Our team of leading providers is dedicated to the delivery of quality, cost-effective health care for our Members. The following clinical practice guidelines are intended to support our health care team and serve as resources to ensure our providers have the most up to date, evidence based information recommended by nationally recognized organizations.
Legal Disclaimer: Clinical Practice Guidelines made available by Aetna Better Health Premier Plan MMAI are informational in nature and are not a substitute for the professional medical judgement of treating physicians or other health care practitioners. These guidelines are based on information available at the time and may not be updated with the most current information available at subsequent times. Individuals should consult with their physician(s) regarding the appropriateness of care or treatment options to meet their specific needs or medical condition. Disclosure of clinical practice guidelines is not a guarantee of coverage. Aetna Better Health Premier Plan MMAI health plan Members should consult their individual coverage documents for information regarding covered benefits. Aetna Better Health Premier Plan MMAI does not offer medical advice or provide medical care, and therefore cannot guarantee any results or outcomes. Aetna Better Health Premier Plan MMAI does not warrant or guarantee, and shall not be liable for any deficiencies in the information contained herein or for any inaccuracies or recommendations made by independent third parties from whom any of the information contained herein was obtained.
Approved by Quality Management and Utilization Management Committee: April 20, 2023
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