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Opioid addiction resources and links
The SAMHSA website has many articles and educational resources about opioid use disorder. It’s a great place to get started when learning about opioid use. You can also direct our members to the site for information on getting treatment.
The SAMHSA site has information about:
- Treatment resources
- Medication-assisted treatment
- The Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) solution
- Evidenced-based treatment practices
The CDC has information about opioid use and overdose prevention including:
- Overdose facts and data
- Overdose prevention
- How to connect members to medication treatment options
Learn more about preventing prescription painkiller abuse in Florida on its Dose of Reality website.
You’ll find information like:
- Facts about painkiller abuse in Florida
- Florida’s Opioid Task Force
- Drug take-back locations
- How to find support, including treatment services and other resources
Drug take-back locations provide a safe, secure, and responsible means of disposing of unused prescription drugs. People can drop off their medications, and the location ensures proper, safe disposal.
Find a nearby drug take-back location.
Learn more about how to identify opioid use in pregnant patients and how to support them and their children.