to stick together – blocking the flow of blood, causing severe pain episodes (known as “crises”), infections and strokes.
Advances in newborn screenings, treatments and care, are leading to better quality and longer lives for SCD patients. However, as many become adults, some patients face many care obstacles and medical barriers. Uncontrolled pain crises often lead to emergency department visits where adult SCD patients may face labeling and receive delayed care. The Aetna Better Health® of Illinois disease management program can help.
Our care managers help manage chronic conditions. If you have SCD, care managers can teach you about your health and share ways to take care of yourself. You’ll learn about benefits and get connected to local resources, too. Think of care managers as your guide through this journey.
Care managers can help:
· Find a primary care physician
· Schedule appointments
· Get rides to your doctor, drug store or hospital
· Get medical and dental services, supplies and equipment
· Provide you with educational materials
· Get the services you need
As new medications and treatments are being developed, people may not know what is available for them or why genetic testing is important. Patient education is the only way to prevent inappropriate medication use and patient harm. Delays can also lead to more severe problems. Our care management team can help design a personalized care plan just for you. They’ll help you better understand your symptoms and work with other agencies to make sure you receive the care you need. By keeping you informed, the care management team can help you become an advocate for your own care.
The care management program is offered at no cost to our members. If you’re interested, call us at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711). Ask to speak to the care management team and take your first step to a healthier you.
Together, we can ensure that everyone in our community has the knowledge and resources they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time to honor strength and hope. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States, except for skin cancers. It’s likely you or someone you know has been impacted by the disease. This is why it’s important to come together, learn more and focus on awareness and prevention during this month.
1. Community connection
Build connections with your community by joining events that bring people together. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois will be at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event at Soldier Field Stadium in Chicago this month. Our team will be there to share information and resources. Find out more about how you can join here.
2. Knowledge is power
Knowledge is key in the fight against breast cancer. Breast cancer happens when abnormal cells in the breast grow too fast and form a tumor. Know your risks. Family history, age and any changes in your breasts are all factors. If you have questions, ask your doctor.
3. Redefine awareness
Awareness is more than just pink ribbons. It's about building a community of support and care. Mental health care is important for those who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Members can call our behavioral health hotline at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711). Choose “1” for behavioral health crisis. You can talk to someone 24 hours a day. They will connect you to the right help.
4. Prevention as a first step
Build a lifestyle of prevention. Stay active, eat healthy and limit alcohol and tobacco. Don’t forget to schedule your annual checkup, too. A mammogram is an X-ray of the breasts. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois covers this annual screening for members starting at age 40. Members may be eligible to receive a $25 reward for getting the exam through Aetna Better Care® Rewards. And from now until the end of 2024, eligible members can double the reward and get $50. We can help you set up a screening. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY: 711).
Let’s celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month with unity and strength. By connecting, learning and speaking up, we can turn awareness into action. Let’s honor those affected and build a community that stays strong together.

Flu viruses are found all year, but they spread more in the fall and winter. It’s important to be ready. Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from the flu.
The flu is caused by a virus that spreads easily between people. It can make some people very sick which can lead to a hospital stay or worse. Symptoms include:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Body aches
- Headache
- Chills
The flu vaccine is updated every year to fight the most common types of the virus. This helps slow down the spread. It also makes the illness weaker. Even if you feel healthy, getting a flu shot is important because it helps keep others, especially those who are more at risk, from getting sick.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois offers fun ways to encourage community members to protect against the flu. "Boo to the Flu" is a program that teaches people about the flu and makes it easier for them to get their annual flu shot. The goal is to encourage more people, especially those who are at higher risk (pregnant women, children and seniors), to get vaccinated and stay healthy. In October, we host health fairs with snacks, fun activities and useful information from local organizations at no charge. You can also get a flu shot at these events.
Events may include:
- Activities, games and/or fall themed arts and crafts
- Community-based organizations/resource vendors
- Health screenings (including flu vaccines)
- Fall-themed promotional items and giveaways
We invite you to join us at one of the following Boo to the Flu events to learn more about the flu, get vaccinated and enjoy free refreshments and activities.
Saturday, October 19, 11 am to 3 pm
Mercado de Intercambio
4459 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago, IL 60609
Tuesday, October 22, 2 pm to 5 pm
Chicago Center for Arts & Technology
1701 W. 13th Street, Chicago, IL 60608
Wednesday, October 23, 3pm to 5 pm
Poplar Place Ribbon Cutting
902 S. 25th Street, Springfield, IL 62703
Friday, October 25, 10 am to 1 pm
Sangamon County Health Dept.
2883 South Grand Ave. East, Springfield, IL 62703
If you have questions about getting a flu shot, talk to your doctor.

