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Just contact us. Then, ask to speak with a care manager.
Learn more about your benefits
Check which topics might be helpful to you. You can learn more about each program listed below by reaching out to Member Services. You may opt in or opt out by calling Member Services at 1-800-279-1878 (TTY: 711) and/or by reaching out to your Care Manager.
We’ll help you learn more about health screenings and wellness programs. And how they can help you get and stay healthier. We’ll also provide health info through community events.
Learn more about how to stay healthy
Want to get health coaching? Or just learn more about wellness? Register for MyActiveHealth. You can get healthy living tips, watch videos about wellness, learn about a healthy lifestyle and more.
Are you expecting a child? We’ll help you get the care you need through pregnancy and after birth by:
- Providing screenings
- Offering proven treatments
- Working closely with your providers
Did you know that you can earn rewards for pregnancy and birth care? Check it out.
Some medicines pass through the mother’s bloodstream to the baby’s blood. Severe drug withdrawal symptoms can happen after the baby is born. NAS is the medical name for this condition.
Do you use alcohol, street drugs or even prescription medicine? These can harm you and your baby. Stopping suddenly can also cause harm. So be sure to get help from your doctor.
Call your primary care provider (PCP) to learn more.
Through EPSDT, children under 21 can get full preventive health care services at no cost. This includes preventive health and wellness visits, like:
- Annual checkups
- Dentist appointments
- Eye doctor appointments
Why do these visits matter? They can help doctors treat symptoms before they get worse. And in some cases, they can help prevent health issues before they start.
Have questions? Just contact us.
Some members have special health care needs and medical conditions. Our care managers include nurses who can:
- Work with different providers, agencies and groups to help you get the care you need
- Help you make appointments
- Talk about your care with your doctor
Care managers can also help members with:
- High-risk pregnancy
- Neonatal intensive care (NICU) for babies after birth
- Treatment of substance use for women and their babies after birth
If you think you need help from a care manager, contact us. Then, ask if you qualify for care management.
We help our members with chronic conditions be as healthy as they can. We’ll mail you health info to help you manage your condition. You may also get a call from a care manager. They can help you manage chronic conditions like:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- CAD (coronary artery disease)
- CHF (congestive heart failure)
- Mental health/depression
Questions about chronic condition management? Just contact us.
Want to get health coaching to help you manage your condition? Just register for MyActiveHealth. You can get healthy living tips, watch videos about wellness, learn about a healthy lifestyle and more.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, or are thinking of hurting yourself or someone else, call 911 or go to the nearest ER right away.
Check out these articles to learn more about getting the right care at the right time:
24-Hour Nurse Line and behavioral health crisis line
Call us at 1-800-279-1878 (TTY: 711). Then, choose options for Nurse Line or mental health crisis line. We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And we can link you to the right resources.
Care management after acute care
Have you or your child had a hospital stay recently? If so, you may get a call from our care management team. They’ll ask if you:
- Scheduled a follow-up visit with a PCP or specialist
- Were able to get any prescribed medicine
- Understood the discharge instructions
- Have any other needs, so they can refer you to one of our care managers
Most members 6 months and older can get a flu shot every year. Studies show which flu viruses may be the most common during the upcoming season. Seasonal flu shots protect against those three or four flu viruses. Just ask your doctor about getting the shot.
Learn how to protect yourself from the flu
Members 5 years and older can get the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19). You can ask your doctor about getting this shot. Visit the Virginia Department of Health for updates. Or check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for more info about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Substance use disorders happen when the repeated use of alcohol or drugs causes impairment. This includes:
- Health problems
- Disability
- Failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school or home
These illnesses are common, serious and tend to repeat. But many people recover with treatment.
If you need help with mental health or a substance use disorder, we’re here for you. We offer behavioral health treatment through programs like Addiction and Recovery Treatment Services (ARTS). ARTS treatment options include:
- Inpatient
- Outpatient
- Community-based
- Medication-assisted
- Peer services
- Case management
Services may require authorization.
Learn more about our behavioral health benefits
You can also get support from local resources.
Get help in a crisis
If you’re thinking of hurting yourself or someone else, get help right away:
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 988.
Behavioral health crisis line: Call us at 1-800-279-1878 (TTY: 711). Then, choose the option for mental health crisis.
Find treatment for SUDs
Learn about your behavioral health benefits