Ask for PA through our Provider Portal.
By phone
Ask for PA by calling us at 1-866-874-2567 (TTY: 711).
By fax
Download our Medicaid PA request form (PDF). Then, fax it to us at 866-603-5535
And be sure to add any supporting materials for the review.
Requesting Peer to Peer Consultation for an existing Authorization
Peer to peers are scheduled by calling 1-855-711-3801 ext. 1. within the timeframe outlined in the denial notification. Peer-to-peer consultations occur between the treating practitioner and an Aetna Better Health medical director. Peer-to-peer consultations occurs timely in a accordance with the member's clinical need. Someone other than the treating practitioner can call to schedule the peer-to-peer consultation at the request of the treating practitioner. Peer to peers are not performed in the case of a retrospective review, in these instances the appeals process is to be followed.