With fall upon us and winter right around the corner, we’re more likely to be less active. This season, let’s make managing our blood pressure a top priority. High blood pressure—also known as hypertension—is a common health issue. When left uncontrolled, it can cause heart disease, stroke and other serious problems.
High blood pressure often develops over time and you may not notice symptoms right away. It can be caused by unhealthy habits, like not getting enough exercise or eating nutritious food.
Finding healthy and affordable food options can be tough right now, but staying on track with your goal of managing blood pressure is possible. Consider these budget-friendly options:
- Canned, dried or frozen fruits and vegetables
- Products labeled low-sodium, reduced sodium or no salt added
- Unseasoned frozen vegetables
- Canned fruit packed in water or natural juices
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
In addition to getting exercise and eating a healthy diet, there are other ways to control your blood pressure. Lifestyle changes don’t have to be hard. Start with small steps like:
· Not smoking
· Not drinking alcohol
· Keeping a healthy weight
· Managing stress
Causes of high blood pressure can go beyond physical health. Not everyone has the same access to health care. This can lead to health gaps, which are worse in diverse and low-income communities. According to The American Heart Association, African American and Hispanic communities have higher rates of high blood pressure. They also have a harder time getting the care they need.
Limited access to doctors, healthy food and resources make managing blood pressure harder for people in these communities. Without support, it can be hard to stay healthy.
Aetna Better Health® of Illinois understands these challenges. The first step is knowing your options. Aetna offers many benefits to help manage high blood pressure. We help you find doctors in your area so you can get regular checkups. We also give home blood pressure monitors to our members who have high blood pressure or are pregnant. In 2024, we began offering free meal delivery and personal nutrition services for those who qualify. You can get information to help you track your health at home, too. Our Community Health Program is a great resource. This program helps members with support such as:
· Choosing a doctor
· Using health benefits
· Getting preventive care and screenings
· Accessing community programs for food, housing or clothing
Everyone is unique. That’s why culture is important to understand when talking about health. Aetna works with local doctors and community groups to provide care that respects each person’s background. Care managers are aware of cultural differences that can impact a person’s health risk. These experts help members create health plans focused on better nutrition and exercise, which can lower the risk of high blood pressure. Our team is here to listen and provide members with the care they need.
Remember, you deserve to be as healthy as possible. Aetna gives you the support and tools you need to stay healthy, with benefits that go beyond regular health coverage. It’s care you can trust and rely on.
Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) if you need help.

Each November, the American Cancer Society hosts the Great American Smokeout®. The event encourages smokers to make a healthy choice to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is hard, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your health. Aetna Better Health® of Illinois offers support and tools to help you take this important step.
Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death, according to the CDC. It can lead to heart disease, stroke, lung disease and cancer. Smoking harms almost every part of the body, affecting your overall health and quality of life. But when you quit smoking, your health can improve. Within 20 minutes of quitting, your heart rate and blood pressure go down. After a few weeks, your lungs start to work better. Long-term, your chances of heart disease, cancer and lung problems are much lower, adding years to your life.
The Great American Smokeout® is held on the third Thursday of November. On that day, thousands of people come together to quit smoking. Some people take their first step to quit, while others use it to recommit to their goals. By choosing this day, smokers can take a real step toward a healthier, smoke-free life.
Maybe you or someone you know already tried to quit but didn’t have much luck. That’s okay. Everyone’s journey is different. If you need help to kick the habit, we’ve got your back. Here are three ways to find support:
1. Talk to your doctor. Your doctor can offer resources and medicine to help you quit. There are several types of medicine. Your doctor can help you choose what’s right for you. Be sure to take them as directed.
2. Join a support group. You’ll meet other people who want to stop smoking. It’s a chance to share encouragement and tips. Your doctor or hospital can help you find a support group that meets in person or online.
3. Call a free quit line. You can talk to experts on quitting smoking. They can help you plan to quit. Call 1-866-QUIT-YES (1-866-784-8937) TTY 1-800-501-1068 for for resources on how to quit using tobacco or e-cigarettes.
It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried to quit. Don’t get discouraged. There’s no better time than now. Let the Great American Smokeout® be the start of a healthier, smoke-free future. Together, we can work toward a healthier Illinois. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) for help finding a case manager who can help you navigate your health care.

