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Whole health is the goal

Whole health is the goal
We help members and their families by making key connections between physical, mental and behavioral health, as well as disability, wellness and prevention. These are the connections that help members take steps toward whole health.
Behavioral health includes services provided for the assessment and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. Members managing or at risk for mental health, addictive or other behavioral disorders have access to services to meet their needs.
We also have locally based:
Peer support specialists: Use their lived experience of being in active recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs) or serious mental illness (SMI) to support members on their unique recovery journey
Care advocates: Live in Oklahoma and have deep knowledge and expertise in systems of care that often intersect in the lives of members, such as justice, child, adult, housing, employment and more. Care advocates can help members and providers find their way through these systems of care and connect with Oklahoma entities.
We work with members and providers to focus on prevention and wellness by:
- Screening for issues that could lead to illness and treating them early with a whole-health approach.
- Offering care coordination services to our members and providers to support integrated behavioral health care.
Treating a member in crisis?
You can call or text 988 with or on behalf of a member to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988 Lifeline). Trained counselors can help members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Members can also chat online with a counselor through the Lifeline Chat service.
Behavioral health coverage
Behavioral health coverage
Basic behavioral health
These services are provided by medical professionals or behavioral health consultants in medical clinics. Some common services include:
- Screening for common mental health conditions
- Screening for alcohol or substance use issues
- Medication management
- Coordination of referrals to specialized behavioral health services
Members have access to behavioral health education and resources on the:
Mental or behavioral health professionals provide these services in a setting that works best for the member and their family. Outpatient clinics or intensive treatment programs may provide nonemergency services. Some members may also be eligible for home and community-based services.

Everyone wins with coordination of care
Everyone wins with coordination of care
Working closely with providers to coordinate medical and behavioral care for members ensures appropriate screening, evaluation, treatment and referral for:
- Physical health
- Behavioral health or substance use disorders
- Dual or multiple diagnoses
- Developmental disabilities
For healthier members
For healthier members
When physical and behavioral health providers work together, members benefit. Our behavioral health and primary care providers (PCPs) share information with that goal in mind. This results in appropriate and effective coordination between physical and behavioral health care.

PCPs screen for behavioral health issues
If you’re a PCP, you’ll want to:
- Use behavioral health screening tools
- Treat behavioral health issues within your scope of practice
- Refer members to behavioral health providers, when appropriate
Behavioral health providers screen for physical health issues
If you’re a behavioral health provider, you’ll want to:
- Screen members for coexisting physical issues
- Refer those who have untreated physical health issues to their PCP (with consent)
- Provide physical health care services only if you’re licensed to do so
- Share any concerns with their PCP and work together on a care plan (with consent)