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You can learn more about our network. Just call 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.
You can learn more about our network. Just call 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.
Why our network?
Why our network?
We’ll work with you to understand your business and meet your needs. When you take part in our provider network, you benefit from:
Outcomes-based payment innovations and competitive compensation.
Timely and efficient claims processing.
Strategies that leverage your unique strengths and support services.
Agreements and operating relationships responsive to systemic and individual member issues.
Ongoing support and learning opportunities.
Advanced technology to help enhance patient care.
Get all the answers you need from our communication materials, including the provider manual, policies, newsletters and bulletins, emails, website notices, training kits and more.
We also help you:
Track member information and updates.
Find forms.
Review claims or remittance advice.
Update changes to your practice.

Your Provider Relations team

Your Provider Relations team
After you join our network, we’ll assign you a network relations consultant. They’ll be your primary point of contact with us, and they’ll be responsible for sharing important information with you. They’ll also help you with any administrative or operational concerns, like tracking member information and updates, finding forms, and reviewing claims, remittance advice, and prior authorizations.
Your network relations consultant will:
Proactively share our administrative policies and procedures.
Communicate changes and timely updates that help you in the efficient administration of our plan.
Advocate on your behalf to resolve issues.
You can also find answers in your provider materials, like your provider manual (PDF), communications, training, emails and more.
Ready to join our network?
Before you can join the OhioRISE network, you must have an active Ohio Medicaid provider ID number. If you do not have one, please visit the Ohio Department of Medicaid's application portal.
Questions? Just call us at 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711) 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Or you can email us.
- Ohio Administrative Code: Chapter 5160-26 and Chapter 5160-59.
- Sample provider network agreements:
Provider agreement and Medicaid product addendum (PDF)