Access to health care is a priority at Aetna Better Health® of Illinois. Connecting with your doctor and our health plan is key to keeping you healthy no matter where you live. For members who live in rural communities, resources are available to improve access to health care so that you get the care you need. Consider these services to support your health care journey.
Find a provider near you: Visit the Find a Provider page on our website to find a doctor near your home. This directory lists primary, specialty, vision, dental and pharmacy providers close by. It also helps locate facilities near you. Maybe you’re helping an elderly family member or friend. The directory lists support providers, like adult day services, assisted living, meal delivery and more. Access is only a click away.
The ride is on us: Individuals who live in rural areas sometimes travel far to get care. Don’t let travel be a barrier to getting health care. ModivCare offers free transportation to doctor visits and to the pharmacy right after your appointment. Call Member Services to schedule a ride at least two business days in advance. You can also schedule return trips. Call 1-866-913-1265 and choose “Ride Assist” to schedule. And, you don’t have to go by yourself. Bring up to two guests.
Get reimbursed for mileage: For those who are driving to the doctor, ModivCare offers a Mileage Reimbursement Program. Call them before your visit to make the request. You’ll need to fill out a form and take it with you to your appointment. Visit the ModivCare website for more information on the process.
Connect with support nearby: Use the Community Resources Directory tool to find services near you. Login to your Member Portal to find support and services near you. From food and housing services to wellness and mental health support and more.
Get help from your home: You don’t have to leave your home to get help. There are telehealth and free life resources available if you can’t visit your doctor. Use the MyOwnDoctor app to connect with a doctor online. The app also helps find food, rental and employment assistance, among other support.
Count on us: No one should feel like they can’t access care because of where they live. Call Member Services at 1-866-329-4701 (TTY:711) Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM to learn more about resources available to you. The more you know, the better prepared you are to get the best care possible.

Do you feel sad, tired or just “off” during the winter months? You’re not alone! Some people experience changes in their mood as the days get shorter and colder. This is called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short. It’s also sometimes called the “winter blues.”
Why does SAD happen?
Our bodies need sunlight to help us feel happy and energized. Sunlight helps our brain produce chemicals like serotonin, which boosts our mood, and melatonin, which helps us sleep. When there’s less sunlight, it can throw off our internal clock, making us feel tired, sad or even irritable.
Signs of SAD
If you or someone you know has SAD, you might notice things like:
· Feeling very tired, even after a good night’s sleep
· Losing interest in activities you usually enjoy
· Eating more, especially craving sweets or carbs
· Gaining weight
· Having trouble concentrating
SAD can affect older adults in unique ways, often overlapping with other health challenges common in aging. Approximately 4% of adults aged 70 and over have depression according to the Global Health Data Exchange. They may already feel lonely because they’re not working anymore or have lost loved ones. SAD can make this worse by causing low energy and sadness, making it harder to stay in touch with friends or family. SAD can also make it harder to take care of conditions such as arthritis or diabetes.
How to feel better
The good news is there are ways to manage SAD. Here are some tips:
· Try to spend time outside during the day, even if it’s cloudy. Sitting near a window can also help. Some people use a light therapy box, which mimics natural sunlight.
· Exercise can boost your mood and energy levels. Even a short walk can make a big difference.
· Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help your body feel more balanced.
· While it’s okay to enjoy treats, try to include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your meals.
If SAD is making life really hard, talk to your doctor. They might recommend counseling or other treatments to help. As an Aetna Better Health® of Illinois member, you have access to a range of mental health resources that can help.
Remember, you’re not alone. Feeling a little down during the winter is common, but you don’t have to face it alone. Taking small steps can help you feel better and enjoy the season. If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis, the suicide and crisis lifeline provides 24/7 connection to confidential support, call or text 988.