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Let’s take care of the whole you

Let’s take care of the whole you
Your body and mind are closely linked. That’s why it matters to check in on your mental and emotional well-being, too. It’s true mental health doesn’t always get the focus it deserves. Luckily, that’s starting to change. More and more people are opening up about their mental health. This is helping reduce the stigma around mental illness. It’s about time, we say.
Ready to think more about your health as a whole? These articles are a good place to start.
Check in on you
More than 1 in 5 women experience a mental health condition, such as depression or anxiety.1 Wondering if you might be one of them? Here are some tools to check in with yourself on that. They’ll help you get a read on your emotions with a few quick questions. Then they’ll give you tips and next steps to put into action.
Is it nerves ... or more?
If your worries get the better of you, you may be at risk for anxiety. Learn how you can take steps toward a calmer state of mind.
Feeling blue?
We all get down at times. But if this feeling keeps up, it may be more than just “the blues.” Help is here for you.
How do you feel overall?
Staying in touch with your emotions is key to better well-being. Track your feelings with MindCheck®. And get resources to help yourself — and others — along the way.