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Aetna Assure Premier Plus (HMO D-SNP)

When you choose us as your Medicare Advantage plan, you’re choosing care you can trust. It’s about bringing together what matters most to your health. Because healthier happens together®.

Find what you need

Be as healthy as you can be. A wide range of benefits and services can help. You have a network of providers to get you the right care when you need it. We’ll help you understand your coverage. And make sure you get the most from your benefits.

About us

About us

Aetna Assure Premier Plus (HMO D-SNP) is a special kind of health care plan. We take care of people who qualify for Medicare and Medicaid benefits. We offer all the services offered by Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, NJ FamilyCare (Medicaid) benefits, Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS), and Behavioral Health.


We simplify your coverage by connecting you to care that’s right for you. We bring our national experience to you at the local level, ensuring you have the resources and tools you need to stay well. We want you to get the most out of life, so we go beyond sick care. 


We know how important it is that your care is managed close to home. We are proud to be members of your community, living and working here in New Jersey. We’re backed by Aetna, one of the nation's leading health care companies and a part of the CVS Health® family.


We’ll help you find the right Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) for you and your loved ones.

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Aetna Assure Premier Plus (HMO D-SNP) is a Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the New Jersey Medicaid Program. Enrollment in Aetna Assure Premier Plus depends on contract renewal. 


See Evidence of Coverage for a complete description of plan benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage. 


Members must use participating/network providers, pharmacies, and durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers. No referral is required to receive covered services by in-network providers. Members will be enrolled into Part D coverage under Aetna Assure Premier Plus (HMO D-SNP) and will be automatically disenrolled from any other Medicare Part D or creditable coverage plan in which they are currently enrolled.


ATTENTION: If you speak Spanish, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-844-362-0934 (TTY: 711). 


ATENCIÓN: Si habla Español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-844-362-0934 (TTY: 711).


Aetna is part of the CVS Health® family of companies.


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